Grounding Your Body for Optimal Health:
Grounding your body on a daily basis may be one of the best things you can do for the health of your mind and body. Walking barefoot on the earth has been a staple part of human and animal life since the beginning of time. In the past couple of generations, humans have made shoes, sandals, and boots that insulate us from the natural energies of the Earth. The electromagnetic energy from the Earth is has profound healing effects on the body.
Although these shoes protect our feet they also deprive us of the free electrons present in the ground. Grounding our bodies with barefoot exposure has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect that is a genetic requirement for optimal health. I affectionately call grounding, vitamin G, as it is nearly as essential as any other nutrient for optimal health.
Nature is a Healing Source:
Our world has more medical technology than ever before. Much of this is good, however, there is no substitute for the healing forces found naturally on Earth. Nature itself is a powerful healing source.
The sun produces vitamin D3, and the plants and vegetation give us antioxidants, trace minerals, and chlorophyll among other things. The Earth itself provides a powerful form of free electrons that are available to everyone by merely exposing our bodies to these natural energies present on the ground.
Our bodies are a living matrix of energetically charged biochemical circuits that are charged and coordinated through the activity of the central nervous system. The Earth itself is regulated by subtle, but dynamic electrical circuits. The electrical crosstalk between the Earth and our central nervous system helps to program trillions of biochemical reactions.
Earth’s Electrical Rhythms
The Earth’s electrical rhythms play a significant role in the natural circadian rhythms that govern our sleep/wake cycle, hormones, mood, and energy production. Studies taken on people fully disconnected from this natural electrical rhythm have shown abnormal circulating cortisol levels, indicating abnormal stress responses (1).
Additionally, disconnected people often struggle with issues such as insomnia, hormone disruption, chronic pain, headaches, and fatigue among other things (2, 3).
Humans have always connected with the Earth’s electrical energy through our feet. This is evidenced by the 1300 nerve endings per square inch on the sole of the foot. Compared to other parts of the body, that is an incredibly high density of nerve enrichment. This is necessary for balance, stability, and coordination of the foot, but also to absorb the electrical energy present on the Earth (4).
The Problem with Modern Shoes
Modern shoe soles have separated man from the electrical energy of the ground with insulating covers. Most people go weeks to months without ever having direct skin to ground contact with the Earth for longer than a minute. These people live completely disconnected from the planet which leads to a dysrhythmic function within the mind & body.
The human body has a very similar makeup to the Earth, being they are both a combination of water and minerals. This combination is what conducts electrical currents. Our bodies were made to be connected with the Earth and this subtle electrical energy has extremely powerful effects on our health and well-being (5).
Grounding Basics:
If you wear shoes everywhere you go the whole Earth will feel like leather! Take your shoes off and begin to truly experience the benefits of the Earth!
1) Take Off Your Shoes: Avoid wearing shoes whenever possible
2) Sit Down Barefoot: Sit outside barefoot with your feet on grass or soil.
3) Walk Barefoot: Walk or run barefoot outside on grass, sand, or soil. Moist ground or grass is the perfect electrical conductor.
4) Let Your Body Touch the Earth: Expose any part of the body to the Earth, ground, or any natural waters like lakes, streams, or oceans. Walking in salt water is one of the best grounding techniques due to the combination of earth, water, and electrolytes.
5) Sit on a Tree: Sit or lean on the trunk or limb of a tree to share some of its natural electricity.
The benefits of earthing include reduced inflammation and better internal stress management. This results in better sleep, enhanced immunity, less pain, and a better state of mind and quality of mind (6). Many individuals report significantly better memory, creativity, innovativeness, and spiritual direction after spending time connecting with the Earth.
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy
While grounding is something all of us should be doing on a daily basis, Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF) therapy is an increasingly popular alternative healing method that uses pulsed electromagnetic fields to stimulate your body on a cellular level. This is similar to grounding and may even be more beneficial for supporting human health.
PEMF supports repair, recovery, and overall health. PEMF therapy may help to improve your energy, support circulation, aid detoxification, improve your sleep, reduce inflammation, lower pain, support your immune function, aid cognitive function, and boost your mood.
The electromagnetic fields that PEMF therapy generates are very low frequency, mostly in the extremely low-frequency (ELF) range. They only operate somewhere between 50 and 60 Hz. This is a lot less than your average cell phone that generates EMFs between 1.9 and 2.2 GHz.
Moreover, the EMF pulsation created during PEMF therapy sends waves of electromagnetic energy that help to engage and then relax your cells. This helps to promote proper cell function and cellular regeneration. PEMF therapy operates at a safe level that supports your health.
HigherDOSE PEMF Infrared Mat
One of my favorite PEMF devices is this HigherDOSE PEMF Infrared Mat. This PEMF mat offers full-body benefits. It also combines PEMF technology with infrared therapy and it is made with a thick layer of 100% natural purple Amethyst crystals and tourmaline minerals to absorb electromagnetic energy and provide that real deep therapeutic dose.
It may help to reduce stress, support sleep, improve energy, improve circulation, and improve muscle recovery. It offers 4 different levels to adjust according to your needs.
You can combine your PEMF practice with some meditation or guided muscle relaxation. It is also a great option for heating up your body for a yoga or stretching session, warming up your muscles pre-workout, relaxing before bedtime, or simply recharging your body while reading, listening to music, or answering some emails. Use the coupon code DRJOCKERS to save 15% off on HigherDOSE products including the PEMF mats.
Office Chair Go Mat
My other favorite is this HigherDOSE Office Chair Go PEMF Infrared Mat. This device is great if you are a busy person and would rather use PEMF technology while sitting in your chair working. Of course, it’s still better if you use this time for journaling, meditation, or other relaxing activities to enhance healing.
This PEMF device may help to reduce stress, boost mood, increase energy, and lower chronic pain. It offers 4 different levels to adjust according to your needs. It may be a great option to take with you if you are traveling. It’s the same mat you love but in a portable size. It fits in your chair and it’s perfectly travel-ready. Use the coupon code DRJOCKERS to save 15% off on HigherDOSE products including the PEMF mats.
Inflammation Crushing Ebundle
The Inflammation Crushing Ebundle is designed to help you improve your brain, liver, immune system and discover the healing strategies, foods and recipes to burn fat, reduce inflammation and Thrive in Life!
As a doctor of natural medicine, I have spent the past 20 years studying the best healing strategies and worked with hundreds of coaching clients, helping them overcome chronic health conditions and optimize their overall health.
In our Inflammation Crushing Ebundle, I have put together my very best strategies to reduce inflammation and optimize your healing potential. Take a look at what you will get inside these valuable guides below!
If you want to work with a functional health coach, I recommend this article with tips on how to find a great coach. Our website offers long-distance functional health coaching programs with our world-class team of health coaches. For further support with your health and other goals, just reach out—our fantastic coaches are here to support your journey.
I wonder if this id why u feel do rested after a day atvthe beach.
Are skin absorbsion of pesticides a concern at a park?
I always feel better with barefoot walking, even at the park. I would still recommend it…just not right after they spray the grass down.
Difficult to get quality grounding time. Nightly, I have been using direct grounding from an interior wall outlet to my body, relatively successfully for 5 years. There is some pushback on the process, that it exposes the body to unnecessary EMF’s. What is your position on this method for grounding?
Hi dr. Jockers!
I apologize if I overlooked anything, but I didn’t see anywhere on your posts, to warn people to check EMF in their’s bedroom’s, when they want use earthing products.
What’s your what is your opinion about this?
Thanks for reply
Yes I discuss that in this article on EMF
how long do you stand barefoot on the grass?
I would say at least 5-10 mins to get the benefits!
What about if you have pets? My dogs/cat don’t have any issues but what about ringworm and other parasites from where your pets roam?
Hey Becky, Parasitic infections largely happen in people with weakened immune systems. Although owning pets increases the risk for getting parasites, supplementing your diet with anti-parasitic herbs is a great way to kill parasites naturally and boost immunity if you consider the benefits of grounding! Blessings to you!
What are good options in fall/ winter, when it’s too cold to follow these protocols?
We just try to get out even when it is cold for 5-10 mins!
Memory and imagination are powerful forces in the body’s experience. Many people find that even recreating in vivid detail a day at the beach, wiggling their toes and “feeling” the sand between them, or recalling a deep, responsive connection with Nature in a place they love can create a grounded state. This takes practice and patience but then becomes available at any stressful moment when we feel challenged to maintain our essential connection to Earth.
Thanks for sharing!
How about going out with just socks when its cold weather?
Is cement sidewalk/ patio effective or even partially??
Thank you!!
Yes, concrete that is connected to the ground still conducts. Having socks on is fine, as long as you don’t have rubber soles.
I wonder what your opinion would be about bed sheets that have grounding capabilities.
Yes we highly recommend grounding sheets!
I see the lady before me asked this about grounding sheet on the bed – our son just sent an article to me about that. What is your opinion please Dr
God bless you.
Great article. To be honest there’s no way I could go back after trying grounding sheets – they work so well. I stopped waking up randomly at 3am and sleep soo much better now