Digestive disorders can be extremely embarrassing and debilitating. Conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, small bacterial overgrowth and colitis are extremely common and can be hard to get under control.

What most people don’t understand is that the gut plays an enormous role in brain and emotional health, joint support, skin health, immune function and so much more! Many individuals never deal with digestive symptoms, in spite of many health problems that originate with intestinal breakdown.

Signs of Digestive System Dysfunction

  • Leaky Gut Syndrome
  • Asthma & Allergies
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Auto-Immunity
  • Irritability
  • Bad Breath
  • Food Allergies/Sensitivities
  • Skin Fungus
  • Depression & Other Mood Disorders
  • Hormonal Dysfunction
  • Liver/Gallbladder Problems
  • Diarrhea/Constipation
  • IBS
  • Nutritional Malabsorption
  • Mental Disturbances
  • Acne/Eczema
  • Abdominal Bloating
  • Stomach or Duodenal Ulcers
  • Adrenal Fatigue
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • ADHD/Autism
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Rashes/Hives
  • Acid Reflux
  • Low Energy
  • Joint Pain

If you are dealing with any of these issues and want a natural solution to get well, then this program is for you!

3 Phase System for
Digestive Health Restoration

Phase I: Reset Phase

We have found that most people with the issues described above have bad bacterial balance and often they have problems with Candida overgrowth and possibly even parasites.

The reset phase is designed to significantly reduce the overall microbial level in the gut. Much like hitting a reset button on a computer when there is a glitch…this first phase gives us a chance to start over in creating the gut environment that is most conducive to good health.

Phase II: Rebuilding Phase (14 Days)

Once we reduce the microbial levels, we want to rebuild the gut lining and make it strong and stable. This phase uses food based nutrients to support the repair and development of a healthy gut lining.

In order to do this we use a very specific nutritional plan that is full of gut supportive nutrients and is devoid of highly fermentable carbohydrates that could contribute to an overgrowth of bad microbes we don’t want in our microbiome.

Phase III: ReInnoculation Phase (13 Days)

After we take the time to rebuild our gut lining, we want to reintroduce good foods to help support the development of the microbial community in our gut.

It is super critical to make this intentionally slow in order to get feedback from the body on what foods are the most tolerable and what foods the body struggles with.

The Probiotic Lifestyle:

Once we reset, rebuild, and reinnoculate the gut then we want to live a probiotic lifestyle that is centered around consuming foods that nourish our gut and support a microbial community in our digestive system.

The goal of the Digestive Health Restoration Program is to guide you through the three phases to heal your gut and improve your digestive system. We finish the 31 day plan by giving you healthy principles to apply as you endeavor onto the probiotic lifestyle in order to keep your digestive system healthy for a lifetime.

Enroll Now

Special Price: $47

What Comes With the Program:

The Digestive Health Restoration Program Manual:

This is the manual for the 30 day program that guides you through all the phases and helps you trouble shoot the biggest challenges I have seen people have over the years of doing this.

20 Advanced Strategies For Health & Performance: 

My top 20 advanced strategies in a step-by step practical guide that I use to help people overcome chronic disease. These strategies are the best technologies we have that anyone can begin using immediately to improve detoxification and enhance the body's healing process.

The Digestive Restoration Recipe Book:

This recipe book goes with the meal plan to help you navigate through the 30 day plan for optimal health. This has high quality, color photos of all the recipes and a step-by-step guide for how to make each recipe. It also contains a resource guide on where to get some of the ingredients for the recipes.

The Digestive Health Restoration Meal Plan

This is the meal plan for the whole 30 day program and guides you on what recipes to use and when. It also helps you to trouble shoot any issues you are experiencing as you go through the meal plan.

The Digestive Health Symptomatic Relief Suggestions:

This is a quick guide to how to overcome the most common digestive complaints quickly and how to prevent them from coming back in the future. This packet gives you effective suggestions that include using specific foods, herbs, healing modalities and supplements for quick and effective relief of gas and bloating, constipation, diarrhea and acid reflux.


30 –Day Digestive Health Journal:

This is designed to help you track key health indicators such as energy levels, pain levels, quality of bowel movements, brain function, etc. It also allows you to reflect on what foods may be irritating your system and what is supporting it.

The Digestive Health Quiz:

This quiz looks at key symptoms involved in digestive health and inflammation. You will take this quiz each week to chart improvement in how you feel.

The Digestive Health Video Library: 

To help you be successful we have 27 videos with key information regarding the various phases and recipe demonstrations. These videos will give you extraordinary value as you follow this 30-day plan.

Additional Benefits of This Program:

You will have access to our Digestive Health Restoration Facebook group where I will be posting key steps and strategies to help you navigate the 30 day restoration program. You will be able to interact with other members who are following the 30-day program and create relationships to help you have success.

Even though this program is based on a nutrition plan and doesn’t overemphasize any supplements (so don’t think you need to buy supplements in order to do this), you will also receive a lifetime 10% off code on all products through DrJockers.com so you can get any supplements you would like over the course of your life at a discounted rate.

You will also get a couple of other special bonuses that we are currently in development so we aren’t even going to list them.


“I am so grateful for the Gut Restoration Program that brought much needed changes in my health and overall lifestyle. I have rediscovered what it feels like to have good energy and being able to function at my body’s most optimal levels. Dr. Jockers guidance through the program and willingness to answer my questions promptly was also very helpful. Going through this program did not just bring healing to my body, but also brought me closer to God as I struggled with breaking some bad habits. I would recommend this program to anyone."


"I have been dealing with ongoing internal pain in various organs around my gut for over 4 years. I was also concerned that I had bad organisms in my digestive tract and bloodstream, and no matter how much I tried, just couldn’t seem to lose the weight I’d gained.

My quality of daily energy was a low lethargic one, which required I take an afternoon nap as often as I could. I started on Dr. Jockers digestive health program and it was hard at first, but I did my best to follow it exactly how it was written in the E-books he gave us.
To my delight, the results were incredible - noticeably flatter stomach, and the disappearance of my gut pain! I have also lost 10lbs since completing this cleanse.

I now enjoy consistent energy throughout the day, and no longer suffer from “foggy” thinking, but instead my mind is alert and clear."


"I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis 9 years ago and my life has been a complete stand still since then. I have has loose, bloody stools, brain fog, depression, painful joints chronic fatigue and overall weakness. I tried over 8 different medications for over 3 years without any results.

I tried all the nutrition programs including the blood type diet, metabolic typing, breaking the vicious cycle diet and every other program you can imagine. I got some temporary relief but not of these programs provided a lasting solution.

I was at the end of my rope when I decided to start Dr. Jockers program. As I started on this program I lost weight and got to 123 lbs (I am 5’11”), which worried me, but then I noticed my bowel movements were getting better. I slowly gained weight, had less pain and more energy.

After three weeks I no longer had loose stools, my brain fog was clearing, and I was beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Fast forward 4 months later and I currently weigh 170 pounds and gaining (mostly muscle). I have no brain fog, joints feel great and have healthy bowel movements (I have found a new appreciation for bowel movements).

I can say without a doubt I am sitting here today feeling healthy and hopeful about my future because of Dr. Jockers. Thanks Doc!"

Jenny Keaney

"Dr. Jockers, thank you so much for your Digestive Health Restoration Program! I started this program with low energy, brain fog, tired every afternoon, severe rashes on my hands, adrenal fatigue, and many other small issues affecting my quality of life. This program was very comprehensive, covering every aspect of digestive health. A program like this can be overwhelming, but it was very well laid out and easy to follow. From the Facebook group and daily emails to the guide books and videos, I felt very equipped and supported. The recipes and meal plans are probably the biggest piece that helped me make it through such a restrictive diet.

I’m not sure I would have known where to start cutting out onions, garlic, broccoli, asparagus, and many of the foods I normally eat those first few weeks. I still have some healing to do, but the biggest changes I’ve seen are more energy throughout the day and better sleep at night. I also have much more patience and calm in stressful situations, which I think is a sign that my adrenals are healing. I also feel very empowered to know what steps to take as I continue to heal, along with a vast library of resources to refer back to. I highly recommend this program!"

Digestive Health Restoration Program E-Book $25

Complete Stomach Acid Guide to Optimal Digestion $25

20 Advanced Strategies for Health & Performance $20

The Digestive Restoration Recipe Book $20

The Digestive Health Symptomatic Relief Suggestions $10

The 30-Day Digestive Health Journal Free Bonus

The Digestive Health Quiz Free Bonus

Video Library $270

Total $350

Program Savings $303

Program Investment $47

Special Price: $47

Frequently Asked Questions

I have small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) and realize that most digestive health and leaky gut programs don’t address this. Will this program help me?

A: Yes, this program is designed most specifically for individuals suffering from SIBO and we also have a few special tweaks based on the kind of SIBO you are dealing with.

Will I need to purchase supplements in order to do the program?

A: No, this program is designed around specific nutrition programs, detoxification strategies, and advanced healing techniques. I do recommend certain supplements but there is no requirement to purchase anything and many people can have success without supplements although the supplements may improve the speed of healing and overall results.

 If I am already taking a probiotic and other digestive health supplements…will I be able to continue?

A: In phase I, we recommend coming off of all probiotics but in phase II and III we recommend probiotics. If you feel as though you are getting excellent results with current supplements than continue to use them.

 I have been through a digestive health program in the past and I am still not better. What makes this different?

A: This program was designed after 10 years of experience helping hundreds of others overcome their digestive challenges. Rather than just having you eat healthy whole foods and taking probiotics, this program uses modified elimination diets and tolerance testing as you slowly add certain highly fermentable foods back in order to learn what foods are best used by your body.

At the end of this 30-day program, you should understand a lot about your own body and the foods you respond the best to and what you should avoid for a period of time.

 What kind of results can I expect from the program?

A: Most people notice improved digestion, better bowel movements, more energy, better hormonal balance, less pain, improved brain function, mood, memory, and sleep. It is really remarkable what I have seen happen over the years with many different clients. This is a classic program that I use with autoimmune patients, those with depression/anxiety, and individuals with digestive challenges.

 How do I know I am going to get the results I want?

A: Unfortunately, we are unable to guarantee that everyone is going to have great results, however, I feel so confident in this program that I am willing to give you a 30-day full refund if you don’t feel like the program was successful for you.

 If I am traveling or going out of town…can I do this program?

A: It is going to be very challenging to do this program if you are traveling. If it is just a long weekend then it is possible but if you are going for a week or more then I wouldn’t recommend doing this unless you are SUPER committed.

 If I have any problems as I am going through the program, who do I email?

A: You will email me info@drjockers.com to address your questions and get you the best possible solutions and an explanation so you can understand what is taking place.

 I have ulcerative colitis and my friend has Crohn’s disease, will this program help us?

A: Yes, I believe it will be life transforming for you. This is my go to program for individuals suffering from these same exact problems.

 Can you exercise during this program?

A: Yes, you can exercise during this program. In fact, I strongly recommend it. Based on your health history we can advise on what type of exercise would be best.

About Dr. David Jockers DNM, DC, MS

Dr. David Jockers is a doctor of natural medicine and runs one of the most popular natural health websites DrJockers.com which has gotten over 1 million monthly visitors, and his work has been seen on popular media such as the Dr Oz show and Hallmark Home and Family.
Dr Jockers is the author of the best-selling books, “The Keto Metabolic Breakthrough” by Victory Belt Publishing and “The Fasting Transformation.”  He is a world-renowned expert in the area of metabolic health, fasting, brain health, inflammation and functional nutrition.  

He is also the host of the popular Dr Jockers Functional Nutrition podcast which has been consistently ranked among the top 50 health and fitness podcasts and has been the #1 ranked nutrition podcast in the world. 

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