Grain Free Brownies with Coconut Cream Frosting

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grain-free brownies

Grain Free Brownies with Coconut Frosting

Grain free brownies with coconut cream frosting is a recipe from my wife Angel, who loves to make food and home and body care recipes that support people’s journey to optimal health.  Check out my wife’s website, instagram and facebook page where she shares stories and pics about our life.  We know that you will LOVE this recipe!

If you enjoy recipes like this, you may be interested in my advanced nutrition and recipe book the Keto Metabolic Breakthrough.

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Grain-Free Brownies with Coconut Frosting




Yield 10 Brownies


FROSTING Ingredients:


Step #1:  Preheat oven to 350.

Step #2:  Mix ingredients in a large bowl with a mixer or KitchenAid.

Step #3:  Pour in 4 x 8 loaf pan.

Step #4:  Bake for 20-25 minutes.

Step #5:  Let cool before eating, or place in fridge until cool (about 10 min).

Step #6:  Mix all frosting ingredients together and frost brownies after cooled.

Step #7:  Enjoy your grain-free brownies and coconut cream frosting!


***The nutrition info for this recipe is based on the linked ingredients above**  

**Nutritional info does not include optional ingredients. 

Courses Dessert or Snack

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size 1 brownie

Amount Per Serving

Calories 293

% Daily Value

Total Fat 23 g


Total Carbohydrates 16 g


Dietary Fiber 9 g


Sugars 1 g

Protein 8 g


* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.

grain-free brownies

Dr Jockers Comments:

I absolutely LOVE baked chocolate keto goodies and these grain-free brownies are incredible!  Chocolate and coconut are a phenomenal superfood combination that boosts brain function and neurotransmitter activity.  The pasture-raised eggs provide high quality protein, fat soluble anti-oxidants, CLA and omega-3 fatty acids! What a combination!!!

The main sweeteners I use are monk fruit and stevia.  The keto maple syrup is a combo of monk fruit and erythritol, which don’t impact our blood sugar.   Try a dropper full of stevia for the frosting in the beginning and see if that is enough.  If you want it more sweet add a bit more but remember that stevia is 100 times more sweet than honey.

The most dominant ingredient in these grain-free brownies is minimally processed chocolate, called cacao.  This superfood is loaded with dopamine boosting nutrients.  It is one of the best sources of PEA’s which are natural compounds that cross over the blood brain barrier and stimulate and modulate the release of dopamine in the brain.  Cacao is also very rich in magnesium and zinc and chromium which help to balance and stabilize blood sugar.

Cacao also helps to boost serotonin and contains endorphin Anandamide which is considered the “bliss chemical.”  This combination of ingredients makes raw chocolate the best mood boosting superfood.  Be careful not to overdo the chocolate though as the body may develop a sensitivity to some of the compounds in the chocolate and create adrenal stress.

Try out these grain-free brownies and let us know your thoughts in the comments box below!

grain-free brownies

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Dr. Jockers

Dr David Jockers is passionate about seeing people reach their health potential in mind, body and spirit. He is the host of the popular “Dr Jockers Functional Nutrition” podcast and the author of the best-selling books, “The Keto Metabolic Breakthrough” and “The Fasting Transformation.”


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Dr Jockers




  1. With absolutely NO sweetener & a cup of Raw Cacao, these brownies will taste like the inside of a Raw Persimmon! EEEWWW! And how can there be a “solid” consistency with nothing to hold the liquid together?

    1. I say try it, and see if you like it. I will. I make paleo bread with just almond butter, honey, and vanilla, and the consistency is perfect. I’m excited to try it with my daughter, and I’m always looking for ways for her to eat healthier!

    2. The egg and cacao create the texture of a brownie… it’s also how you make flourless chocolate cake (that’s a thing too) it’s amazing for those of us who don’t want to eat gluten free flour but are allergic to wheat flour. Enjoy!

  2. This recipe on Megan’s site includes maple syrup in the brownies. Was this purposefully or accidentally left out? Also, I tried to make this with cacao nibs….epic fail. It certainly needs a cocoa powder of sorts.

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