Air Doctor Review: Home Air Purification For Immune & Respiratory Health

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Air Doctor Review: Home Air Purification For Immune & Respiratory Health

Indoor air pollution is among the top environmental risks to public health. Poor indoor air may cause sneezing, coughing, upper-respiratory symptoms, headaches, and fatigue. Long-term exposure to indoor air pollutants may contribute to weight gain, depression, anxiety, asthma, allergies, autoimmune disease, and cardiovascular disease. Using a home air purification unit and making sure that your indoor air that you are breathing in is clean is more important than ever. This is why I recommend the Air Doctor.

In this article, you will learn about the importance of clean air in your home. You will understand the potential symptoms and health effects of poor indoor air quality. I will offer some natural solutions to improve your indoor air. Most importantly, I will review the Air Doctor air purifier system and share why I recommend this as the best option for home air purification.

Importance of Clean Air in Your Home

Did you know that indoor air pollution is among the top five environmental risks to public health? It can be harmful to all of us, but it may be particularly dangerous to your children’s health and developing bodies.

According to a 2005 article published in Pediatric Nursing, poor air circulation can lead to increased health and safety issues among the US school-age population in US schools (1).  Some of the worst chemicals found in the majority of homes include formaldehyde and other volatile organic compounds (VOC’s). which have been linked to breathing and immune problems.  

Indoor Air Quality, 4 Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality

Symptoms of Poor Indoor Air Quality

The effects of indoor air pollutants and poor indoor air quality can lead to a range of symptoms. Many of the symptoms of indoor air pollution are respiratory symptoms, however, you may experience other non-respiratory issues. 

Certain symptoms you may experience include:

  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • Watery eyes
  • Upper-respiratory symptoms
  • Allergy symptoms
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Brain fog
  • Dizziness

Indoor Air Quality, 4 Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality

Effects of Poor Indoor Air Quality

Experiencing poor indoor air quality may lead to short-term symptoms. These short-term effects are not threatening.

However, long-term exposure to indoor air pollutants can lead to long-term effects, chronic symptoms, and on-going health issues. Long-term effects of exposure to poor indoor air may include weight gain, depression, allergies, autoimmune disease, and cardiovascular disease.

Weight Gain

If you’ve noticed weight gain or sudden weight fluctuations despite a healthy diet and regular exercise, you may be experiencing the effects of poor indoor air quality. Compromised indoor air may influence your metabolism and weight.  

A 2016 rat study published in the Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology has found that the group of rats that were exposed to and breathed in polluted indoor air gained more weight than the group that was exposed to clean, filtered air (2).  Indoor air quality causes inflammation in the body and this can lead to leptin resistance. 

Leptin is a hormone that tells our brain we are satiated and turns on fat burning.  Leptin resistance is a condition where our brain no longer responds to the messages coming from leptin.  When we have leptin resistance, we have more hunger, cravings and weight gain.   While human studies are still needed to further explore the same in humans, in my experience, the air quality in your home has a major effect on your overall health, potentially including your weight.


Depression and Anxiety

Depression and anxiety are increasingly common mental health issues that can seriously affect the quality of your life. While depression and anxiety are commonly associated with genetics and traumatic life events, lifestyle factors also play a role.

According to a 2017 scientific analysis published in Current Problems of Psychiatry, air pollution may pose a risk factor for depression and may intensify its symptoms (3). As many as 8 out of the 10 analyzed studies found a correlation between long-term exposure to air pollution and depression.

The cause of this connection may be your body’s inflammatory response to environmental toxicity. A 2012 study published in Environmental Health Perspective has found a connection between air quality and depression in the elderly (4). It’s not only depression but also anxiety that may be amplified by indoor air pollutants. A 2015 observational study published in BMJ has found that air pollution may increase anxiety (5)

Depression, Depression: Root Causes and Natural Support Strategies


It may not be surprising that indoor air pollution may contribute to asthma. A 2005 study published in the Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health discussed that indoor air pollution may impact respiratory health (6). Breathing is the key passageway for air pollutants that may affect your respiratory system.

Asthma is a respiratory health issue that may be impacted by poor indoor air quality and breathing in toxic air pollutants in your indoor environment. This can trigger asthma attacks and may make your asthma worse in general.

Asthma, Asthma: Symptoms, Causes and Natural Support Strategies


Allergies and allergy-related symptoms are very common among people in the United States. According to the book Indoor allergens – Assessing and controlling adverse health effects published by the Journal of the American Medical Association indoor allergens may be a key component in many allergy-related symptoms and issues, including sneezing, runny nose, skin rashes, headaches, swelling, and fatigue (7).

Allergies related to indoor air pollution tend to become particularly problematic during winter when the temperatures drop and we spend more time indoors. This makes a good indoor air filtration system particularly important during this time. 

pollen allergies

Autoimmune Diseases

Autoimmune diseases are a group of health conditions characterized by an immune response that turns your own body against you by destroying its own tissues and organs. Fine particle air pollution may contribute to these issues and increase your risk of systemic autoimmune diseases.

According to a 2016 research published in Environmental Research fine particle air pollution from diesel, exhaust nanoparticles has shown an inflammatory response in those with a systemic autoimmune rheumatic disease (8). Increased toxic exposure, increased inflammation, and increased immune response may be some of the reasons for this connection.


Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular disease is a prevalent and serious health issue and a leading cause of death. While many dietary, lifestyle, environmental, and genetic factors can play a role in one’s potential for developing cardiovascular disease, indoor air pollution may be a contributing factor.

According to a 2017 study published in the Free Radical Biology and Medicine, when you inhale air pollutants, it can lead to oxidative imbalances, which can increase oxidative stress and inflammation which can increase your risk of arterial calcification and heart disease (9)

Indoor Air Quality, 4 Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality

Solutions for Poor Indoor Air Quality

Now that you know how harmful poor indoor air can be, I am sure that you are eager to learn some natural solutions to improve the air quality in your home.

Use Non-Toxic Cleaning Products

Conventional cleaning and body products are full of chemicals and toxins. Their smell and its toxic particles stay in the air for a long-time. I recommend that you switch to organic, natural, and homemade alternatives instead of your home and your body.

Stop Using Air Fresheners and Choose Essential Oils

Air fresheners may smell nice – and often smell unnatural – but they are also full of toxic chemicals that can trigger your symptoms and health issues. Instead of using toxic air fresheners, I recommend that you try diffusing essential oils. They are natural and offer a number of health benefits. They also smell nice and natural. 

air doctor

Improve Your Home Hygiene

Dust on your home surfaces can trigger allergies and other symptoms. In an unkept home, mold and bacteria may be more likely to hide as well. Make sure to dust and clean regularly using organic, natural, and homemade cleaning products.

Get Some House Plants

To increase fresh oxygen and clean air in your home, having some house plants is a fantastic idea. They serve as a beautiful decoration, may smell nice, and help you connect to nature even when inside.

Get a Home Air Purifier

As you know, indoor air pollutants in your home can seriously impact your health. The best way to fight and eliminate indoor air pollution and clean up your air is by investing in a home air purification system. They can filter out tiny particles and toxins and keep your indoor air clean, fresh, and healthy. 

To help keep your air clean and your body healthy, I am excited to recommend the Air Doctor for your home. Read on to learn more about why I love and recommend this particular unit for air purification.

Indoor Air Quality, 4 Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality

Air Doctor for Home Air Purification 

My wife, Angel, and I just moved to our dream home last year with our three young children. Our family’s health is our priority and clean air to breathe is a crucial part of this. We are excited that we’ve found the Air Doctor to keep our air clean. 

With the help of this simple air purification device, we can breathe freely and I am reassured to know that my kids are getting the freshest and healthiest air possible in our home. I cannot recommend the Air Doctor enough whether you have a whole-home HVAC system already or if this is your first air purifier.

How Is Air Doctor Different?

I’ve written about some strategies to improve your home indoor air quality in this article and this article. A good air filtration system is critical for your protection. But there are so many air filtration systems out there, you may be wondering how is the Air Doctor different. Great question. Most air filters that you use in air filtration systems only remove air pollutants and particles before the air gets into the HVAC unit. Unfortunately, this means that they don’t protect you from air pollutants effectively. 

What the Air Doctor does differently is that it has multiple filtration levels within an air-tight system. It uses a dual-action Carbon/Gas Trap/VOC filter for odor and VOC control. The Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) of this system is 326, which is much higher than its competitors. 

It removes all particulate matter at .003 microns. It can remove all kinds of particles, including toxic ozone, organic chemicals, and gases. It has a formaldehyde filter, auto-sensor, digital display, and sealed system. While competitors offer some of the same benefits, none that I was able to find offers all these perks.

The Benefits of the Air Doctor

There are many things I love about the Air Doctor.


I love the auto-mode. It takes all the guess-work out of the process of your air filtration and allows you to sleep soundly knowing that your home has clean air supporting your health and well-being. You don’t have to think about and remember turning your Air Doctor on and off. It adjusts itself automatically depending on the air pollutants it detects in the air.

If it detects good air quality, it will keep it at a low fan speed indicated by blue light. When it detects more pollutants, it turns on a higher gear and speeds up indicated by an orange or red light. This way, you will know what your air-quality is and can be sure that the Air Doctor is taking care of all the dust from cleaning, pollen spikes, and backyard emergencies.

Long-Lasting Filters

Most HVAC filters need a new replacement filter each month. Your Air Doctor filters on the other hand will last for a long time: several months or even years. This is better for your budget and less wasteful for our environment. Not to mention that it saves time and hassle.

How long these filters last depends on how many hours a day do you use your Air Doctor a day and what is your air quality. The UltraHEPA™ filter in your Air Doctor should last up to 12 months and your Gas Trap VOC filter should last up to 6 months based on average home air-quality in the United States and Canada if you operate your Air Doctor for 12 hours a day.

Using the auto function will allow your Air Doctor to adjust automatically to your air and home’s needs, and save your filter’s life the longest possible while still cleaning your air quality. Your Air Doctor has a built-in automatic sensor and will notify you when it’s time for a new filter.

High CADR 

The Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) is a standardized system that measures the effectiveness of an air purifier in removing dust, pollen, and smoke from the air. At 326, the CADR of the Air Doctor is considerably higher than other similar air filtration units on the market. 

UltraHEPA™ Filtration

HEPA stands for High-Efficiency Particulate Air. HEPA filters filter particles as small as 0.3 microns. The Air Doctor uses UltraHEPA™ filters that capture particles down to 0.003 microns, which is significantly smaller than regular HEPA filters can do.


Mold is a serious issue. It can hide anywhere in your home, especially in damp, moist, and warm areas, such as bathrooms, kitchens, and basements. Old homes and flooding issues increase your risk of mold issues.

While extermination of any mold is critical, you can be sure that the Air Doctor will get to work right away to remove any mold from the air. To learn more about mold in your house and what to do about mold-toxicity, I recommend reading this article.

Air Ionizer Ability

The Air Doctor has an air ionizer built in that may help to remove odors, microbes, and particles from the air making your home smell clean and fresh. You can turn this function on or off as you please.

Quiet Fan

Sure, you want clean air, but you also don’t want to hear my air purifier buzzing in the background. You will be happy to learn that the Air Doctor has the quietest fan. You won’t even notice that it’s there.

Essential Oil Diffuser-Friendly

I love essential oils. They have many health benefits and can make your home smell nice naturally without toxins. If you are worried that diffusing essential oils will clog your machine or the Air Doctor will reduce aromatherapy benefits, worry no more.

The particles emitted from most essential oil diffusers happen throughout the course of a few hours which will not damage your Air Doctor system. While the Air Doctor may be triggered by diffusing essential oils, the effects won’t be noticeable but comparable to diffusing essential oils with open windows.

Low Electric Cost

On a low setting, your Air Doctor uses 11 watts, and on a high-setting, 95 watts of energy. Running it on auto-mode 24/7 all day, every day will only cost you about 30 to 40 dollars a year depending on your location.


The Air Doctor comes with a one-year limited warranty. While I wouldn’t expect any issues, a warranty always keeps peace of mind.

Air Doctor

Powerful for a Small Machine

The Air Doctor is only about 18 pounds at 15.75 (W) x 8.25 (D) x 23 (H) inches, yet it’s incredibly powerful. It can filter a 900 sq ft space three times within an hour and a 450 sq feet space six times within the same time.


The Air Doctor is not only effective but incredibly affordable. It has more functions and benefits than many similar units at a higher price. It cleans your home at a professional level. The Air Doctor is a one-time investment that will clean your home air for many years to come.

All you have to do is change your filters a couple of times a year. Using our Air Doctor link will even save your $300 if you order your unit today.

Air Doctor

Final Thoughts

Indoor air pollution is a serious health risk. Long-term exposure to indoor air pollutants may contribute to sneezing, coughing, upper-respiratory symptoms, headaches, fatigue, weight gain, depression, anxiety, asthma, allergies, autoimmune disease, and cardiovascular disease. Using a home air purification unit, like the Air Doctor is critical for making sure that your indoor air is clean, fresh, and healthy, and supports your and your family’s health and well-being.

If you are looking for an affordable, effective, and professional-level air-filtration system, I highly recommend the Air Doctor. I am excited to share that I’ve partnered with Air Doctor. You will save $300 off your Air Doctor unit when you buy today using our link here.

Sources in This Article Include:

1. Pike-Paris, A. (2005). Indoor Air Quality: part II–what it does. Pediatric Nursing, 31(1), 39–44, 49. PMID: 15794322
2. Will Air Pollution Lead to Weight Gain? Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 2016.  Link Here
3. Łopuszańska, U. & Makara-Studzińska, M. (2017). The correlations between air pollution and depression.. Current Problems of Psychiatry, 18(2), pp. 100-109. DOI:
4. Lim YH, Kim H, Kim JH, Bae S, Park HY, Hong YC. Air pollution and symptoms of depression in elderly adults. Environ Health Perspect. 2012 Jul;120(7):1023-8. doi: 10.1289/ehp.1104100. Epub 2012 Apr 18. PMID: 22514209; PMCID: PMC3404652. Link Here
5. Power MC, Kioumourtzoglou MA, Hart JE, Okereke OI, Laden F, Weisskopf MG. The relation between past exposure to fine particulate air pollution and prevalent anxiety: observational cohort study. BMJ. 2015 Mar 24. Link Here
6. Rosati, J. A., Yoneda, K. Y., Yasmeen, S., Wood, S., & Eldridge, M. W. (2005). Respiratory Health and Indoor Air Pollution at High Elevation. Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health, 60(2), 96–105. PMID: 16983862
7. Pope, A. M. (1993). Indoor allergens – Assessing and controlling adverse health effects. Journal of the American Medical Association. PMID: 25144066
8. Bernatsky, S., Smargiassi, A., Barnabe, C., Svenson, L. W., Brand, A., Martin, R. V., … Joseph, L. (2016). Fine particulate air pollution and systemic autoimmune rheumatic disease in two Canadian provinces. Environmental Research, 146, 85–91. PMID: 26724462
9. Kelly, F. J., & Fussell, J. C. (2017). Role of oxidative stress in cardiovascular disease outcomes following exposure to ambient air pollution. Free Radical Biology and Medicine. PMID: 28669628

Air Doctor

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  1. How much do the replacement filters cost? Something I would want to know before buying the machine. How much wattage does it draw? Another thing I would need to know because I have a finicky electrical system.

    1. I recently went to buy filters and the cost is enough but what really annoys me is these filters come out of the UK or other foreign facilities and they charge you shipping for each item you order. There are three filters. In the two year package it just has two filters so the third one you have to order separately. They charged 9.95 shipping on the one filter I ordered, 9.95 shipping on the two year set of filters and then when I put in my zip code they charged me 19.95 or 29.95 so was total in shipping of $40-50 which brought filter costs for two years to $282.00 and that was with a 10% discount on filters. Dr Jockers needs to find something USA made that is as good. This is ripping off his customers. People are not rich that buy these, we are just concerned with health and we have other things to purchase.

      1. Air Doctor filters are also sold on Amazon for less than from Air Doctor website, and free shipping. I have bought the multipack several times.

  2. Thank you for this information. My husband and I were just looking into a filtration system. Also, Thank you so much for the suggestion on nebulizing the H2o2 + saline solution recipe. My husband had drainage and coughing for almost a month. After using 3 times the first day and 2 the second, no more constant clearing his throat and no more drainage into his lungs!!! We are so grateful and blessed to have found you and your site. Also, what are your thoughts about nebulizing essential oils? Thank you for all you do for His Glory and loving others. In His Hands Always!!

    1. Praise God this is so good to hear!! We do not recommend nebulizing essential oils because the volatile organic acids in them will be too strong. The best way to use them is to diffuse them in the room you are in. Blessings!

  3. I’m confused about which air purifier you recommend. In this article you recommend and state you use the Air Doctor. However, in another article you recommend and state you use the EnviroKlenz Mobile UV model. Which model do you recommend and personally use? Thanks!

  4. I am looking at purchasing an air doctor… and just bought a doublewide mobile home that has a history of cats. It’s been remodeled but the odor remains. What do you recommend?

    1. There was not a reply to Marks’ question. I have C.O.P.D. & use a nebulizer A.M. & p.m. to keep my lungs open. Please let me know if ozone is a factor in the Air Doctor & would it be detrimental to my lungs? Thank you.

      Also, I am contemplating using your coaching system for chronic candida. How much would this cost? Thank you.I am 85

  5. Dear Dr. Jockers,

    Thank you for the opportunity to substantially save on the AirDoctor home air filtration units. I have been wanting to purchase a unit for some time but have been unable to afford to do so.
    I have an ongoing mold situation in my small home that I am unable to financially resolve and have had uncontrolled asthma for years, I am presently battling Covid-19. I feel the addition of a good filtration system could be quite beneficial for my health.
    I follow your work in the health field and have nothing but the highest respect and regards for you and your mission, please know that you make a positive difference in the world.

    Keep up the incredible work you do!

    Blessings to you and your family.

    B. Harper

  6. Is there a lot of EMF’s Electro-Magnetic Fields coming from the Air Doctor? I am Electro Hypersensitive to Wireless Technology etc.


  7. I own the Air Doctor 3000. We keep it in our family room. I love this machine. We have had another brand for many years. When the old one stopped running, We bought the Air Doctor 3000. It does a great job! If a skillet on the stove (two rooms away) gets overheated, the machine picks up the odor and starts running faster for a few minutes. My goal is to buy two more for each of the bedrooms that are being used. It is running and sitting about 9-10 foot behind me and I cannot hear it running. I caught the filters on sale and bought 3 sets, so I am OK for a while on filters.

  8. I’ve been thinking about purchasing an Air Doctor, but after reading about the cost of replacement filters and high shipping because they come from overseas, I will probably not order. I’ll check back later to see if Dr. Jockers has found a supplier in the USA.

  9. I have had an air doctor for several years. It does a great job clearing the air but is not quiet because it moves so much air. That is especially true when it senses cooking smoke and kicks into high speed. We have to turn it off when we want to hear quiet music on the stereo.
    I have another brand of air filter in my bedroom because it has a light activated sensor so it goes into a super quiet low speed sleeping mode when the lights are off. It also has a washable pre filter so you do not have to pay for filters as often.

  10. Dr. Jockers, you are a blessing from on high. To manage to get this kind of a deal on the AIR DOCTOR is so wonderful. And because of this discount before things go awry in the future, we ordered. We truly thank you for such a great savings at a time when every dollar in our wallets counts. Again, we truly thank you for being the blessing that you are.

  11. So I clicked on the “save $300 on the Air Doctor today” and the price in the cart was $679 or something like that. I see no savings.

  12. I’m considering purchase of one. Unsure which bc the descriptions can be taken two ways: a certain size covers one room or multiple rooms depending on square feet. I have a small ranch home.

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