Does Green Coffee Bean Extract Help You Lose Weight?

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Green Coffee Bean Extract and Weight Loss

Green coffee bean extract has been marketed and has become one of the top selling weight loss products in recent years and with good reason. The health benefits of green coffee bean extract are real and can improve both mental and physical performance.  The question is, does green coffee bean extract help you lose weight?

Coffee is a major commodity enjoyed worldwide and one of the greatest sources of antioxidants found in people’s diets today. This caffeinated beverage has unfortunately been labeled harmful food due to the negative health associations with caffeine.

The impact of caffeine on every person is different and can pose a serious health hazard to some while others tolerate caffeine well. Not as unhealthy as once though, polyphenols are a class of antioxidants contained in coffee and coffee can be seen as a very healthy beverage when regularly consumed.

Two Major Classifications of Coffee

The two major categories of coffee plants are Robusta and Arabica. The Arabica coffee plant is highest in the polyphenols chlorogenic and caffeic acid. These antioxidant properties makes Arabica coffee one of the best coffee types. Unfortunately, the process of roasting coffee reduces the antioxidant content of the finished coffee product and most coffee drinkers are not receiving these health benefits (3). Green coffee beans however are coffee beans that have not been roasted and are packed with antioxidants. (1, 5)

In fact, green coffee bean extract is highly bioavailable in humans. Clinical studies have shown that antioxidants with impressive anti-inflammatory effects on the body are present in green coffee extract and readily absorbed.

The two major types of chlorgenic acids found in nature, caffeoylquinic acids (CQA) and dicaffeoylquinic acids (diCQA), are primarily responsible for the nutraceutical properties of green coffee bean extract. These natural phenolic compounds support the immune system and assist in various functions such as insulin activity for maintaining health. (5)

Furthermore, hazardous chemicals are sprayed on coffee plant crops which are known to affect the health of the kidneys, liver and bowels, promote cancerous growth and mimic hormones. More than 1000 toxins are sprayed via pesticide and herbicide used on conventional coffee crops making it detrimental to your health to choose anything other than organic coffee.

Avoid Instant and Dark Roast

It is also essential to your health to avoid instant and deeply roasted coffee beans and brews. A potent carcinogen called acrylamide is produced when the beans are subjected to high temperature cooking methods (1). Baking, frying and roasting damages the sugars in the bean which results in an unfavorable interaction with the amino acid asparagine and thus produces acrylamide.

If these hazards associated with coffee consumption are avoided, coffee consumption can significantly benefit health. Regular coffee intake has been shown to decrease the risk of type-2 diabetes and those with greater coffee consumption have an increased reduction in risks (2, 4). The polyphenol chlorogenic acid was shown in a 2011 study to inhibit the formation and release of excess glucose into the body and to better control body weight. (5)

green coffee bean

Green Coffee Extract Stabilizes Blood Sugar

Chlorogenic acid is the major antioxidant found in green coffee bean extract (3). One clinical study found that 400 mg of green coffee bean extract resulted in a 32% lower post-meal blood glucose spike. Not only essential to healthy aging, but regulating levels of blood sugar is critical to maintaining a healthy weight.

When too much sugar including grain is consumed, blood sugar cycles through periods of hyperglycemia (hyper= high) and hypoglycemia (hypo-low). A cycle of high and low levels of blood sugar aggravates the body causing inflammation and damage to organs, hormonal pathways and the immune system (4, 5).

Blood Sugar and Weight Loss:

A major cause of weight gain is the imbalance of blood sugar. Elevated fasting blood sugar levels occurs when muscles and the liver release glucose into the bloodstream even though there is already elevated sugar concentrations.

In other words, the body can be viewed as eating its own tissue when this results. Nighttime is characterized by high levels of glucose-6-phosphatase (G6P) enzyme activity which results in this “self-eating” phenomenon. (4)

The study in which 400 mg of green coffee bean extract had such a tremendous impact on lowering blood sugar levels that this equates to lowering a dangerous level of 144mg/dL blood glucose to only 109 mg/dL following a meal. This is made possible by the presence of chlorogenic acid and its ability to inhibit the activity of the G6P enzyme. Furthermore, researchers found that green coffee extract lowered post-meal glucose by inhibiting the absorption of sugar across the intestine and suppresses fat accumulation. (4, 5)

green coffee bean

Fasting Blood Sugar Levels

Healthy fasting blood sugar levels should range between 65 to 85 mg/dL. Healthy sugar levels 2 hours after a meal should never reach beyond 120 mg/dL. Higher levels than what is recommended is evidence of oxidative stress and damage to the body’s cells and tissue.

The health benefits of a stabilized blood sugar metabolism is the answer for many people’s struggles to lose weight and have improved mental clarity, hormone function, detoxification properties and energy. Raw green coffee bean extract is an excellent superfood to regulate glucose levels and assist in a healthy and sustainable weight loss.

green coffee bean

Weight Loss Support

The liver plays a critical role when it comes to metabolic functions in the body and its health is vital for breaking down fat. Excess glucose circulating the body results in the storage of fat in body tissue.

To both avoid and promote the metabolism of fat from the body, chlorogenic acid promotes liver function. This better enables the liver to break down fat and prevents it from building up as fatty body tissue. Instead, energy is more readily produced when blood sugar remains constant and fat metabolism is possible. As chlorogenic acid stimulates a healthier liver and fat is broken down, fatty accumulation is also reduced in the body when coupled with a healthy lifestyle. (3, 4, 5)

So does green coffee bean extract help you lose weight?  The answer is yes, by helping you stabilize your blood sugar and reduce inflammation.  This will support the fat burning mechanisms within your body and promote ketosis and optimal body weight.

Is Green Coffee Bean Extract Right for You?

If you decide to use green coffee bean extract to aid in your weight loss goals, you should also be sure to increase your water intake. Caffeine has a diuretic effect which will cause your body to excrete more water than normal.  Consider water sourced from a natural spring or from a deep water filtration system to limit environmental toxins in your diet.

A product I use on a personal level on a regular basis is Energy Charge.  This product is the most advanced energy drink ever created.  Most energy drinks give you a short term caffeine rush that may last 4-5 hours.  They are also full of toxic additives, preservatives, sweeteners, etc that totally wreck your hormones and metabolism.

Energy charge uses a proprietary blend with various herbs and amino acids, including green coffee bean extract, green tea extract, taurine, resveratrol, vitamin C, methyl-B12, acetylated glutathione and L-arginine alphaketoglutarate. This proprietary blend is called Purenergy.

Initial reports suggest that Purenergy’s caffeine may be absorbed more slowly and stay in your system longer than regular caffeine, which may help your energy last longer, up to 9 hours after consumption.  With just 5 g of carbohydrate per serving and zero sugars, Energy Charge simply gives your body what it needs to produce energy and burn fat.

green coffee bean

Sources for this Article Include:

1. Svilaas A, et al. Intakes of antioxidants in coffee, wine, and vegetables are correlated with plasma carotenoids in humans. J Nutr. 2004 Mar;134(3):562-7. PMID: 14988447
2. Phys Org Link Here
3. Omega Soul Research Link Here
4. Onakpoya I, Terry R, and Ernst E. The Use of Green Coffee Extract as a Weight Loss Supplement: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomised Clinical Trials. Gastroenterol Res Pract. 2010 Aug. PMCID: 2943088
5. Farah A, et al. Chlorogenic Acids from Green Coffee Extract are Highly Bioavailable in Humans. Am Soc Nutr. 2008 Dec; 138 (12) 2309-2315. Link Here

Stress Resilience, Stress Resilience: 12 Strategies to Grow Stronger Through Stress

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Dr. Jockers

Dr David Jockers is passionate about seeing people reach their health potential in mind, body and spirit. He is the host of the popular “Dr Jockers Functional Nutrition” podcast and the author of the best-selling books, “The Keto Metabolic Breakthrough” and “The Fasting Transformation.”


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  1. Hope this is a misprint: “making it detrimental to your health to choose organic coffee.”

  2. Hi Dr Jockers, thank you for this great article! I’m wondering if you have ever heard of green coffee causing severe brain fog and fatigue. It seems to have the opposite effect on me, even causing my already red/flushed cheeks to become more inflamed.

    I recently went through mold toxicity, and although I’ve gone through some rounds of anti-fungals, I’m wondering if the green coffe (chlorogenic acid) could be causing further detox in my brain. Or if I am the odd duck who seems to have the opposite reaction than everyone else seems to have with green coffee.

    I would like to keep taking it in a smaller dose if it could be helping with detox, but not if it’s making me worse.

    I would really appreciate any insight or suggestions you might have!

    1. Hey Audrey, yes it is possible as some people have an immune sensitivity to coffee bean. I would recommend taking it out for a month and see if you feel better.

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