Keto Garlic and Rosemary Cauliflower Bread

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cauliflower bread

Keto Garlic Rosemary Cauliflower Bread

This cauliflower bread is a tasty recipe made by my wife Angel.  Check out my wife Angel’s website, instagram and facebook page where she shares stories and pics about our life. She also has a great YouTube channel you can check out as well.

I loved this recipe and I think you guys will really enjoy the Keto garlic and rosemary cauliflower bread.  If you enjoy recipes like this, you may be interested in my advanced nutrition and recipe book the Keto Metabolic Breakthrough.

9 votes


Keto Garlic and Rosemary Cauliflower Bread




Yield 16-18 Slices


**For a smaller loaf, you can use half the recipes and make around a 1000 calorie loaf of bread that has 8-9 slices.  That size bread would only need 5 eggs!


Step #1:  Gather all the ingredients. Pre-heat oven to 350F.  Line 9" x 5" loaf pan with parchment paper.

Step #2:  Separate the egg whites from the egg yolk.  Use a hand mixer and beat the egg whites and cream of tartar until stiff peaks form.

Step #3:  Add coconut flour, salt, egg yolks, baking powder, melted butter, crushed garlic and ¼ of the whipped egg whites in the food processor and blend until combined.

Step #4:  Place steamed cauliflower in kitchen towel and squeeze out excess water.

Step #5:  Add cauliflower in food processor and process until well combined.

Step #6:  Add remaining egg whites to food processor. Fold in just a little and then pulse a few times to combine. Add in the rosemary and parsley.

Step #7:  Transfer batter into lined baking pan and bake for 40–45 min, until the top is golden.  Remove from the oven and let it cool completely before cutting.

Courses Side Dish

Cuisine Italian

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size 1 slice

Amount Per Serving

Calories 116

% Daily Value

Total Fat 8 g


Total Carbohydrates 7 g


Dietary Fiber 3 g


Sugars 2 g

Protein 6 g


* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.

cauliflower bread

Special Notes:

With eggs and butter we always recommend getting brands that are organic and pasture-raised.  Vital Farms is our favorite brand of both eggs and butter.  You can often find really great pasture-raised eggs and butter from local farmers in your area.  Simply go to your local farmers market and ask around.

When you are baking with coconut flour, you need a lot of eggs as coconut flour is very dry.  The good news is that this makes a large loaf and each slice is very calorie rich and filling so it will last you a while!  For a smaller loaf, you can use half the recipes and make around a 1000 calorie loaf of bread that has 8-9 slices.

Dr Jockers Comments

This is a savory grain-free, low-carb, ketogenic cauliflower bread recipe that is full of healthy fats, fiber and immune supporting herbs.  If you want to enjoy some great bread on an anti-inflammatory nutrition plan then you will love this!

Rosemary is rich in the polyphenol rosemarinic acid which helps give its unique scent and it helps support the immune system and mental and emotional health.  Garlic is rich in sulfur compounds such as allicin that act as natural anti-microbials and strengthen the immune system.

Coconut flour is full of prebiotic fiber that supports a healthy microbiome and the eggs provide fat soluble vitamins as well as protein and healthy fats.  Try this recipe out and let us know how you like it in the comments section below.

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The Inflammation Crushing Ebundle is designed to help you improve your brain, liver, immune system and discover the healing strategies, foods and recipes to burn fat, reduce inflammation and thrive in life!

As a doctor of natural medicine, I have spent the past 20 years studying the best healing strategies and worked with hundreds of coaching clients, helping them overcome chronic health conditions and optimize their overall health.

In our Inflammation Crushing Ebundle, I have put together my very best strategies to reduce inflammation and optimize your healing potential.  Take a look at what you will get inside these valuable guides below!

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Dr. Jockers

Dr David Jockers is passionate about seeing people reach their health potential in mind, body and spirit. He is the host of the popular “Dr Jockers Functional Nutrition” podcast and the author of the best-selling books, “The Keto Metabolic Breakthrough” and “The Fasting Transformation.”


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    1. Hi Debra! I had the same question. There is another site I use for healthy recipes and she uses measurements like 11/4 because there is an option on her app to increase or decrease the recipes that converts the measurement by multiplying but without converting to the new measurement the way you normally would. So in her app the 11/4 would mean 11 quarters which would mean 2 and 3/4 cups. I can’t imagine you could fit 2 and 3/4 cups into that size loaf pan with 3 cups riced cauliflower, 10 eggs and the rest. I think it’s safe to assume here that 11/4 means 1 and 1/4 cups. Same guess would lead me to believe that 11/2 would be 1 and 1/2 tablespoons of baking powder and not 11 halves which would be 5 and 1/2 tablespoons. Hope this helps and I hope if I’m wrong that Dr Jockers or someone who can verify will correct me. I definitely want to try this myself! Thanks!

  1. Hi, the recipe looks soo good. I’m going to give it a try. Just one suggestion since I’m a visual learner is there a way of creating videos?

    Thank you.

  2. Can I double the recipe and bake in one loaf pan so the resulting slices are the same as a regular loaf of wheat bread? Would I need to lower the oven temp and cook it longer?

    1. Hey Shannon, I haven’t tried to double the recipe. If you try it I would keep the same temperature but cook the loaf longer until firm and golden brown. Let us know how it turns out for you!

      1. You might want to put an egg or milk wash over the top of the loaf if you’re going to increase cooking time for a doubled recipe.

        1. Thanks Tom! Using beaten whole eggs will give color and sheen to a bread. Egg yolk provides rich color, browning easily in the oven. Egg white provides a nice sheen. MILK: Brushing with milk will help to color the crust, the sugars in the milk helping to brown it.”

          But in this case we used cauliflower and not normal wheat to bake the bread so it won’t really help in creating a “golden look”.

          When doubling the recipe and baking it in the same bread pan, you can double the cooking time, but when you double it and bake in 2 separate bread pans, you can keep the cooking time the same.

    1. Hey Cristina, You could try to a lemon or vinegar substitute but you would have to work with altering the amount and it may alter the taste of the food. You may also decide to leave it out entirely and add an additional 1/2 tsp baking powder.

  3. You could also make a recipe of Fat Head Pizza Dough and then bake that into bread or desserts. The recipe is all over many keto blogs.

  4. Keto recipe ideas to use up all those egg yolks when I try this recipe. .. In the old days I would have made noodles, hmm maybe Cherie has a keto noodle recipe

  5. Maybe this is the bread I have been waiting for as unable to use conventional yeast recipes!! I’ll give it a try once I’m well enough as having a CFS/ME and RA flare up at the moment do trying to stay with plant-based and oily fish kind if ant-inflammatory diet till my symptoms subside a bit more.

  6. The recipe calls for 10 large eggs but only the whites are used–are the yolks supposed to be included somewhere later? If not, has anybody tried doing that? I enjoy the balance of egg white with the yolk and typically will add them to recipes, just separate do that the whites can do their fluffy thing. Thanks!

  7. Could you add how to store or keep it after it’s done baking? I only saw you don’t recommend freezing it. Refrigerate?
    Thank you

  8. It always cracks me up when the yield is 16 slices and a photo shows nice thick slices! That would double the carbs!

  9. Awesome flavor!!! I am gluten free and occasionally want something bread-like. This is great! I used fresh rosemary, fresh parsley, fresh garlic. Sooooo good. This recipe has earned a permanent spot in my kitchen! I’m not a big fan of coconut flour, but I hardly noticed it. May need to cook it a little longer, and carefully remove from pan 5-10 minutes after removing from oven. Surprisingly, there was a lot of moisture in the pan.

  10. Can you add a little bit of swerve or raw honey to the recipe ?
    If so , how much ?
    And do you need to add any brewers yeast to help it rise ?

  11. Always with the coconut flour! YUCK!!! What is so difficult about providing an alternative? “X cups coconut flour OR X+x almond flour” or other substitute. Every time I look at these comments, people are begging for coconut flour alternatives. PLEASE make this an automatic addition to your recipes–otherwise they are useless to a great many of your readers.

  12. Hi, Dr. Jockers and everyone here. I thought that overcooked saturated fat (eggs, in this case) produces oxylates, which are one cause of inflammation.

  13. I love that idea! It sounds delicious! Although I like to use cassava flour which is already ready to bake bread. Have you tried that? If not, could you give me an idea of how many eggs to use with it. Cassava flour works just like flour. If you haven’t already found it, go to


  14. Thank you to Jen Hofve for asking about flour substitutes. I have been tested for food sensitivities and have learned that out of 172 foods, I have sensitivities to half of them.
    One of them is gluten. Rice flour and almond flour are my only alternatives. I was not tested for cassava, but do not know if I can get it locally. No dairy of any kind, beans of any kind, peppers, oranges, bananas, tomatoes, spinach, beets, no pork, etc. Mostly selected meat and fish, some fruits and some vegetables. I am grateful I can eat potatoes and rice!
    Only olive oil, grapeseed oil, and avocado oils are acceptable. Thus, when looking for recipes, substituting ingredients is appreciated. Thank you for your informed knowledge of all things food/health related and sharing your vast experience. Raylene

  15. Thanks for having a link to the “pink salt.” Typically, pink salt is the name for Sodium Nitrate that is used in preserving/curing meats. Obviously not something anyone would want to put in this bread.

    I look forward to giving it a try.

  16. Awesome recipie Chene. Baie dankie. Can’t wait to try it soon. Best from Santa Barbara.

  17. Is the cauliflower measured before squeezing out the liquid or after? When I cook frozen cauliflower rice in microwave then squeeze liquid out there is not nearly as much cauliflower. Thank you for guidance. I really mss bread.

  18. I tried this recipe and it was a total success. It tastes delish and I topped it with crushed avocado. YUM!

  19. Just made this exactly as specified in the recipe, only substitution was melted ghee instead of butter. The fresh herbs and garlic add so much delicious flavor! Just wondering how to store it as I am the only on eating this. Would you suggest slicing it and freezing individual slices? Thank you!

  20. FYI, I notice it says 1 tbsp of the herbs fresh or dried. Dried herbs are more concentrated, so I think it should be 1 tbsp of fresh or 1 tsp of the dried. Unless you want super herby bread!

  21. The baking powder that you recommend for this recipe contains corn starch which, unless it says organic, (and this brand does not) is likely derived from genetically modified corn – something everyone should avoid. I am surprised that you would recommend a product that contains such an insidious ingredient.

    As an alternative, one can make baking powder using baking soda and cream of tartar. The Healthy Home Economist has a recipe on her website.

  22. I appreciate the creativity and resourcefulness of the recipe creator! However when all is said and purchased and prepared it will cost a lot more time, effort, and money for the average reader and consumer. I truly wish there were more options and opportunities for regular folks who haven’t the luxuries of time or (especially) money to support the advice and recipes on your site. I do however glean much knowledge from it, though, and that, I can enjoy and share for free. Thank you.

  23. Hi
    I’m wondering if there is an alternative to using parchment paper. I have read that parchment paper can cause cancer because of what is on it to make it slippery.
    Please advice.

  24. Thanks for a wonderful sounding recipe.
    I’m fighting inflammation, pain and fatigue to name a few.
    I’ve used keto recipes for years due to being Gluten intolerant. I’m
    We’re not a huge fan of strong garlic flavor. Could we use only one or can the be left out entirely?
    I will post after making it to give a star rating.

  25. Hi I have the APOE4 gene so I need to stay away from saturated fats like coconut flour. Can you recommend a different flour?

  26. Why is this called BREAD?

    It is a casserole or whatever, but please
    call the things by what they are,
    like in the german fairytaile Rumpelstilzchen 😉

    Read the book of Kervran – biological transmutation of bread,
    if you like and honor this wonderful norishing food,
    calles bread.

    thanks maria

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