Methylation is a critical process that happens trillions of times in every cell each minute. It is one of the most essential metabolic functions of the body and is dependent upon a variety of enzymes. Adapting to stress and the challenges of life is an aspect that methylation provides the body. Without adequate methylation processes the individual cannot adapt effectively and will suffer the delirious effects of accelerated aging.
Methylation is a controlled transfer of a methyl group (one carbon and three hydrogen atoms) onto proteins, amino acids, enzymes and DNA in every cell and tissue of the body to regulate healing, cell energy, genetic expression of DNA, liver detoxification, immunity and neurology.
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Cardiovascular Disease
Multiple Sclerosis
Psychiatric Disorders
Chronic Inflammation
[column lg=”4″ md=”12″ sm=”12″ xs=”12″ ]
NeuroTransmitter Imbalances
Abnormal Immune Function
Fertility & Miscarriages
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Chronic Fatigue
Down’s Syndrome
Pregnancy Problems
Methylation is involved in almost every bodily biochemical reaction, and occurs billions of times every second in our cells. That’s why figuring out where there are challenges in the cycle and how to help it perform better will significantly improve our health.
There are many key functions of methylation, for example methylation is intimately involved in all of the following processes:
Those Who are Suffering From or Have a Family History of:
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Cardiovascular Disease
Birth Defects
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Psychiatric Disorders
Auto_immune Disorders
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NeuroDegenerative Disorders
Understand where your methylation cycle is breaking down
Address risk factors for chronic disease and psychiatric disorders
Lower the risk of birth defects, miscarriages and developmental disorders
Methylation imbalances are often not considered by most doctors and health coaches. Most health care practitioners and health coaches have little to no education in methylation. Those who are well educated in this subject are the premium when it comes to getting to the underlying cause of your health problems.
Specific blood work can evaluate the plasma levels of methionine, cysteine, SAMe, SAH, Homocysteine and cystathione. These tests also give the important “methylation index” (ratio of SAMe to SAH). The results of this test can guide the nutritional support to improve methionine metabolism, reducing homocysteine and the consequences of inadequate methylation and transsulfuration capacity.
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Methylation Index
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TOTAL COST: $255.00
Fortunately, because of the many thousands of newsletter readers and social media followers, my team has been able to network with a great lab distributor and get the best possible pricing for everyone. The retail value (using market value and insurance based rates) is highly inflated and driving up the cost of health care. This is the old, archaic method that many people are still using and paying way more for insurance and co-pays than they really should be. Many intelligent people are saving insurance premium dollars and turning to pay by order labs such as DirectLabs and others. These skip the middle man (doctors’ visits) and cut down costs for the patient.
My team has been able to beat all of these other methods when it comes to providing the best educational descriptions behind the tests and superior savings. By using DrJockers.com as your source you will save time and money and know exactly the right tests for you so you can get well quicker with less cost. Additionally, when you order special labs from DrJockers.com you will receive a free email with a summary of your results and lifestyle and supplement recommendations from Dr Jockers himself or a well-qualified team member.
If the test requires blood work you can take your kit to any local lab and have the trained professional take your blood and fill out the kit and send it in the mail.
Urine and blood prick tests can all be done in the comfort of your home and sent into the lab with the mailing slip in your kit. All instructions will be sent to you with the kit. It is a very simple process that most anyone can figure out. The lab also has a customer service phone # if any help is needed.
I’m interested in possibly purchasing the Methylation Pathways test, but I’m not sure if it will show everything needed for me, as I am a complicated case. Does the fee include someone going over it, or is that extra?
I have several genetic SNPs from a previous test, but I have not done a full Methylation test. I have been suffering from Chronic Lymes disease for 25+ yrs, mold and co infections for somewhat less. I have seen over 23-25 specialist/ Drs, but unfortunately, I cannot seem to get well.
Can you tell me the difference of your test and Genova’s Methylation test, I was thinking of doing theirs, but It is far more expensive.
Thank you,