How To Use Essential Oils For Brain Health

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Essential oils for brain health

This article was written by my good friend Dr. Eric L. Zielinski who is in expert in essential oils.

“Essential oils are effective against almost all currently known pathological targets of Alzheimer’s. Essential oils also possess neuroprotective, anti-aging potentials and are effective in dementia, epilepsy, anxiety and other neurological disorders.”

How To Use Essential Oils for Brain Health

It has been said that someone will develop Alzheimer’s disease every 66 seconds in the United States. (1) When you combine the other forms of dementia, the global prevalence is every 3 seconds! This is a profound mystery to most scientists and varying theories have been proposed to explain this horrific epidemic. One theme that is central to most research studies is that brain health is rapidly declining across the board, and taking simple preventative measures is paramount.

But what about when dementia settles in? Is there anything that can be done to slow or reverse its progress? And, if so, are there natural solutions?

The quick answer is, “Yes,” and one of the hidden secrets you won’t hear much about at your doctor’s office is the power of essential oil therapy.

Essential Oils and Dementia

Dementia occurs when nerve cells in the brain become damaged. Recognizing that this affects several areas of the brain, most people experience it uniquely. Consequently, there are various types of dementia, which are generally categorized by two factors: the section of the brain damaged, and whether or not the condition worsens. Of all the different subtypes, Alzheimer’s disease is the most common in people over 65, and it’s interesting to note that research suggests essential oils can help Alzheimer’s patients considerably.

In one study, for example, aromatherapy was used with elderly people suffering from dementia, with the majority being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Every morning, the patients were given rosemary and lemon inhalations and then orange and lavender in the evening. Through multiple forms of analysis, it was uncovered that the “patients showed significant improvement in personal orientation” without any side effects. (2)

Professor of Neurochemical Pathology Elaine Perry has undertaken the momentous task of conducting a multicenter trial to give us some insights into how people with Alzheimer’s and related agitation are affected by aromatherapy. (3)

In Professor Perry words, “Controlled clinical trials of aromatherapy in dementia are being initiated because of promising results from open trials of historical medical remedies.” (3)

Yet, we don’t know exactly why. To simply say that essential oils “work” leaves much to be desired and, if aromatherapy is going to be widely accepted treatment to facilitate long-term brain health, we need to know more about the mechanisms of delivery.

brain health

How Do Essential Oils Affect the Brain?

This is not to say that we are completely ignorant of the “why” behind the power essentials oils have in helping maintain brain health well into the senior years. Yale Scientific describes what we know so far this way: (4)

  1. You smell an essential oil because tiny molecules are being dissolved in the mucus lining of the olfactory epithelium that is located on the roof of our nasal cavity.
  2. These molecules stimulate olfactory receptors, which trigger sensory neurons to carry signals from the receptors to the olfactory bulb that begins processing and filters the input signals of the essential oil scent.
  3. From there, mitral cells carry the output signals from the bulb to the olfactory cortex, which causes you to recognize and perceive the particular scent of the oil that you are smelling.
  4. Interestingly, the mitral cells not only lead to the olfactory cortex, but they also carry signals from the essential oil scent to other areas in the limbic system, the primal brain responsible for memory, instinct and mood.
  5. Most people don’t know this, but the olfactory system is the only sensory mechanism that involves the limbic system and amygdala in its primary processing pathway.

This connection explains why smell is often linked to memory. Take, for instance, how a certain perfume reminds you a long-lost love or how the aroma of apple pie takes you back to Grandma’s house. This also gives us some keen insight into why essential oils are so popular as a non-pharmaceutical intervention for Alzheimer’s disease and dementia!

However, the power of aromatherapy is debated in the context of these patients. The concern is that some patients with dementia have lost their sense of smell, which explains why some scientific studies suggest that lavender aromatherapy has no effect on agitation, while lavender skin lotion worked wonderfully to reduce aggression.

brain health

Best Oils for Optimal Brain Health

To help calm the over-stimulated brain, chamomile, frankincense, lavender and vetiver are popular essential oils.

To use them, simply:

  • Add 4-6 drops of your favorite calming oil(s) in a water diffuser during the night to help get a better night’s sleep.
  • Apply calming oils over specific trigger points on your body such as behind the knees, temples, and the wrists throughout the day. Always remember to dilute with a carrier oil to prevent burning or skin sensitization!
  • Use an inhaler or wear an aromatherapy necklace with your favorite calming oils.

Because exercise has been shown to help slow down or reverse the damage done to brain cells, you can use oils to boost athletic performance and to help get you in the mood to work out:

  • Peppermint oil provides a nice boost in energy and increases oxygen capacity, both of which contributes to optimal brain health. It is also effective at relieving muscle soreness and is anti-inflammatory.
  • Simply apply some diluted peppermint oil over your chest and onto the back of your neck before you exercise to stimulate blood flood and to open up your airways. More oxygen means more energy, and more energy means more exercise!
  • Instead of the toxic creams on the drug store shelves, try applying some diluted peppermint over tired, achy joints. Wintergreen and frankincense oils are also very effective for helping with pain that oftentimes keeps people from exercising.

brain health

Oils That Can Help with Dementia

According to Professor Perry’s, some of the most relevant research and traditional uses for essential oils include a wide variety of applications and blends to help dementia and Alzheimer’s patients. Here are some key takeaways from her paper: (5)

  • One study uncovered that use of lavender increased sleep patterns in dementia patients who were in residential care.
  • In another trial, geranium, lavender and mandarin oils mixed with an almond oil base were applied to the skin of 39 patients that resulted in contentment, increased alertness, and sleeping at night; as well as reduced levels of agitation, wandering and withdrawal.
  • In a recent trial of dementia patients, the use of several essential oils including ylang ylang, patchouli, peppermint, rosemary and others produced a significant decrease in disturbed behavior in the majority of patients. Fascinating, this led to a reduction in prescribed conventional medicines, thereby delivering cost savings.
  • A blend of lavender, marjoram, patchouli and vetiver applied as a cream was shown to significantly increase the mental state of dementia patients.

Results of placebo-controlled clinical trials using Melissa (lemon balm) and lavender for the treatment of advanced dementia have shown that:

  • Lavender and lemon balm aromatherapy increased communication and functional abilities, as well as decreased difficult behavior.
  • Lavender aromatherapy and massage significantly reduced frequency of excessive motor behavior.
  • Lavender aromatherapy can significantly reduce agitated behavior.
  • Lemon balm lotion applied to the face and arms is highly associated with significant reductions measured on an agitation inventory and social withdrawal, together with an increase in constructive activities.

To piece this all together, always remember that many of these techniques are not fully tested, however they show much promise. Listen to your body and be aware of changes in your loved ones if you’re a caregiver and do whatever you can to support your own brain health.

Inflammation Crushing Ebundle

The Inflammation Crushing Ebundle is designed to help you improve your brain, liver, immune system and discover the healing strategies, foods and recipes to burn fat, reduce inflammation and Thrive in Life!

As a doctor of natural medicine, I have spent the past 20 years studying the best healing strategies and worked with hundreds of coaching clients, helping them overcome chronic health conditions and optimize their overall health.

In our Inflammation Crushing Ebundle, I have put together my very best strategies to reduce inflammation and optimize your healing potential.  Take a look at what you will get inside these valuable guides below!

Sources For This Article Include:

1. 2016 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures Link Here
2. Jimbo D, Kimura Y, Taniguchi M, Inoue M, Urakami K. Effect of aromatherapy on patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Psychogeriatrics. 2009 Dec;9(4):173-9. PMID: 20377818
3. Aromatherapy for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease Link Here
4. Aromatherapy: Exploring Olfaction Link Here
5. Professor Elaine Perry (FmedSci) Link Here

frankincense, Top 10 Surprising Uses For Frankincense Oil

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  1. I love this information! It could help to the hyperactive kids to focus, to calming, studying better.
    I like to use essential oils,just some of them very expensive,like the frankincense oil.1 small bottle close to $80-90. I like to use oils,when sickness is rising in the family. For fever good the diluted peppermint oil,no side effects,and I like to use grapefruit seed oil for fever,intestinal problems,virus. Just I have to find more study about the health benefits.

      1. Good day Dr Jocker, please how do I reach you directly I would love to talk with you with regards to my 3yr old daughter. Thanks

  2. Hello, what oils would be supportive for corticobasal syndrome and how would be best to use them?

    1. Hey Roula,

      Peppermint, Rosemary and Frankincense can be helpful. I would suggest inhaling rosemary & peppermint or applying Frankincense to the roof of your mouth. You could also do lavender at night either from a diffuser or lightly sprinkled on your pillow. Make sure you are also eating an anti-inflammatory diet full of healthy fats and omega 3 for overall brain support!

  3. Dr. Jockers, I would like to promote this article and your website by referencing this material in a training I am conducting for MD’s preparing to take their board certification exams. How do I seek permission to link to this information? Do I simply list a bibliographic reference? THANK YOU!

  4. I am 59 years old and like to know what to use to keep my brain healthy so I hopefully can at least slow down dementia, as my mother 88 y/o has it and an Aunt who is in her 90’s has full blown Alzheimers. Thank you in advance

  5. Which oils are good for brain injury due to a stroke. I’m 48 and suffered a vertebrae artery dissection from my chiropractor adjusting my neck… causing blood clotting leading to a stroke. The right hemisphere of my brain was affected leaving me partially blind, left side paralysis and visual memory loss and I starting to have difficulties in other areas Of my memory
    Also my mother at 75 is having memory difficulties.

    1. Wow Michelle I’m sorry to hear about this! There is some evidence that lavender, rosemary, peppermint, and frankincense may be helpful for the brain after injury.

  6. HI Dr. Jockers,

    I’m a young adult brain tumor Survivor(02′, 03′), which I went down a very rough road enduring intense treatments with chemo & radiation(o2′), aggressive chemo & radiation of the brain/spine(04′), bone marrow transplant(05′), right hip replaced(06′), left hip replaced(012′), VP Shunt(02′).
    Due to the recurrent tumor and treatments I am legally blind, hearing & physically impaired, dealing with ongoing disabilities, sharp/shooting pains, side effects, insomnia, etc.
    With my pituitary gland destroyed by the tumor in 02′, I suffer from the disease of diabetes insipidus that lacks vasopressin, and was taking DDAVP desmopressin spray to help control my urine but the BMT in 05′ and aggressive radiation in 04′ had further damaged the nerves in my brain.
    The DDAVP spray barely helps hold my urine/bladder and I wake up 3-4 times at night to pee. My brain keeps sending signals to my bladder to go pee every moments after I drink something like water.

    I am very curious to know if what essential oils do you recommend that can possibly, hopefully help repair the damaged nerves in my brain?

    And if so how would I apply them?

    I would greatly appreciate it a lot if you can help me and let me know, thank you!

  7. HI Dr. Jockers,

    Thanks for replying and yes I am very grateful and glad to be alive!
    My Mom is a DoTerra member so I will follow your steps with applying a drop of Frankincense to the roof of my mouth 2-3 times/day.
    The ketogenic diet sounds like an Alkaline diet that I eat daily,
    I see there’s a VA Clinic near my home that offers a Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy so will contact them and see.

    Thanks again so much for the help and will keep you posted if I have any further questions!

  8. HI Dr. Jockers,

    Besides hyperbaric oxygen chambers as I’m deciding how long to rent one out from a website that carries them, but I’m curious to know if breathing from oxygen tanks can help repair damaged brain neurons?


    1. Hey Justin, HBOT will probably be more effective as the pressure from the chamber will actually promote an increased saturation of oxygen in the body whereas just plain inhaled oxygen may not.

      1. HI Dr. Jockers,

        Okay I understand. I am looking into getting an inflatable HBOT chamber, with some are pretty expensive so I”m comparing the prices with various sites to decide what’s best, we’ll see. Thank you!

  9. Hi Dr. Jockers,

    I was recently diagnosed with a Pituitary tumor again…. I use essential oils for everything! As you may know one oil will serve a variety of ailments! I love the oils and utilize many of them. However, I am not certain what to stay away from that would impact the tumor negatively. Can you give me any guidance as to what oils may not be helpful and or harmful while I deal with this pituitary tumor?

    Thank you, Laura

    1. Hey Shelli, there is no evidence for essential oils being able to do this specifically but you could try applying frankincense oil diluted in a carrier oil to the affected area twice daily or more.

  10. Dr Jocker please I have a 3yr old daughter that is going through some developmental delays like (speech, cognitive, coordination, sensory and low muscle tone) this happened as a result of deprivation of oxygen to the brain at birth( Asphyxia) please what would you advice me to do regarding essential oil. Am really hoping to hear from you. Thanks

  11. Hi Dr Jockers,

    I have a friend who has a Glioblastoma grade 4 what essentional oils or Supplements from Doterra would be beneficial to make her more comfortable

  12. Looking for advice on specific oils (and possibly supplements also) to address PPA, Primary Progressive Aphasia, a rare disorder that turns into dementia in time, but begins as a communication disorder, and originates in the frontal lobe of the brain where the speech center is located. I read the comments and answers above and will check out the specific sites mentioned. Thank you.

  13. Hi Dr. Jockers,

    I have read that Melissa Oil is also very good for Alzheimer’s. I did not see Melissa in your writing. Can you confirm if Melissa Oil is a good one also. It is very expensive so I don’t want to purchase it if what I had read previously in incorrect.


    1. Hi Nancy- Yes, this is the citrus herb also referred to as lemon balm. It is shown to promote nerve relaxation and improve emotional wellness. You can read more about it underneath “Oils That Can Help with Dementia” in this article. Blessings!

  14. Hi Dr Jockers
    Came across your website when researching essential oils for acquired brain injury
    My husband has radiation necrosis in frontal lobe area and wallerian degeneration and right sided hemi paresis and can not communicate effectively following several brain tumour operations
    His rate of deterioration in recent weeks is alarming and while now confined to his electric wheelchair is losing core strength and experiencing many falls during transfers
    He refuses to go to hospital and is still at home
    We have a very supportive GP who recommended us trying essential oils and using the immunity bomb
    I would really appreciate your advice andrecommendation for any oils and the best method of usage
    He is currently on very strong anti seizure medications but there are no medical drugs that will assist us
    My family have only recently implemented essential oils into our daily lives and are still very much on a steep learning curve but dealing with such a complex brain issue is not something we are sure of but are now at a stage where we have absolutely nothing to lose but a lot to gain

  15. HI Dr. Jockers,

    I would appreciate your advice how to improve my brain condition of WMH ( White Matter Hypersensitivity). Way of usage and specific oil.

    Thank you.

    1. Hey YPK, I am so sorry to hear this! I would highly recommend that you work with a functional health practitioner to customize a specific plan for you! Understanding your health history and any neurological impairments you may have is critical! This article can help ( and you can utilize strategies outlined in this article as well: Praying for you YPK.

  16. Horrific experience with “essential oils” which almost killed my mother, she lives in assisted living. Neurologically essential oils affect her speech and ability to walk and cause her to gag. We failed to connect what was happening, until we started recording, we control the camera remotely. Every time a health care worker brought “aromatherapy” into the area my mother would start gagging, etc. That healthcare worker claimed my mother was “detoxing” when in fact mother was having adverse reactions. Mom would start slurring her words, and would become agitated. That healthcare worker refuses to stop her “aromatherapy.” Our state has zero protections against “essential oils.”

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