Reversed HyperTension and Chronic Anxiety
12 years ago I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and placed on medication. I was told I would be on this for the rest of my life. In 2009, after an evaluation for anxiety attacks, I was placed on Citalopram. Now, I was really scared, not one but 2 medications had become a fixture of my daily routine. Atenolol for my pressure and Citalopram for anxiety. I dread medication and their side effects but feared the progressive toll of these diseases even more.
After ingesting, what I calculate to be around 4,380 Atenolol tablets, my pressure stayed clinically high despite varying the strength of the medication. Nothing made a positive difference in the effort to stabilize my pressure. With every pill I swallowed, I asked God to lead me to a healthier life.
Body By God class with her Church Group:
Sunday, April 11, 2011 Dr. David Jockers was the guest speaker at a social gathering I almost did not attend. I simply had too many things to do before work on Monday. I would make the next meeting. Thank God I didn’t end up skipping this one. Dr. Jockers spoke very convincingly on the principles of Maximized Living and living the way God intended for us.
I had to take a shot at this and I am happy I did. On Monday, Sept 19, 2011, I placed my medication (which was sitting at home unused since mid July) in the collection bin at the Exodus office. I was medication free, since mid July including the Citalopram and felt so natural with that fact; I kept forgetting the unused medication, until Dr. Jockers reminded me, I needed to bring it in. My pressure is stabilized within healthy margins for the first time in 12 years
Thank God Almighty I am Free at Last!
I am too much an introvert to really shout the words which continue to ring in my heart each time I reflect on my healing and which Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. made famous. “Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty I am free at last.” I can hardly explain the relief I feel. I just know for the first time in a long time, I feel great and am not popping pills.
I continue to know there is a great God, who places you in the right place at the right time and won’t let you miss that appointment. Now I want my entire family to experience their God given potential, especially my grand children.
Bev Gordon
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