4 Ways to Improve Your Children’s Nutrition

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children's nutrition

4 Ways to Improve Your Children’s Nutrition

Children’s nutrition is extremely important for the future of humanity.  The food we eat provides the raw materials for healthy cells in our body.   Children need high quality nutrition to function and perform at their peak.   Our society trains children to devalue the importance of high quality food choices.  Raising healthy children takes determination and great meal planning on the part of the parents.

Most government provided school lunches are packed full of toxic genetically modified, highly processed foods that offer no real nutritional content other than calories.  Micronutrients and anti-oxidants are never considered in designing these meal plans.  Additionally, our society has bought into the idea that it is acceptable for children to eat junk food at parties and events.

To raise a healthy family in the 21st Century world you must be different!  90% of what we are sold as healthy food for kids is not good.  Whole grains and pasteurized dairy are used in abundance as healthy parts of a daily diet.  Unfortunately, gluten containing grains and pasteurized dairy are inflammatory foods that are linked with digestive problems, allergies, concentration challenges and much more.

Children's nutrition

Breakfast Foods

Ideal breakfast foods for children’s nutrition include low-glycemic foods that have good fats and clean proteins to keep stable blood sugar.  Berries are a great addition as they are loaded with antioxidants and are low-glycemic so they help maintain a healthy blood sugar.  Berries are a thin skin and sprayed heavily with pesticide in conventional practices so it is important to get these organic.

Great fats for kids include coconut products, avocados, & extra virgin olive oil.  Nuts and seeds are great but they should ideally be raw, soaked and sprouted.  The best seeds include hemp, flax, pumpkin, sesame, black sesame and sunflower.  All nuts are great except for peanuts which often contain fungal toxins and are highly allergenic and inflammatory.

Children's nutrition

Best Protein Sources:

Great protein foods for children’s nutrition include 100% grass-fed beef products, 100% grass-fed raw cheese products, organic eggs, organic chicken & turkey, wild fish from clean waters and wild game from cleaner parts of the country.

The best way to begin the day is high-quality liquid nutrition.  Making a shake with frozen, organic blueberries, cinnamon, organic almond or coconut milk, extra virgin coconut oil for more good fats and bone broth protein is fantastic.   One could also substitute organic, raw eggs or a sprouted hemp, pea & brown rice based protein.

Lunch and Snack Foods:

Lunch should consist of soaked and sprouted nuts and seeds.  Granola’s, crackers and cookies can be made out of soaked and sprouted nuts & seeds and flavored with low-glycemic sweeteners like stevia & coconut nectar.  At home, a stevia sweetened chocolate avocado mousse is a great treat that contains no sugar and lots of good fats and anti-oxidants

Great snack foods include raw veggies like carrots, celery, cucumbers, red cabbage & bell peppers.   Almond butter, guacamole and hummus can be used for dips for these veggies.  Also, raw nuts, coconut flakes, dried berries and cacao nibs can be combined to make a great antioxidant trail mix.

Children's nutrition

Best Foods For Dinner:

Children’s nutrition for dinners should be designed around high quality animal protein, healthy fats and veggies.  This could be grass-fed beef, lamb, bison, organic chicken, turkey, duck, eggs, wild game, wild fish, etc.  Steamed or sautéed veggies along with a baby spinach salad is great.  Make a dressing with fresh squeezed lemon, dried herbs and extra virgin olive oil.

Starches that are okay to use include brown rice, quinoa, sweet potatoes, yams & sprouted grain breads.  Sweet potato fries can be made with sliced sweet potatoes grilled with coconut oil on a stainless steel pan.  A mashed potato alternative can be made out of steamed cauliflower or sweet potato.

We have many great recipes and a detailed nutrition and lifestyle program in our Sugar Detox program that is great for children aged 5 and up.  Check out the program here

Children's nutrition

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  1. Great article. What protein power so you recommend?
    Also what supplements do you recommend for children & adults brains everyday?
    I love your newsletter.

  2. Dear Dr Jockers,
    Thank you for your wonderful work and your generous sharing of excellent advice. Please may I ask:
    For toddlers (< 3yrs) at risk of learning difficulties, which supplements would you recommend to optimise gut-brain function? Thanks so much.

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