Graves Disease Healed:
In April of 2013, I was diagnosed with Graves Disease, an autoimmune hyperthyroid condition. My symptoms included rapid weight loss, high blood pressure, anxiety, fast heart rate, and extreme fatigue.
My endocrinologist told me that my only options were to remove my thyroid or to undergo thyroid radiation which would permanently destroy it. I felt extremely discouraged and overwhelmed at the thought of losing my thyroid and having to take Synthroid for the rest of my life.
Given No Hope:
My doctor told me that there was nothing that I could do naturally and that this disease was irreversible. I agreed to take a thyroid suppressing medication to alleviate my symptoms, but I began to seek help elsewhere for alternative treatment. I received help from a naturopathic doctor who started me on the path to a gluten free diet, but this was only one piece to the puzzle.
I was not seeing enough results and began to get skeptical that any natural remedy would work. After several months of no positive outcome I met a friend at church who recommended I see Dr. Jockers.
Exodus Health Center Gets the Results
In October of 2013 I started at Exodus Health Center on an elimination diet and a chiropractic care plan. The change in diet and overall lifestyle was very challenging at first, but I was determined to take responsibility for my health and to do whatever it took for me to be healed.
After being on the health plan for six months I was able to completely come off of my medication. My weight, blood pressure and heart rate have normalized and I have no more fatigue. My endocrinologist continues to seem surprised that my condition is reversing.
I have hope again and I thank the Lord that He sent me to Dr. Jockers and his team at Exodus Health Center. I am still on the road to reaching optimum health, but I am getting closer and closer to my goal as I stick to this new healthy lifestyle.
Dr. Kickers, I really need to do this program. I’ve been sick with Hashimoto s for 10 years now. I never knew that there were programs like this that I can get my health back.
Unfortunately I can not afford this. Do you do any type of scholarships for those of us that are on a fixed income?
I really really want to be normal again and healthy.
Hey Vicki, we have several helpful articles to help get you started:
Hello! I was diagnosed with Graves disease and I have been struggling a lot. Everything seems to be alright while on medications but the moment I stopped taking them – all the symptoms were coming back immediately. I was even advised to remove my thyroid. I was desperate and i tried homeopathy treatment. I didn’t believe in it at all but guess what? It worked! I don’t have any symptoms no (no crazy heartbeat, I am not nervous etc.) and i don;t take any medications. Oh, want to share as well that right after i took the homeopathy medicine (in my case they were some drops) my symptoms sharpen a lot and I got scared but thought have nothing to lose so i continue taking it. on the very next day my symptoms disappeared. Later i was told that it was normal for the symptoms to sharpen in the homeopathy. Good luck to everyone!
What was the homeopathic medicine? I also have Graves. Thanks Dina
Lycopus europaeus
What was the homeopathy medicine? Drops?