Functional Nutrition: Tips to Find a Great Health Coach

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functional nutritionFunctional Nutrition: Tips to Find a Great Health Coach

Functional Nutrition and Functional Medicine are two relatively new concepts in the health world. This health practice revolves around the idea of getting to the root cause of disease processes in the body rather than treating the symptoms.

By identifying deeper mechanisms that prevent the body from functioning at its peak, we can support the systems that need it. In turn, the body can heal itself more effectively. It is this kind of approach that has been extremely helpful for improving conditions that previously have had no treatment options.

Because the functional nutrition approach looks at the body as a summation of systems rather than overly specific mechanisms, it can take a truly holistic approach to health. You will likely even discover unexpected, hidden causes of disease that are pushing your body toward metabolic chaos. In this article, you will learn some of the things to consider when looking for a functional nutrition practitioner.

The Complexity of Health

The body is complex. It is one system comprised of hundreds of smaller systems all operating in synchronicity to keep you healthy. So you can see how using a nasal spray for a head cold may be short-sighted. Not to say that it can’t be helpful, but why wasn’t the body able to prevent it from occurring?

What systems in the body are responsible for fighting off infections and how can they be supported to prevent this from happening again?

These are the kinds of questions functional nutrition or functional medicine practitioners ask themselves when they work with someone who is dealing with a health challenge.

As an example, the video below goes into how a common functional lab test (the Organic Acids Test) is able to uncover several potential reasons for poor healing in the body.

Functional Nutrition

A functional nutrition or functional medicine practitioner will work with you to investigate the underlying causes of your health issues, and then help you design a multi-factorial approach to supporting the body in healing itself. A typical coaching plan would likely consist of the following:

1)  Anti-Inflammatory Nutrition and Lifestyle Plan: 

Based on your health history and symptoms your functional nutrition coach will help you customize an anti-inflammatory nutrition and lifestyle plan to reduce inflammation and start the healing process

2)  Run Specific Functional Labs:  

Your functional nutrition coach will help you identify specific labs that will help identify the root causes of your health challenges.  These labs may include looking at factors such as:

Stress and Sex hormones
Thyroid Function
Markers of Inflammation
Micronutrient Testing
Leaky Gut and Gut Infections
Food Sensitivities
Neurotransmitter Metabolites
Mitochondrial Function

Your practitioner will likely either have a set package they like to work with or will work with you to determine which labs will benefit you the most.

3)  Review Lab Results:

Your functional nutrition coach will help you understand the lab findings and tweak and better customize your nutrition and lifestyle plan along with targeted supplements to reduce root cause issues in the body.

4)  Ongoing Coaching:  

Your functional nutrition coach will routinely monitor your health status and help you troubleshoot any roadblocks that come your way as you follow your specific healing plan and will run follow-up labs to observe changes in the root cause of health challenges as you improve your health.

The ultimate goal of a great health coach is to empower you with a sense of self-sufficiency and mastery of your health that you can carry with you for life!

Finding a Local Functional Nutrition Practitioner

Finding a functional nutrition practitioner locally is simple. Chances are someone who works at your local health food store knows one! Other ways to search for a local functional nutrition practitioner include:

  • Finding a chiropractic office that has a functional nutrition practitioner on staff
  • Doing a web search containing the terms “Functional Nutrition” and the name of the area you live. For example, “Functional Nutrition Kansas City” or “Functional Nutrition New York”

Generally, using these two methods, you should at least be able to find someone local who engages in something similar to functional nutrition. I will tell you now though… not all functional nutrition, functional medicine, or natural health practitioners are equal.

In a moment, we will discuss the qualities you should look for when choosing a practitioner to work with. 

functional nutrition

Virtual Health Coaching

You may or may not be aware of this but long-distance or virtual health coaching is actually a growing field. With the increasingly high demands of our lives, it can just be so much more convenient to consult with your functional nutrition practitioner by phone or video chat (whether you’re on the go or laid back in your pajamas in the comfort of your own home).

You might think that working this way would be cluttered but it’s actually super simple.

Most often, these practitioners offer a free intro call to discuss how their plan works. When it is time to order functional lab work, all you do is make a simple online order, the kits show up at your doorstep, and you simply follow the included directions. You complete these labs at home, ship them back to the laboratory, and within a few weeks, you’re on the phone speaking with your functional nutrition practitioner putting together a game plan!

In addition to being more convenient, online health coaching also gives you a wider selection of practitioners to choose from. This puts you in control of the experience. Next, we will cover the critical questions to ask your potential health coach to determine if they are the best option for you.  If you are a practitioner or would like to be a functional health coach check out this article on for the best health coaching programs available.

functional nutrition

What to Look For

Check Out Their Website

Most reputable health coaches have an online presence these days. Whether they have a website or some kind of social media page, this is how you can become familiar with their personality and health philosophy before even getting in touch with them.

For example, on you can easily get an idea of how we would go about supporting the body in healing things like Autoimmunity, Cancer, Digestive Issues, Parasite Infections, weight loss, and so much more.

You can also check out each one of our health coaches and read about their stories and philosophies when it comes to working with people one-on-one.  More on that at the bottom of this article.

If a health coach expects you to work with them without knowing anything about their coaching process, be very cautious. Be sure to check out their social media pages and read their content or watch the videos they are putting out to get a good feel for their health philosophy and health strategies.

You really want a coach or a team of coaches that share similar values as you do because you will resonate with them and connect with their style more effectively.  If you don’t follow me already, you can keep up with me on my Facebook page here or Instagram page here

functional nutrition

Look for Reputable Credentials and RESULTS

There are now several different methods for getting into the functional nutrition field. Unlike traditional nutritionists, functional nutrition is not something learned in public institutions. Rather, several private certifications exist that operate on a similar functional nutrition framework.

Ideally, you will want to find someone who has been certified by an institution and has an established record of GETTING RESULTS with people.

People can try to sell you things all day, but the results speak for themselves. You should be able to find a health coach that gets results using their methods. Oftentimes, those who get the results will display them on their website or social media page regularly.

I can’t emphasize this enough, be wary of those who make claims without showing the results to back it up! 

Experience and Expertise

If you’re going to invest in your health, you want a solid return on that investment. Look for a functional nutrition practitioner who either has years of experience working with clients or has been trained and mentored by someone who has.

The thing about functional nutrition is that not everyone is the same. The more you work with people, the more you realize that not everyone responds the same way to the same protocols. In fact, what works really well for one person, may cause a negative reaction in someone else.

An experienced practitioner will be able to identify these reactions quickly and shift your plan accordingly to maximize your chances of success.

Interviewing Your Potential Health Coach

Getting on the phone for a short intro call can go a long way. You can use this opportunity to figure out if you are a good fit for their program. Many practitioners offer a 10-15 minute phone call for this purpose. If you are strategic with your questions, you can get a really good idea of whether or not you want to work with them. Below are some vital questions to ask when looking for a functional nutrition practitioner. 

Do you believe nutrition and lifestyle play a huge role in overall health?

Are you familiar with an autoimmune elimination diet? A leaky gut diet? A ketogenic diet?

Do you recommend specific functional lab testing to find the root cause of major health issues?

You can even ask which testing would likely be the most beneficial depending on your specific health challenges. 

What could we realistically achieve health-wise on a plan together?

This goes both ways. As the potential client, don’t expect miracles. On the other hand, if a health coach tells you they can cure you of all diseases, be very cautious about starting a plan with them. With time and persistence, making the right changes can help put your body back into a state of healing. No magic bullets here, just a reliable process!

functional nutrition

Things to Avoid

When it comes down to it, we still live in a very competitive and money-driven society. That being said, there are those who are in the field of functional nutrition who are either looking to maximize income or simply do not understand the true complexity and holistic nature of health coaching. The following are things to look out for.

Over-Simplified Approaches (Magic Bullets)

Your health is not determined by a single diet, food, or supplement.  Many people sell their products or services with a HUGE promise.  I would be weary of this as the journey to health must be a multi-therapeutic, holistic approach and it takes time to heal.

Nutrition, lifestyle, supplements, stress levels, sleep patterns, the light you expose your body to, your exposure to toxins, and a whole list of other things can alter your health. Learning these things will empower you to be healthy forever.

Over-Reliance on Supplements

A health coach should understand that your health results will be 70-80% based on your lifestyle habits.  Supplements can be great at accelerating the healing process, but they are to be used in addition to a healthy nutrition plan and lifestyle.

A roof is great but before you can build a roof, you need a house underneath it! Food and your everyday habits are the foundation to your health, supplements are great after that has been set in place.

Radical Alternative Treatments

There are many fringe therapies out there. Some work, some don’t. However, look for someone who is going to work on the basics first.

Nutrition and everyday lifestyle choices are your foundation so start there! If your coach has the intention to teach you how to keep yourself healthy forever, they will focus on the basics first!

Treating Symptoms

What is a headache a symptom of? Well… I could probably think of 10 different potential reasons. What about chronic headaches? Chronic fatigue? The truth is… a symptom doesn’t tell you much about what is going on in the body.

This is why it doesn’t make sense to treat symptoms. This is where functional lab work comes in handy. Looking at specific markers within the body narrows down the possibilities and an experienced practitioner can help you troubleshoot the rest!

Practitioners I Recommend

Considering the factors discussed above, I have personally recruited two top-notch health coaches who are available for long-distance functional nutrition consulting.

Dr Ivonne Boujaoude, ND, MS, MA, CFMP, CFSP, CGP

Dr. Ivonne is a Board-Certified Naturopathic Doctor, a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner, and an Integrative Mental Health Practitioner.  She holds an MA in Psychology and MS in Health Science with a concentration in Clinical Nutrition and she is a candidate for the ACBN Clinical Nutrition Diplomate.

She is a Certified Gluten Free Practitioner and Certified Food and Spirit Practitioner. She is a member of the American Naturopathic Medical Association, Society of Complementary Alternative & Holistic Practitioners, and the ACA Council of Nutrition.

Dr. Ivonne has made it her life mission to empower people to take control of their health by getting to the root cause of their condition while harnessing the power of Nature. Her therapeutic modalities are varied starting from food as medicine to lifestyle modifications, supplementation, homeopathy, and herbal medicine.

Read more about Dr Ivonne and her coaching plans here


Tarah Black FDN-P, INHC

Tarah graduated from Life University in Georgia with her bachelor’s in Health Coaching.  Tarah continued her passion for learning and has obtained certification from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition.  Tarah is a lifelong learner. Tarah has worked with Dr Jockers and the team since 2015.

As a Functional Health Coach, Tarah realizes it is an honor to work with clients on their health journey. She seeks to educate, support, and empower clients with strategies to help them best achieve their health goals. Tarah utilizes a holistic approach focusing on nutrition, lifestyle modification, supplementation, and mindset, according to each client’s unique bio-individual needs.

Read more about Tarah and her coaching plans here.

Inflammation Crushing Ebundle

The Inflammation Crushing Ebundle is designed to help you improve your brain, liver, immune system and discover the healing strategies, foods and recipes to burn fat, reduce inflammation and Thrive in Life!

As a doctor of natural medicine, I have spent the past 20 years studying the best healing strategies and worked with hundreds of coaching clients, helping them overcome chronic health conditions and optimize their overall health.

In our Inflammation Crushing Ebundle, I have put together my very best strategies to reduce inflammation and optimize your healing potential.  Take a look at what you will get inside these valuable guides below!

Inflammation, 5 Ways To Reduce Inflammation Quickly

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Dr. Jockers

Dr David Jockers is passionate about seeing people reach their health potential in mind, body and spirit. He is the host of the popular “Dr Jockers Functional Nutrition” podcast and the author of the best-selling books, “The Keto Metabolic Breakthrough” and “The Fasting Transformation.”


Health Coach Nutrition


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Doctor David Jockers DNM, DC, MS
Functional Nutrition & Natural Health Specialist
Dr Jockers




  1. wow, it’s interesting that a nutrition coach can actually right-fit your body with the essential nutrients that it needs. I love it when you sai that life coach can help you customize your anti-inflammatory nutrition a lifestyle to help you speed up the healing process. My body is very prone to inflammation. I think getting a nutrition coach can help me heal from this condition.

  2. Dr Jockers,

    I have a similar question on which education path to take to become a functional nutritionist/ practitioner and work for a doctors office to support their patients. My education is a B.S. in Exercise Science Health and Fitness, A.S. in Occupational Therapy Assistant, I read many books on health, nutrition and have good understanding on how the body works. I have a basic understanding of most functional medicine tests that are currently used. Since I have an intense holistic passion to get back into the health space, I want to make the correct choice in my education. Any suggestions would be grately appreciated.

    Thank you,
    Lisa F

  3. Dr. Jockers,
    I was wondering if you know of a Functional health coach who has worked with POTS /CFS patients. Thanks!

      1. Hi, I have tapped on to your link about Melissa but cannot find a point of contact. I live in Scotland and would like to contact her thanks.

  4. Hi Dr. Jockeys
    I would like to know is there a way to heal someone with rheumatoid arthritis. I hate this disease. Iam on Humira . Can’t take myself off of it cause I will have a flair up. Can you help me .

  5. Thank you for all your helpful information.
    My son had his gall bladder removed when he was 14 yrs old, he was back in hospital 24hrs later for 1 week with severe pain. His severe pain can come on suddenly and be 9 out of 10 pain and I have had to call the ambulance quite a few times. He is now 23 yrs old and still has severe nerve pain. The Dr’s call it post surgical pain. It’s under his right 2nd rib area. He has seen 2 neurologists. Pain clinics and is now on medical cannabis which takes away the pain most of the time but he gets very exhausted from the pain.
    Do you have any suggestions?

  6. Hi Dr. Jockers,

    I am not going through any serious health concerns, however I want to get rid of my constant soreness of muscles which is increasing from my early 20s, and my fatigue and tiredness which doesen’t seem to come up on any blood test markers which a General Physician here in India conduct. I want to go from survive to thrive and accelerate my athletic performance which shouldn’t be dipping at my age(I’m 30.) How should I go about it? I am also interested in learning more about this field to make a career as a Well-Being Coach i.e. Body, Mind and Soul to additionally benefit my clients.

    Thanks and Regards,

  7. Dear Dr. Jockers,
    Thank you for sharing so much useful information!
    I desperately want to get off prescription sleeping pills.
    I have tried SO many natural alternatives, to no avail.
    I am a 64 yr old surfer who gets plenty of sunshine, exercise, yoga,
    meditation and excellent nutrition- bedtime comes and my body feels relaxed but I can’t drop into sleep naturally!! A 20+ yr problem.
    Any suggestions from you would be highly valued.

  8. I was recently diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis without the doctor seeing ANY bloodwork and prescribed methotrexate. I am somewhat skeptical of this diagnosis because I have no psoriasis, just joint inflammation in my fingers, feet and 1 elbow. I am very reluctant to take this cancer drug that has many side effects. I suddenly developed all this inflammation after contracting a mild case of covid so I keep thinking I may have virus induced arthritis. But either way, no matter why I have this arthritis, I would like to try a holistic approach. I can research all day long but until someone actually looks at my bloodwork and guides me, I will be just playing guessing games. I had 1 set of bloodwork done but the rheumatologist has not seen it yet and she said it may not be what she wanted and will require more testing. Do you believe a health coach can keep me off of prescription medications that also prevents joint degeneration? Can you provide a general cost range for these services? Thank you.

  9. I have another question. Should I wait for bloodwork before purchasing one of the bioactive carbon products so that I am taking the correct version?

  10. Impression from MRI
    1. L5-S1 pars defects with anterolisthesis of 6-7 mm. No canal stenosis is present.
    There is severe left foraminal stenosis with left foramen disc herniation extrusion
    type causing mass-effect on the exiting left L5 nerve root. Right foramen
    narrowing is present mild to moderate in serverity.
    2. L4-5 disc bulge with central disc annular tear with disc herniation protrusion
    type. No canal stenosis is present. The neural foramen are patent.
    3. Loss of lumbar lordosis.

    Neurologist suggested ibuprofen 800mg 3x/daily for a week and PT for 5 weeks and then reevaluate.
    Any natural ibuprofen suggestions for pain and inflammation and would a health coach be able to help with this.
    Thanks for any suggestions.

    1. Sorry to hear about this Angie, while a functional health coach can not prescribe medications or treat a condition like this, they can give you many natural strategies to reduce pain and improve quality of life.

  11. Any referrals for someone with PCOS that has experience and success managing? We have used two functional medicine doctors and as of yet no luck (2 years)?
    Thank you

    1. Hi Nancy. I was diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis in 1993. My doctor at that time realized I had all my mercury fillings removed in 1992. I was a bit ahead of the times. I then realized my fillings needed to be removed due to their toxicity. In those days they did not have any special safety protocol for mercury removal and I became flooded with mercury. Fortunately, within a short period of time, I was diagnosed with MG. I had all the symptoms. I found a Dr who was getting into integrative medicine at that time. He sent me to an innovative Doctor practicing Chelation therapy. I took 17 sessions of it. During that time I serendipitously stumbled upon another Doctor by accident ( very famous today) Dr. Perlmutter and he added a few supplements to it and encouraged me to continue on the Chelation and I was cured in 9 months. So definitely get the chelation done. It is mainstream today. In My days it was considered Quackery. Good luck and blessings to you.

  12. Hello, I hope you can answer this one: Do you have (or know of any) board certified functional health coach that knows sign language? I have a hearing loss and use American Sign Language and am looking for one :). Thank you!

  13. Breast cancer survivor, insomnia, hair loss etc. Do you have a great nutritional health coach to recommend in suburbs of Chicago? Blessings to you

  14. Hello Dr. Jockers.
    I have been following you for quite awhile. Your sound advice has helped with many health issues. Thank you.
    I am looking for a Functional Doctor who utilizes telehealth. I live in Billings, MT and have found most ND’s are affiliated with the BIG Medical Clinic here. I have interviewed many and am currently seeing one of these Natropathic Doctors. Although very helpful they are pushing hard for me to get the biological warfare jab. Do you perhaps have a reccomendation list of trusted professionals?
    Thank you, any help will be greatly appreciated.
    Treva Grewe

  15. Any good functional doctors in SLC, Utah? I’ve had many abdominal surgeries, including
    hysterectomy, nissan fundoplication, gall bladder, small intestine blockage, and lg. bowel resection from diverticulosis. I’ve been diagnosed with CLL leukemia. I have a pacemaker. I suffer with awful digestive issues–SIBO/IBS, etc. I’m afraid to eat or go anywhere because of bowel problems. I’m battling depression. I could really use some help.

  16. Is any of this covered by insurance? I was hoping to find something that’s even partially covered.
    Sorry if this question is redundant. I’m in Ohio, not that it matters like you said.

  17. What to do for sticky , enlarged red blood cells that show on tests ? I’m plant based in my eating plan .I know they lead to serious conditions . Is there anyway to prevent and reduce their size and stickiness ? I’ve been told about them by two doctors .

  18. Thank you for this informative article regarding finding a functional medicine nutrition coach. I have been looking for a holistic solution to my health care issues currently so this was very helpful. I am currently in end stage renal failure, stage five kidney failure with polycystic kidneys and I’m on dialysis and have been for two years. I’ve started the test to get on the transplant list at UNC. The nephrologist that I deal with do not want to have anything to do with any type of progressive/holistic care. Medicare probably requires strict adherence to assure payment but this approach is unfortunately possibly robbing many dialysis patients of better healthcare…especially since the kidneys play such a vital and integral role throughout the body. I’m having to be my own advocate because I know functional medicine could help improve my quality of life. If you have any recommendations with someone on your team who has experience in the field of renal failure/dialysis or if you could recommend a functional medicine practitioner in the Wilmington North Carolina area that would be awesome! Again, I appreciate your article and I look forward to hearing from you!
    Cameron Smith

  19. Hello, Dr. Jockers!
    I just signed up with you, and on your thank you for signing up with you page, just notifying you that the “Read More” link on your “Top 24 Cancer Fighting Foods” article takes me to the “How To Follow A Cyclical Ketogenic Diet” article instead.

  20. My brother has just been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s (not early-onset). He’s in his late 60’s. He has mild cognitive impairment now.

    Which of your coaches would be best for a recently diagnosed Alzheimer’s patient?

    I’m ready to retain one of your coaches for my brother as soon as possible.

  21. Hello Dr Jockers,
    My sister and I have been following you for many years.
    She has had eczema starting from age 4 and she is now 61.
    8 years ago she stopped all medication for eczema and now has TSW (Topical Steroid Withdrawal) also called Red Skin Syndrome. She has followed many of your health suggestions and also does coffee enemas. She’s gotten much better, however, there is still so much room for improvement. She recently did an Intracellular Nutrient Analysis.
    Could you please help in suggesting her next step on whether to see a coach or to even see you!
    Thank you for all that you do and the knowledge you teach!

  22. Hello,
    I’ve been diagnosed with hypothalamic amenorrhea and my GYN automatically has resorted to prescribing birth control pills for me. I’m 43 yrs old and want to avoid starting this medication at all costs. I’ve had all my reproductive hormones checked via blood work along with a cortisol level and a bone density. All came back within normal limits except for low estrogen and slightly elevated cortisol. Cannot get out of a follicular stage. I do cardio exercise-intensity jogging most days and follow a healthy whole food modest diet while monitoring inflammatory foods and fermented foods. Can you please assist me in finding natural ways either in foods/supplements or professional recommendations to help my menses cycle return?

  23. Hello Dr Jockers, I suffered in the past from SIBO, Helicobacter pilory, candida, etc, etc. I tried different doctors, practitioners but nothing worked. I have always been constipated but this has worsen and now I am suffering from acid reflux, stomachaches, and other issues. I suspect I have SIBO again and I just ordered a test and a Helicobacter pilory test to confirm. I am treating myself but I need someone. I live in Florida. How does it work with your functional practitioners? I tried to find a naturopathic doctor but they are not allowed to prescribe in Florida. I love natural approaches anyway but if a test is needed I need someone who can order the tests, etc.

  24. Dr Jockers, thank you for your valuable information. I have hypothyroidism and have been taking levothyroxin (125 MCG) for 16 years. Recently, I have read your articles and information on the thyroid, etc. Am I able to improve the health of my thyroid naturally even after being on medication for 16 years?

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