Cucumbers: Top 10 Anti-Aging Health Benefits

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Cucumbers:  10 Anti-Aging Health Benefits

Cucumbers are one of the world’s favorite superfoods!  Superfoods are natural foods that have an array of nutrients that synergistically work to together to exponentially expand the individual nutritional components.  Many raw, organic vegetables fall into this category.  This article will go over 10 health benefits of cucumbers and why you and I should be including these in our diet on a regular basis.

Cucumbers are the 4th most cultivated vegetable in the world.  The cucumber is in the same botanical family as melons and squashes.  They are considered one of the absolute best foods for the health of the skin, joints, liver & kidneys.  They are also a natural energy tonic with their rich array of phytonutrients and electrolytes.


The Benefits of Silica:

Cucumbers are loaded with the mineral silica, which is an essential component for healthy connective tissue (muscles, ligaments, cartilage, bone, & skin).  It is also full of ionic potassium, magnesium, & vitamin C which give it a powerful alkalizing effect within the body.  Additionally, cucumbers are particularly rich in fluids that hydrate the skin, joints, and tissues.

More recently scientists have begun studying the unique lignans found in the cucumber.  These lignans include lariciresinol, pinoresinol & secoisolariciresinol.  New research is linking these lignans with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease as well as breast, uterine, ovarian and prostate cancer.


Cucumbers are Loaded with Phytonutrients:

Cucumbers also contain the triterpene phytonutrients cucurbitacins A, B, C, D & E.  These phytonutrients have been the major focus of some extensive research looking deeply into their abilities to inhibit cancer cell signaling pathways (1, 2, 3).

Fresh cucumbers have been shown to improve antioxidant levels within the body and inhibit pro-inflammatory substances such as COX-2 and nitric oxide (4).  The combination of alkalizing elements, electrolytes, & fluids make it one of the world’s best foods for enhancing energy levels.  Cucumbers are also great for stabilizing blood pressure and stimulating the body’s natural detoxification process (5, 6).

Cucumbers Make For Beautiful Skin

Cucumbers are often used topically to enhance skin function.  The natural ascorbic acid and caffeic acid within the plant act to prevent water retention in the skin.  This reduces swelling under the eyes and helps the skin heal from sunburn, inflammation and eczema.

Cucumbers are also very effective when eaten and applied topically for removing unwanted cellulite.  They act to draw out excess fluids and tighten collagen which has the effect of a natural cellulite reduction.  Simply eat some cucumber, juice it and/or place slices of it on the regions of water retention.

Cucumbers are typically highly sprayed with pesticides so it is necessary to get organic varieties.  If conventional is the only option it is best to scrape off the green skin rather than washing.  Many of the chemicals are waxy and do not come off easy when washing.

Try dicing up cucumbers and putting some apple cider vinegar, oregano and pink salt.  This makes a quick, electrolyte and enzyme-rich snack to boost energy levels.

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Sources For This Article Include:

1. Zou ZR, Yi YH, Wu HM, Wu JH, Liaw CC, Lee KH. Intercedensides A-C, three new cytotoxic triterpene glycosides from the sea cucumber Mensamaria intercedens Lampert. J Nat Prod. 2003 Aug;66(8):1055-60. PMID: 12932123
2. Kim SK, Himaya SW. Triterpene glycosides from sea_cucumbers and their biological activities. Adv Food Nutr Res. 2012;65:297-319. PMID: 22361196
3. Avilov SA, Silchenko AS, Antonov AS, Kalinin VI, Kalinovsky AI, Smirnov AV, Dmitrenok PS, Evtushenko EV, Fedorov SN, Savina AS, Shubina LK, Stonik VA. Synaptosides A and A1, triterpene glycosides from the sea cucumber Synapta maculata containing 3-O-methylglucuronic acid and their cytotoxic activity against tumor cells. J Nat Prod. 2008 Apr;71(4):525-31. PMID: 18290630
4. Himaya SW, Ryu B, Qian ZJ, Kim SK. Sea_cucumber, Stichopus japonicus ethyl acetate fraction modulates the lipopolysaccharide induced iNOS and COX-2 via MAPK signaling pathway in murine macrophages. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol. 2010 Jul;30(1):68-75. PMID: 21787631
5. Lu GL, Yuan WX, Fan YJ. [Clinical and experimental study of tablet cucumber vine compound in treating essential hypertension]. Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi. 1991 May;11(5):274-6, 260-1. Chinese. PMID: 1879030
6. Vora J, L Rane, Kumar S. Biochemical, Anti-Microbial and Organoleptic Studies of_Cucumber (Cucumis Sativus) Link Here

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  1. Sea cucumbers are echinoderms – marine animals. I know you think that no one will look at the references you have provided; however, I’m a scientific editor with a BS in biology (emphasis in botany) and 30+ years of research experience. I looked at the references as a habit and also because I was curious. Please do not tell people that the cucumber (a fruit) contains cytotoxic triterpene glycosides with possible anti-cancer effects. It doesn’t. IT does contain a lot of things that ARE good for people, both when eaten and when used topically, but it’s never going to be a cancer cure.

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