Coconut Cream Key Lime Pie

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key lime pie

Coconut Cream Key Lime Pie

Coconut cream key lime pie is a recipe made by my wife Angel.  Check out Angel’s websiteinstagram and facebook page where she shares stories and pics about our life.

She also has a great YouTube channel you can check out as well.  I love this recipe and I think you guys will really enjoy it!

If you enjoy recipes like this, you may be interested in my advanced nutrition and recipe book the Keto Metabolic Breakthrough.

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Coconut Cream Key Lime Pie Recipe





Yield 16 Pie Slices

Filling Ingredients:

**If you like this sweeter, use 4 full dropper squirts and if you like the sweetness milder you can use 2.  If you don't want added sweetness, you can avoid using the stevia all together.

Grain-Free Crust:

Coconut Whipped Cream:

Key Lime Pie Instructions

Step #1:  In a medium bowl, mix shredded coconut, coconut flour (optional), chia seeds, hemp seeds, and butter (or coconut oil).

Step #2:  Spread and form mixture into a pie pan. Place in freezer for 15-30 minutes for the crust to firm.

Step #3:  In a saucepan over medium heat, add coconut milk and coconut cream, bring to a boil and stir until lumps are gone.

Step #4:  Once boiling, reduce heat to a summer and sprinkle in gelatin. Continue to stir for about 10 minutes until thickened.

Step #5:  Remove from heat and stir in lime or lime juice, stevia (or other sweetener), sea salt, and vanilla extract.

Step #6:  Pour over coconut crust and refrigerate for 3 hours or overnight.

Step #7:  In a medium bowl, make the coconut whipped cream by adding coconut cream, lime juice, stevia and sea salt together and mix until whipped.

Step #8:  Top the pie with whipped cream and enjoy!


***The nutrition info for this recipe is based on the linked ingredients above** *

**Nutritional info does not include optional ingredients. ***

Courses Dessert

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size 1 slice

Amount Per Serving

Calories 206

% Daily Value

Total Fat 21 g


Total Carbohydrates 4.5 g


Dietary Fiber 1 g


Sugars 0.5 g

Protein 2 g


* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.

key lime pie

Dr Jockers Comments

This key lime pie is a low-carb, fat burning, ketogenic dessert recipe that helps to reduce inflammation and improves metabolic function.  It is easy to make and tastes wonderful.  I know you will love it!

Coconut provides medium chain fats that are easier on the digestive system and turn into ketones with fewer steps than long-chain fatty acids.  This makes the process of using fat as your fuel source easier on the body and turns you into a lean, mean fat burning machine.

In this key lime pie, we use grass-fed beef gelatin for this recipe which provides high quality collagen peptides in a gelatinous form that thickens the recipe.  The collagen protein provides key amino acids that support healthy intestinal lining, joints, skin, nails and bones.

We used stevia in this recipe as it is a healthy natural sweetener that does not impact your blood sugar and has nutritional value.  If you don’t do well with stevia, you can also try the Honest keto maple syrup here or the Lakanto brand keto maple syrup here.  Both of these are made from natural ingredients and do not contain anything that elevated blood sugar levels.

This coconut cream key lime pie is totally worth the time and effort to make because I know you will LOVE IT like I do!  Let us know your experience with this recipe in the comments section below!!

Inflammation Crushing Ebundle

The Inflammation Crushing Ebundle is designed to help you improve your brain, liver, immune system and discover the healing strategies, foods and recipes to burn fat, reduce inflammation and Thrive in Life!

As a doctor of natural medicine, I have spent the past 20 years studying the best healing strategies and worked with hundreds of coaching clients, helping them overcome chronic health conditions and optimize their overall health.

In our Inflammation Crushing Ebundle, I have put together my very best strategies to reduce inflammation and optimize your healing potential.  Take a look at what you will get inside these valuable guides below!

Inflammation, 5 Ways To Reduce Inflammation Quickly

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Dr. Jockers

Dr David Jockers is passionate about seeing people reach their health potential in mind, body and spirit. He is the host of the popular “Dr Jockers Functional Nutrition” podcast and the author of the best-selling books, “The Keto Metabolic Breakthrough” and “The Fasting Transformation.”


Desserts Recipes


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Dr Jockers




  1. Looks great but the recipe instructions don’t mention the lime juice when telling when and how to mix everything. I’m assuming you put it in the filling after it is taken off the stove and at the same time when adding the stevia, sea salt and vanilla? Same with the whipped coconut cream – mention of lime juice is left out. Thank you for the recipe however!!

  2. Sounds great-I love key lime pie!
    Any substitutions for beef gelatin if I’m a vegan?

    Thanks for all you give to us, Dr. Jocker!

      1. Thank. My qyestion was whete can i get coconut cream. I’m glad to be part of your tribe.

  3. As a Hashimoto sufferer, and on the mend only now I have addressed mthfr and have a functional doctor who did blood tests for food intolerances, cane sugar, green beans, pineapple, black beans. I have lost 12 lbs/6 kilos. I am paleo and avoid all gluten, soy, dairy and white sugar. I have been using stevia for 2 or 3 years once a day in a mild coffee with coconut cream. I was using a a magnesium complex at night to help sleep, this contained stevia. For the last 8 months I could not understand why I had to keep getting up at night to go for a pee, it was often twice. Consequently my sleep was trashed. My doctor suggested a bladder xray, they said all was fine. Friends said to expect this at my age, 70 but I disagreed. Then I saw an article that was 2017 and its well known that stevia is a bladder irritant. I kept saying to the doctor, I feel that something is aggravating my bladder, she of course wanted to give me anti biotics that I refused. Now I avoid all stevia………I wont even have it my morning coffee, now getting 8 hours asleep uninterrupted!

    1. Magnesium relaxes everything and makes your kidneys work better. When you lay down and have that extra relaxation your blood pressure drops and kidneys kick in. Have same issues especially since only one kidney but generally the magnesium helps me to go back to sleep. I try to use magnesium chloride called remag from Dr Carolyn Dean because it is better on kidneys since it’s ionized and very small molecules for absorption. B6, ashwaganda, help with sleep also.

  4. So — to be clear — how many ounces of full-fat coconut milk does the recipe require? Thanks.

  5. Had to seriously tweak this recipe to get it to work. The picture included with the recipe doesn’t support the Finished product if you stick to the recipe.
    –2 tbs of gelatin (and it never thickened on the stove…it set up after being refrigerated overnight)
    —3/4 c of real, fresh squeezed key lime juice only (added after boiling the coconut/gelatin combo); no lemon juice
    —Left out the vanilla…vanilla and citrus isn’t our “thing”
    —used only 2 droppers of lemon stevia (we prefer tart key lime rather than sweet)
    —added a tiny pinch of spirulina powder to give a green “key lime” hue but you could also use a tiny pinch of turmeric if you’d prefer a yellow “lemony” hue; without either the pie filling is white
    —Strongly recommend the coconut flour for the crust bc it came out perfectly with it…probably a bit crumbly without it
    —added a tiny dash of pink Himalayan salt to the crust
    All this being said, the pie wasn’t bad but certainly not a home run. It’s good enough to warrant being tweaked a little further to give it a stronger key lime flavor.

      1. I am in the middle of making this and I don’t see how this makes a crust. I have to add a ton more coconut oil I guess…I used 3 tbs butter as that is all I had left in the fridge lol. But anyway…this is not at all formable. How did other people get this to work without adding a lot more?

        Also I am not sure how this will come out…the measurements for the coconut cream are not matching regular cans and it is hard to measure it right..

  6. Very good recipe! Thank you very much for sharing Dr. Jocker! I found that taking it out of the freezer (after the initial 4 hour or overnight setting) and transferring to the refrigerator (for 24 hours) provides a more creamy consistency and also improves the taste. I also substituted liquid monk fruit sweetener since I have issues with stevia. Just curious how long do you think it would stay covered in the refrigerator after the transfer?

  7. How can we change the flavor of this yummy pie to c hocolate instead of lime/lemon. I would really love to try that out.

      1. Basically I only changed the flavorings: Here are the ingredients, all else was the same. I added the cocoa to the coconut cream when I heated it before adding the gelatin. I think I would use a bit less gelatin next time though…

        Coconut Chocolate Cream Pie Recipe

        Filling Ingredients:
        • 1 13 oz can full-fat coconut milk
        • 10 oz 100% coconut cream
        • 1/4 tsp. sea salt
        • 1 Tbsp. grass-fed gelatin
        • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
        • 2/3 cup cacao powder
        • ¼ cup Lakanto Maple syrup
        • 3-4 squirts of chocolate flavored stevia (or to desired taste)
        **If you like this sweeter, use 4 full dropper squirts and if you like the sweetness more mild you can use 2. If you don’t want added sweetness, you can avoid using the stevia all together.
        Grain-Free Crust:
        • 1 1/2 cup fine shredded coconut, unsweetened
        • 1/4 cup coconut flour (optional)
        • 1 tsp. chia seeds
        • 1 tsp. hemp seeds
        • 3 Tbsp. melted butter or coconut oil
        Coconut Whipped Cream:

        • 5.6 oz coconut cream, refrigerated
        • 20 drops of chocolate flavored stevia
        • Dash of sea salt

  8. The cans of coconut milk and cream gave guar gum in them. I use guar gum free kind. Does this recipe account for that Dr. Jockers? I’m unable to use thickeners such as those.

  9. The latest discovery is stevia is an anti-fertility entity. Evidently the women of the ancient Latino cultures knew this. Its wide approval by US Government for use in processed foods should have tipped us off.

  10. Hi , I appreciate what I have learnt from your web sight and the support that I get from it.
    I have some feedback on your recently shared carrot cake. It was to be my special bit of home baking for me, family and neighbours on Easter
    Weekend. Though I used high quality ingredients and followed the recipe carefully the cake was a disaster! The first day it tasted heavily of salt. ( I used salted butter) the next day it tasted like a combination of salt and baking soda. I did a bit of research on baking soda in baking. It needs an acid to help things rise. What was the acid in that recipe? What was the use of 2 teaspoons of soda other then to give the cake terrible taste ?
    I enjoyed grumbling about my cake, it was far from the end of the world but………

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