Gut & Brain Permeability Test

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The body has mucosal membranes and barriers throughout the body that protect it from the environment. These barriers separate the bloodstream from major regions of the body. This separation is critical for normal and optimal functionality. When these barriers become weak or leaky they allow particles to cross-through which negatively affect function.

The intestinal lining of the digestive system is the largest mucosal membrane and provides a barrier between the gut and the host. The digestive tract serves two distinct functions: nutrient absorption and immune defense. When it becomes altered (through poor diet, medications, parasites, toxins, and/or infections) the gastrointestinal system cannot distinguish what should be absorbed and what should not it develops leaky gut syndrome.


This is the barrier that protects the blood stream from large compounds, environmental toxins and microorganisms that are quite common to the gut. When this membrane is torn or leaky it allows these molecules to pass into the blood stream. The immune system creates an anti-body response and food sensitivities and chronic inflammation set it.

Occulin/Zonulin: This is a signaling protein that transiently and reversibly opens the tight junctions between intestinal cells. Elevated anti-bodies to this protein structure are an indication of leaky gut syndrome.

ActoMyosin: This is a protein that anchors the tight junctions and provides structure for the intestinal muscle cells. Elevated anti-bodies to this are an indication of leaky gut syndrome.

Lipopolysaccharides (LPS): This is the sludge that is left over from gram-negative bacteria upon death. It is also called bacterial endotoxins. When this is a potent toxin that stimulates an immune reaction. When LPS anti-bodies are elevated it indicates leaky gut syndrome.



This barrier protects the delicate neurological tissues of the brain from potentially hazardous compounds in the blood stream. Blood sugar imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, leaky gut syndrome, food sensitivities, chronic inflammation, poor sleeping habits and chronic stress can weaken this barrier.

When this barrier become weak and breaks down it allows for environmental toxins such as formaldehyde and heavy metals to cross over. These toxins create very serious oxidative stress in the brain and lead to neurodegenerative conditions.

Blood Brain Barrier Protein: When there are elevated anti-bodies to this protein it is an indication of the breakdown and permeability of the blood brain barrier. This individual is at great risk for neurodegeneration and chronic neurodegenerative disease development.



Anyone Suffering From:

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Yeast Infection

Bad body odor

Digestive Cramping

Skin Rashes

Weight Loss Resistance

Gas & Bloating


Bad Breath



Auto-Immune Diseases

Low Energy


Hormonal Issues





Brain Fog



Multiple Sclerosis





Learn through a Definitive Test if you have leaky gut syndrome

checkmarkFind Out Your Risk for Auto-immune Progression

checkmarkAssess Your Risk for NeuroDegenerative Conditions

checkmarkDiscover the Underlying Causes for Your Health Problems


Most doctors only focus on the organ or tissue that is symptomatic. This means that if you have irritable bowel syndrome they will study the bowels. If you have a thyroid issue they will look at your thyroid and if you have dementia they will at your brain tissue. The problem is that the organ that is malfunctioning is a downstream effect of a problem way upstream.

All auto-immune and neurodegenerative conditions are related to issues with the gut, blood sugar signaling, liver detoxification, etc. These areas must be assessed for a proper treatment plan to help the individual regain the best possible functionality.


When the gut lining becomes damaged and leaky gut syndrome sets in it is only a matter of time before the blood brain barrier weakens and becomes permeable. This is why I test both of these together. The results let me know how long the intestinal permeability has set in.

Elevated Intestinal AB & Normal Blood Brain Barrier AB = Recent Leaky Gut

Elevated Intestinal AB & Elevated Blood Brain Barrier AB = Chronic Leaky Gut

When the anti-bodies are elevated to intestinal antigens such as LPS, occulin/zonulin and actomyosin but the blood brain barrier proteins are low it is a sign of a more recent development of leaky gut syndrome. When both are elevated it is a sign of a more chronic and severe form of leaky gut syndrome.




Most chronic health conditions have a leaky gut involvement. As a clinician trained in functional medicine, I observe for signs and symptoms of this with all of my clients and work to improve the health of the gut lining with everyone I work with.

I can typically tell when someone has leaky gut and leaky blood brain barrier, however, some individuals want to know for sure. This test provides the necessary evaluation and evidence to accurately diagnose these conditions. It provides more leverage for an individual to follow a strict auto-immune nutrition plan and gut and blood brain barrier healing support supplement protocol.




TOTAL COST: $325.00





Fortunately, because of the many thousands of newsletter readers and social media followers, my team has been able to network with a great lab distributor and get the best possible pricing for everyone.

The retail value (using market value and insurance based rates) is highly inflated and driving up the cost of health care. This is the old, archaic method that many people are still using and paying way more for insurance and co-pays than they really should be.

Many intelligent people are saving insurance premium dollars and turning to pay by order labs such as DirectLabs and others. These skip the middle man (doctors’ visits) and cut down costs for the patient.



My team has been able to beat all of these other methods when it comes to providing the best educational descriptions behind the tests and superior savings. By using as your source you will save time and money and know exactly the right tests for you so you can get well quicker with less cost.

Additionally, when you order special labs from you will receive a free email with a summary of your results and lifestyle and supplement recommendations from Dr Jockers himself or a well-qualified team member.



If the test requires blood work you can take your kit to any local lab and have the trained professional take your blood and fill out the kit and send it in the mail.

Urine and blood prick tests can all be done in the comfort of your home and sent into the lab with the mailing slip in your kit. All instructions will be sent to you with the kit. It is a very simple process that most anyone can figure out. The lab also has a customer service phone # if any help is needed.


Dr. Jockers

Dr David Jockers is passionate about seeing people reach their health potential in mind, body and spirit. He is the host of the popular “Dr Jockers Functional Nutrition” podcast and the author of the best-selling books, “The Keto Metabolic Breakthrough” and “The Fasting Transformation.”



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