Graphic Designer
Stephen Johnson currently resides in Gulf Shores, AL with his wife, Anjaneth and Son, Caleb.
His passions in life are using the gifts that God has placed him in to serve, be a blessing to others and ultimately bring Him glory through the gifts he has entrusted him with in creative art and music.
Stephen was introduced to Dr. Jockers by one of his patients that he attended church with. “This was a two-fold blessing as Dr. Jockers provided me with an amazing opportunity to use my creative gifting and grow in it. I was also introduced to Dr. Jockers at a critical time as my health was failing. He and his staff at Exodus provided me with care and knowledge to get on track with my healing. As Exodus’ slogan says, “God needs no help…Just no interference”! I have been able to implement all that I continue to learn to my body and promote continual healing and health.”
Stephen has worked for Dr. Jockers since 2014. His main responsibilities are to create custom graphic images for articles, digital programs and office marketing materials. Stephen most enjoys projects where he can use his creative abilities to the max by expressing the message of the content in a visually appealing way.