Kidney Disease Healing Naturally

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Kidney Disease Healing

I  just have to tell you, just to remind you, I am a type 1 diabetic and have been for 34 years.  My kidney function  has been going down gradually for several years including 4 points from June of this year to August.  My GFR score was 42 in August, which I was told was stage 3 kidney failure.  As of October 24 — I just got the results today — but as of October 24 my GFR score was 57 — 60 is considered normal.

My kidney doctor said that he has never seen anything like that before and wanted to know what I was doing.  I told him that I was doing a combination of a ketogenic diet and daily coffee enemas.  He couldn’t believe his ears.  I had to explain what each one of those things were.

Anyway, I just thought I would let you know.  Everyone is shocked that my kidney disease healing the way it is.  And by the way, my HgA1C was 5.7 as of a week ago.  Again almost into normal range which is my goal.  Now, that is due to the ketogenic lifestyle.

Oh, and by the way, I am going to see my “local” (80 minutes away) Maximized Living Chiropractor and getting great care.  I have been really impressed with his office and “bed-side-manner.”  I can’t believe all the things that he is doing to help improve my health.

I have been to a few chiropractors before, but none ever even suggested they could do that.  I told him that I had purchased your material on the ketogenic diet.  He said that he knew you.  His name is Dr. Josh Johnson.  You may have heard of him.  He said that he went to school with you.  I thought that was pretty cool.  Small world sometimes.

Thanks again for all your help!

Pastor Eric Sawyer

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  1. I am Curious if you think this kind of eating would help someone with kidney disease caused by taking a prescribed medication. Thanks!

  2. Hi Dr.Jockers I have had the pleasure of consulting with you in the past.This diet is safe for polycystic kidneys?I am just making sure.I really enjoy the times you have helped me.

  3. Dear doctor, would you recommend a liver and kidney cleanse for someone that has been diagnosed with kidney stones? Would it help? Are there natural treatment available to deal with it?

  4. Thank you DR. How often should one do the Olive, lemon and Apple cider protocol and for how long?- once a day, till stone is passed out? Should it be done on an empty stomach or it doesn’t really matter. Please clarify. Apart from ct scan, what other ways are effective to screen for kidney stones

    1. Hey Ada,

      Yes do this in the morning on an empty stomach for 3-5 days and see how that goes. I would look out for symptoms like lower back pain and cloudy or discolored urine.

  5. Hi Dr. Jockers,

    My Mother’s GFR is 28. I was going through this site and it gave me a ray of hope of getting her gfr better. Please suggest your care plan. I would forever be obliged with you.

  6. My partner just had his kidney removed because of a tumor in the pelvis of his kidney. His remaining kidney had surgery on it many years ago, and does not seem to be “stepping up”. His GFR is going down, not up. We are on a modified keto diet – probably low carb high fat but probably doing about 40 gms of carbs a day. We are being told to see the kidney diet specialist who I am sure will tell us to change our diet. My partner’s son is a doctor and says that he thinks he’s not healing well because he is not eating enough carbs. what do you think? I spend most of my time cooking keto for him, but I don’t want to be harmng him!!!!!

  7. so encuriging ,im stage 4 ,they beg me to go on dyalisis ,
    ive been stage for for 3 yrs ,about 10yr ago had kidney faiure n congested heart fsilure .from potassium.
    now i have cyst .but dont know what is really wrong .
    how would i know if thus is gor me?

  8. Hi Doc,
    Any thoughts on dense deposit disease? Came on after 3rd pregnancy w/post-partum preeclampsia with 3rd child, all C-sections.
    Thanks in advance, Reba

  9. How does the Coffee enema help the Bergers disease? I know its great for the liver but how does it help the kidneys? Thanks

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