Core Strengthening Exercises

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Core Strengthening Exercises.  Dr David Jockers teaches you how to stretch and exercise to build great potential for the health of your body’s core.  Get in the process of building your core with these everyday exercises.

Core strengthening is a hot topic in the health and fitness world.  Most individuals focus on strengthening their abdominals and with a wide range of sit-up like exercises.   Some of the key muscles to focus on include the hip extensor group and deep abdominal muscles that surround the spine.

One of the most common biomechanical problems is poor muscular synergy in the coor and hip musculature.   This pattern typically includes hypoactive hip extensor and abdominal muscles while having hyperactive hip flexors and lumbar extensors.  This leads to poor joint mechanics and increased susceptibility to pain and injury.  To improve biomechanics and generate a controlled but powerful core it is essential to strengthen the hip extensor muscles and deep abdominals.

Strengthening the Hip Extensors:

We have been taught to lift with our legs but when we bend down like this we often put a lot of torque and strain on our knee joints and lumbar spine.   We really need to focus on lifting with our hip extension group which are the gluteus and hamstring muscles.

In order to effectively lift with our gluteus and hamstring muscles we need to train our nervous system to recruit these muscle fibers.  Here are the best tips for that:

  1. Throughout the day, repeatedly squeeze the butt muscles together and relax.  Do 20-30 reps 2-3 times per day to train the nervous system to fire these motor units.
  2. Use focused awareness when bending or lifting in order to use the hip joint as the fulcrum and focus on firing the gluteus muscles on the way down and the way up.
  3. When exercising perform lunge movements without allowing the forward leg’s knee to go in front of the ankle joint.  The knee should be parallel with the ankle joint.  Then fire the gluteus and hamstring muscles on the way up and squeeze tight at the finish.
  4. Perform straight leg deadlift exercises with a slight knee bend and tight core and fire the gluteus and hamstring muscles slowly on the way down and explosively up with a tight squeeze at the end of the up-phase.
  5. Perform squat exercises in a similar fashion with a slight bit more of knee flexion but be sure to control the motion with the hip extensor muscles and explode at the top with a tight squeeze of the gluteus muscles at the culmination of the up-phase.

Strengthen the Abdominals:

Many individuals who exercise regularly have strong abdominals but they also have very tight hip flexor muscles.  In order to have effective biomechanics it is important to have stable hip flexors while having very strong abdominals.  Exercises that relax the hip flexors while strengthening the abdominals should be emphasized.

  1. Throughout the day take some time to squeeze the abdominal cavity and hold for 10-20 seconds.  Relax and repeat for 10-20 reps.
  2. Do crunches off of a stability ball.  The hips are in extension in this position and it allows the individual to isolate the abdominal muscles without any involvement of the hip flexors.
  3. Perform plank exercises and hold the contraction for 30-60+ seconds.
  4. Do downward and upward dog poses to stretch the lumbar spine, hip extensors and abdominals.  Add in hip flexor stretches.
  5. Rotate the trunk and hold onto the side of a wall to stretch the oblique muscles and lumbar extensors.

The key to good core stability and lifting habits is neuromuscular recruitment.  These exercises and stretches help drill proper muscular contractions and synergistic activity of multiple muscle groups.  With focused training these contraction patterns become stored in the muscle memory of the individual and the motions become simplistic and powerful.  The benefits include reduced pain, increased strength and reduced risk of injury.

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Dr. Jockers

Dr David Jockers is passionate about seeing people reach their health potential in mind, body and spirit. He is the host of the popular “Dr Jockers Functional Nutrition” podcast and the author of the best-selling books, “The Keto Metabolic Breakthrough” and “The Fasting Transformation.”


exercise Fitness




  1. Dr. Dave,
    I love your core strengthening exercises and stretching. I will be adding these to our workout programs for our Power Plate clients. Thanks for offering a super website with lots of great health ideas.

  2. Wonderful, thank you so much! I have scoliosis & spondylolisthesis, do Pilates once a week which helps enormously. Doing your stretches just now felt wonderful! Motion is lotion…

    Suggestion: it would be great if you had a “cheat sheet” that people can print out & tack to their walls! With stick figures & short explanations for each exercise.

    Take care.

  3. Hello Dr. Jockers,

    1. What are the full names and links to where I can purchase the 2 supplements you mentioned at the start of the video?

    2. I have had recurrent ankle sprains for both my ankles for the last 10 years, as a result of not healing properly, now i will often have pain for small deviations of terrain or if I decide to wear heels or anything beyond wearing sneakers. This also has impacted my exercise as I am reluctant to push myself to go into high impact as I dont want to further sprain or hurt my ankles. Any suggestions of how to rehabilitate from this? What type of professional help should I be seeking to address this?

    Manny thanks,


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