God’s Natural Chemotherapy

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natural chemotherapy

God’s Natural Chemotherapy

Cancer is at an all time high and people are looking for more natural chemotherapy treatments.  I believe deep within my spirit that God created us for incredible health & vitality and desires for us to look to nature to provide the resources for health & well-being.  Our society has been trained to look first at man-made interventions and treatments.

However, I believe we honor and glorify Him by looking to His creation for the answers to our health goals. The more I study nature, nutrition, human physiology and biochemistry, etc. the more His Majesty comes alive in my body, mind, & soul.  Discover what I believe to be God’s natural chemotherapy.

The world’s most powerful natural chemotherapy substances are found right under our noses in the form of natural plants, herbs, & spices. Some of the most potent of these include cruciferous veggies (such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, bok choy, collards, & turnip greens among others) contain a wide array of anti-carcinogenic compounds.  Here are a few of them:

natural chemotherapy

Natural Chemotherapy Nutrients:

1. Indole-3 Carbinol: A powerful antioxidant that scavenges free radicals in the body.  It plays a very critical role in liver detoxification by inducing hepatic cytochrome P450 monooxygenases.  This reaction affects estrogen metabolism by increasing the production of the chemoprotective estrogen 2-hydroxyestrone (1, 2).

Additionally, it has been shown that I3C inhibits aflatoxin-DNA binding and arrests the G1 growth phase of cancerous human reproductive cells (3).  It has also shown benefits in the treatment of Systemic Lupus, an autoimmune disease related to faulty estrogen metabolism (4).

2. Isothiocyanates: (Phenethyl Isothiocyanate & Sulforaphane) Have been shown to induce apoptosis (programmed cell death) in most cancer cells including drug-resistant leukemia cells.  The p53 gene is considered the “guardian of the genome,” due to its role in regulating the cell cycle and suppressing cancer formation (4).  This is an example of a natural chemotherapy agent in action.

Increased levels of oxidative stress creates a mutation of the p53 gene which promotes cancer cell growth.  Isothiocyanates have been shown to destroy mutant p53 genes (5, 6).  Broccoli sprouts are considered the best source of these powerful compounds.

3. Lutein & Zeaxanthin: These 2 carotenoid antioxidants are very similar in chemistry and function.  These 2 powerfully reduce oxidative stress, inhibit cancer cell formation, and induce cancer cell apoptosis (7, 8).  These substances are found in abundance in kale, spinach, Brussels sprouts, & broccoli.

cancer fighting foods, Top 24 Cancer Fighting Foods

Dr. Jockers’ Action Steps:

  1. Eat More Cruciferous Veggies:  Include a lot of cruciferous vegetables in your diet every day.
  2. Juice Your Greens:  Juice cancer fighting foods to get the most concentrated form of these powerful nutrients.  Juicing helps to maximize nutrient absorption while limiting stress on the digestive system.  When there is less stress on the digestive system, the body is able to heal more effectively.
  3. Use Sprouts:  Sprouts are the most nutrient dense.  Use broccoli sprouts regularly.
  4. Lightly Cook Your Cruciferers:  Steam or lightly boil these veggies to break down the fibrous outer shell.  I love to top them with grass-fed butter, which is rich in fat soluble vitamins such as lutein, retinol, and conjugated linoleic acid, which have anti-cancer activity.  Additionally, I recommend putting lemon juice or apple cider vinegar on afterward to add antioxidants, begin the digestive process, and cover them with herbs like basil, oregano, and thyme.
  5. Marinate Your Veggies if Eating Them Raw:  Marinate your veggies in apple cider vinegar for 30-60+ minutes to soften them and maintain all essential nutrients in their raw form.
  6. Fermented Veggies:  Consuming fermented cabbage recipes such as sauerkraut and kimchi is one of the best ways to get these natural chemotherapy nutrients along with tons of live enzymes and probiotics into our bodies.  Consume 1/4 cup of these daily and more if you are battling cancer or trying to detox from chemotherapy.

Top 20 Blood Cleansing Foods and Herbs

WARNING: Poor liver and kidney function will make it impossible for you to properly detoxify the blood.

This damage is causing inflammation, blood clots and many chronic disease conditions.
Fortunately, there are foods and herbs that can help clean your blood while supporting liver and kidney function.

Discover the Top 20 Blood Cleansing Foods and Herbs that aren’t just delicious, but proven to clean your blood and support healthy liver and kidney function, such as:

• The vegetable that works better than a popular prescription diuretic at managing kidney failure.
• A pungent herb that can reduce kidney damage after lead exposure – in just 30 days!
• The unsung hero of the plant kingdom that stimulates digestion and purifies the blood … plus, the preferred food of your “good” gut microbes.
• A powerful herb with diuretic and detoxifying properties that remove heavy metals from the blood.
• The tasty appetizer that offers incredible liver-friendly nutrients

Best of all, these 20 top blood cleansing foods and herbs are easy to find at your local grocery store.
With this valuable gift, you’ll be able to avoid the threats of toxic blood, inflammation and chronic disease symptoms.

PS… When you receive this Ebook, you’ll also get complimentary access to the Whole Body Detox Summit, starting Tuesday, March 4th.
This brand NEW, online event is going to show you how to avoid and even eliminate disease symptoms by simply detoxifying the body safely and naturally.

Your Body Can Heal Itself:

Your body has an incredible healing power within it.  In 9 months, while we were in our mother’s womb, we developed from 2 cells into trillions of living, breathing cells.  Our bodies can truly heal!  We have to remove the toxic thoughts, chemicals, and stressors on our system so we can heal as designed.

I believe that a cancer diagnosis or a major health scare is actually an opportunity to change our thinking patterns, to draw closer to God, and to learn to master our mind, body, and emotions.  It may be tough to see, but many people who have overcome chronic disease have reported that the diagnosis and the suffering they endured, helped open their eyes to a new way of life that is so much better than what they had settled for in the past.

natural chemotherapy

You Don’t Have to Be Afraid:

I pray that you will begin by spending each day, desiring to see yourself as God sees you.  No matter what you have done in the past, He sees you as His son or daughter.  You and I are His children, and He desires a deeper personal relationship with you.

Perhaps, He wants you to search deep and forgive those who have wronged you or He wants you to open yourself up fully to His love.  Whatever it is, He doesn’t want you to live in fear, but instead to choose love and faith in His healing power!


If you want to work with a functional health coach, I recommend this article with tips on how to find a great coach. On our website, we offer long-distance functional health coaching programs. For further support with your health goals, just reach out—our fantastic coaches are here to support your journey.

Inflammation Crushing Ebundle

The Inflammation Crushing Ebundle is designed to help you improve your brain, liver, immune system and discover the healing strategies, foods and recipes to burn fat, reduce inflammation and Thrive in Life!

As a doctor of natural medicine, I have spent the past 20 years studying the best healing strategies and worked with hundreds of coaching clients, helping them overcome chronic health conditions and optimize their overall health.

In our Inflammation Crushing Ebundle, I have put together my very best strategies to reduce inflammation and optimize your healing potential.  Take a look at what you will get inside these valuable guides below!

Inflammation, 5 Ways To Reduce Inflammation Quickly

Sources For This Article Include:

1. Bradlow HL, Michnovicz J, Telang NT, Osborne MP. Effects of dietary indole-3-carbinol on estradiol metabolism and spontaneous mammary tumors in mice. Carcinogenesis. 1991 Sep;12(9):1571-4. PMID: 1893517
2. Auborn KJ, Fan S, Rosen EM, Goodwin L, Chandraskaren A, Williams DE, Chen D, Carter TH. Indole-3-carbinol is a negative regulator of estrogen. J Nutr. 2003 Jul;133(7 Suppl):2470S-2475S. PMID: 12840226
3. Stresser DM, Bailey GS, Williams DE. Indole-3-carbinol and beta-naphthoflavone induction of aflatoxin B1 metabolism and cytochromes P-450 associated with bioactivation and detoxication of aflatoxin B1 in the rat. Drug Metab Dispos. 1994 May-Jun;22(3):383-91. PMID: 8070314
4. McAlindon TE, Gulin J, Chen T, Klug T, Lahita R, Nuite M. Indole-3-carbinol in women with SLE: effect on estrogen metabolism and disease activity. Lupus. 2001;10(11):779-83. PMID: 11789487
5. Wang X, Di Pasqua AJ, Govind S, McCracken E, Hong C, Mi L, Mao Y, Wu JY, Tomita Y, Woodrick JC, Fine RL, Chung FL. Selective depletion of mutant p53 by cancer chemopreventive isothiocyanates and their structure-activity relationships. J Med Chem. 2011 Feb 10;54(3):809-16. PMID: 21241062
6. Prawan A, Keum YS, Khor TO, Yu S, Nair S, Li W, Hu L, Kong AN. Structural influence of isothiocyanates on the antioxidant response element (ARE)-mediated heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) expression. Pharm Res. 2008 Apr;25(4):836-44. PMID: 17657593
7. Rafi MM, Kanakasabai S, Gokarn SV, Krueger EG, Bright JJ. Dietary lutein modulates growth and survival genes in prostate cancer cells. J Med Food. 2015 Feb;18(2):173-81. PMID: 25162762
8. Bi M-C, Rosen R, Zha R-Y, McCormick SA, Song E, Hu D-N. Zeaxanthin Induces Apoptosis in Human Uveal Melanoma Cells through Bcl-2 Family Proteins and Intrinsic Apoptosis Pathway. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine : eCAM. 2013;2013:205082.

natural chemotherapy

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Dr Jockers




  1. Beautiful visuals and great rundown of just why and how these cancer-fighting foods/substances work. Also, what a wonderful affirmation of a simple, radiant (I believe) Central Christian Truth: that we are made to reflect and truly enjoy and experience the fullness of health and the enjoyment of the endless delight of delicious nurture, robust self-care and cultivation of God’s great earth.
    This daily care and husbandry of Creation often gets such short-shrift these days…we are so easily distracted from the what’s palpable, challenging, engaging…necessary-even urgent to maintain balance, beauty, harmony & health in our lives-to love ourselves and others more fully-richly.

  2. Have you by any chance considered taping this conference to make it available to those who are unable to attend?
    Thank you so much for the great article!

  3. Please, if anyone can help me with anything, I am 54 years, and I was diagnosed with lung cancer it was 7.2 – 8.5 in just a few months , the Dr’s told me I have had this for a very long time ever since I found out I haven’t been the same going down fast I have tried everything, I do not do chemo or radiation , my body couldn’t handle it not for a minute, so just recently I guitar and gave up on my diet my greens and all the healthy stuff I was doing I now weigh 100 pounds and got scared when I lost all my weight, the cancer is taken everything from me, please if anyone out there knows what else I can do, the hospital told me not to waste no time here this is very serious, I was just trying to turn it around or to destroy it , it’s not nothing working, any comments, please email me melmel61862@gmail.com. thanks melody

    1. One thing you may want to try is foot detox to clean the body of chemicals and clean the organs in the body. It draws infection and inflammation out as well as cancer cells. Find someone in your area that offers this. Or research it on the net. The machines that do this can cost around $1200. Some spas or massage places may offer it. I strongly urge you to try this. God bless!

    2. I’ll be interested to see replies as I have a dear friend with stage 4 lung cancer too. His story is about the same as yours. I had stage 2 breast cancer. I’m 2 1/2 yrs out now and doing ok but it was brutal. Still tired and weak and gaining weight like crazy! I have a friend who did have a mastectomy but she chose natural instead of chemo and radiation. She eats all fresh fruits and veggies, a little wild salmon and organic chicken. No grains, no sugar and no red meat. She is in amazing health! She actually glows! She prays a lot on her morning walks and is so positive and calm! Her tumor mark test recently came out the lowest the doctor had ever seen and 10 months ago she had cancer! The difference in her is amazingly good!!! Her doc gave her Vit C and turmeric drips twice a week while instead of chemo! So amazing!!! God bless you!

        1. Colloidal silver is powerful. Add it to your regiment. Just take short term. Then take break. Try 2 wks on 1 wk off? Check with dr so not to affect anything else you are on. I’m not a Dr but I care! Get online and research. Super lysine another immune bldr. It is my antibiotic/anti microbial/anti fungal/anti every thing. Do everything only organic. My 94 y young father takes Vit C everyday and he is well. Lost 13 siblings mostly cancers and his mother who was over 100y when she left.

    3. Praying for you Melody! I would recommend finding an integrative health center near you where you can get IV treatments for Vit C and glutathione, hyperbaric oxygen and more. These therapies have turned around very fast growing cancers in the past and will give you the best chance.

      1. My husband started with Parkinson’s disease, then lost 12 inches of his lower bowel from an undiscovered twisting, then he developed prostate cancer, a very agressive form. We turned to vitamin C and other drips but he then experienced kidney failure from what appeared to be the drips. Now he has matastisized cancer, is on dialysis, and continues with the Parkinson’s, too. A doctor in August 2018 said to get funeral arrangements made. Instead we are standing on the word of God, praying for divine intervention. Not many have chosen to stand with us, but we know we walk by faith, not by sight, and we know our God loves us and sees everything that is going on. Glory be to God almighty, King of kings and Lord of lords.

          1. Thank you for the prayer. We stand in a difficult place but the love of God and his people sustains us.

          2. besides coconut oil, one survivor improved using mct oil..i have no idea what that is though

          3. Hey Vacheslav, We use Keto Brain. It is a pure C8 medium chain triglyceride oil that increases ketones in the body. This is article offers more information but has great benefits for those not practicing the ketogenic diet as well.

    4. Clean your liver, gallbladder…with Dr.Jockers or Global Healing.
      Do high Levels Vitamin C..Andrew Soul, doctor yourself.com
      HOPE FOR LIFE…Dr Tony Heminez.

    5. Please check out the sq1 group on Facebook! It’s all about healing cancer naturally. Also, finding a Dr. That supports & encourages you is important.

    6. Look up Chris Wark’s Square One program. I have taken MANY cancer seminars over the years and Chris does a great job pulling tons of information together and giving you step-by-step what to do. His website has a wealth of free information and he is VERY encouraging. Also, look into Protocel. It is made in South Carolina and is an affordable therapy that has been effective for many people. Most importantly, don’t poison your body.

  4. I use the Black seeds oil and honey for all the respiratory problems, I am asthmatic, I massage my chest, neck and back with Black seed oil and few drops of spearmint and orange essential oils. I also take 3 spoons of honey through out the day ( pine honey + buckwheat honey + Propolis mix), it takes sometime to feel the effect but differently it works

    Prophet Muhammad said that Allah has send down a cure for every illness and disease, whoever knew it knew it and whoever missed it missed it.

    Thank you very much for your efforts
    I appreciate that you always try to connect to God, we are so grateful for all what He gave us

  5. Thanks for the discovery today of your website!

    I’m in a quandry as to how to regain my health and energy and am trusting God to help make right choices with a more natural approach to healing.

    Two years ago, I suffered through C.dif without being advised to increase my probiotics. Presently, my doctor has me on a 2-week antibiotic program to kill all intestinal bacteria and then start over with a100-billion strain of probiotics. I’m also on the FodMap diet. For the past two days I have been suffering with severe diverticulitis, and would appreciate your suggestions as to how I might restore my health naturally.

    Good health and vitality have always been a great blessing until recently. I would be very grateful for your suggestions, and I so appreciate that you draw your wisdom from our Creator God!!!!


    1. Hey Janeen, So sorry to hear about this. This sounds like it would be best suited to go through a coaching plan as it is hard to make any specific recommendations without more information.

      1. regarding asthma, the best is to take sulfur.. i read that of a tester and he said it is helpful for a lot more diseases like joint pain, tried it with no further research and bingo! getting better every day

  6. I want to know the herbal treatment or medicine to come out from acute pancreatic inflammation as it wont allow to take food from mouth

  7. Do you know of the work of Doug Kaufmann? He has done very much research into the presence of fungus in the body that mimics cancer, looks like it etc but can be cured. If you tune into the GOD channel,- available in U.S.A. or on You Tube, you can get programmes of his work and the many people cured by his methods. There’s nothing strange or ‘cookie’ about his work, but is a whole new aspect and method that will work if it is fungus. So many people live in places where the heating\air conditioning vents are full of fungus. However if it is a genuine cancer, find a good church that prays for the sick and sees miracles! God is in the healing business!
    Kathie. (England)

  8. We are fearully and wonderfully made in His image. Thank you for keeping God in our healing options. May He bless you greatly. We have a friend who healed from breast cancer by switching to the Gerson Therapy diet: no drugs, no chemo. Her markers are amazing! And, in the process she lost a significant amount of weight–so healthy.

  9. My brother has throat cancer has a feeding tube in him for three months now any suggestions on what I can do to help him?

  10. My husband had a cancerous tumor removed from his liver in November 2020.
    Dr.said he got it all, but we now learn it has returned and is causing great difficulty in his breathing as it is the size of a large apple and putting pressure on his lungs.
    Dr. suggests immunotherapy, but is still studying his recent CT scans and MRI before making a clear recommendation.

    We are believers and have been seeking God’s plan.
    Would so appreciate hearing your recommendations.

    God Bless you!

  11. Hi Dr Jockers.
    Removing the Cancer Tumor is one thing but can somebody please tell me how to cure the cancer as medical communities have no Idea what caused it to be there in the first place.
    It is like saying to cure Alzheimers remove the brain ….Pardon My Pun.
    Try this one on for size…..Cancer is caused by A virus (probably Epstein Barr …60 Varieties or Herpes..30 varieties) and at least 0ne toxin…eg heavy metals.
    I am Quoting Anthony William …Medical Medium..
    feedback welcome.
    and yes I have Cancer.

    1. Hi Roger,
      I just found your post. If you’re still looking for alternatives to conventional treatments, like chemo and radiation, I can only tell you that I survived my cancer by
      Changing my diet, juicing, taking the right supplements, enzyme therapy, and using the baking-soda protocol. Just to name a few things. But I believe what speeded up the healing process in the end was looking into the urin therapy. The book by J. W. Armstrong, Water of Life, was an amazing eye opener. I strongly believe we need to strengthen our immunsystem and only have to give our body what it needs to heal itself.

  12. Hi Dr Jockers
    What an amazing article you have written !!!
    Our God is the Great Healer and He has given us the necessary nutrients to heal the amazing body He has given us
    Thanks for all your wonderful articles you have written
    Lois Roberts

  13. All of your posts are very informative and useful. Thank You!
    I thought i was using God’s Given Cancer treatment when starting Melanoma Immunotherapy. I had very bad autoimmune side effects after the sixth infusion. Now i’m Stuck on Hydrocortisone for Addison’s disease and Hypothyroidism. I tried to wean off both but failed. Been in ER three times since August 2021 with thyroid and Cancer treatment side effects. I’m 68 and started this physical mess in great health and free from meds and had only been sick once or twice in 15 years except for a P.E. five years ago, taking Nattokanise for that. We eat Organic Non GMO and follow a healthy Keto protocol. Stuck on Meds but will still keep taking Vitamins and Supplements
    Lord Willing. Prayers Appreciated!

  14. Great article doc. Thank you for freely publishing all you do. I am well on my way to a full recovery.
    Keep on crushing!

  15. I’m a big fan of both cruciferous and fermented vegetables. My favorite way to get both at the same time is by fermenting a 50-50 mix of red cabbage and white cauliflower (both organic, of course). I just pack the cabbage and cauliflower pieces into a jar and fill the jar to the rim with salt water (2 tbs. salt per quart of filtered water), capped off with a piece or two of red cabbage leaf. I screw the lid on loosely, place it in an old cottage cheese container to catch the salt water overflow as the fermenting starts, and stick it in the cupboard for about 10 days total until it becomes a uniform beautiful pink color — so uniform that you have to look at each piece closely to tell whether it started out as cauliflower or red cabbage. By day 3 or 4 after a bit of overflowing the water level has gone down a bit, so I fill it back up to the rim and put it back in the cupboard for another week or so until the color is uniformly pink. Then I stick it in the fridge where I suppose it would keep for a very long time, but mine never gets a chance to because I typically eat all of each batch in just a few weeks.

  16. There are many things to do besides just diet. Hyperbaric oxygen, sauna, electric impulses, plus being sure that you don’t have mercury fillings or infections in your gums from root canals or teeth removals. There are lots of videos on Chris Beat Cancer of ways people beat cancer. There are also some integrative cancer places you can go to. The Stern Method has great information as well. Hope for Cancer is a great clinic in Mexico, plus that doc has written a great book by the same name. Lots of things for you to check out. None of these recommend the Keto diet for cancer.

  17. I was just diagnosed with multiple myeloma. Have not found out what stage. I am 76 and quite healthy except for the above. Have exercised all of my life and I don’t take prescription drugs. I am not leaning toward chemotherapy or radiation. Does anyone out there have this kind of cancer?

  18. It is so NICE to hear a doctor give thanks to God. Most doctors are people of science only and never recognize the true power of God!
    I appreciate this article so much and I’m so glad I follow you! More so now than ever before!

  19. Hi. Loved this article. My mum had bowel cancer 12yrs ago when she was 70yrs old. She refused chemotherapy & through her naturopath she healed it naturally using raw cloves, raw apricot kernels plus a few other herbs & of course ate a healthy diet. She is now 82yrs old and still cancer free. Her doctor told her she’ll die if she doesn’t have chemotherapy, so glad she didn’t listen to their advice. Much better to heal naturally than to poison yourself with toxic chemicals.

  20. What a wonderful post. Thank you for sharing Gods perspective.
    He is absolutly trying to lead us all to better health and a better life,
    He absolutly has a better plan than the allopathic world system.

  21. The picture that you have posted with all the food to fight cancer is amazing. Would you consider making that into a poster and selling it on your website. I have brain fog and can’t remember much. It would be great to have a daily visual.

  22. Thankyou for this ! I have family going through chemo and will show them this information. Dr. Do you know of any way to help people suffering through the hell that is topical steroid withdrawls ? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Ashleigh

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