5 Amazing Health Benefits of Parsley

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5 Amazing Parsley Health Benefits

Parsley is considered the world’s most popular garnish.  It was originally cultivated in Europe and the Middle East but has become a staple in American cuisine.  This herb has remarkable healing and blood purifying benefits that classify it as a superfood.  In this article you will learn 5 amazing health benefits of parsley.

Parsley has been revered throughout history and used for both culinary and medicinal purposes.  The Greeks made crowns of parsley to bestow upon their sports champions.  It was used for the Hebrew celebration of Passover as a sign of rebirth in the spring.  The Romans used it to deodorize corpses before funerals.

Super Nutrients in Parsley:

It contains a unique combination of nutrients that make it a powerful superfood.  The volatile oil compounds  myristicin, limonene, eugenol, and alpha-thujene have been shown to inhibit tumor cell formation (1, 2, 3). Additionally, it is rich in flavonoids-including apiin, apigenin, crisoeriol, and luteolin that have strong antioxidant properties.

Parsley also contains about three times the amount of vitamin C by volume as an orange.  Vitamin C is extremely important for healthy immune function and youthful skin & joints.  Additionally, it contains carotenoid antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin which enhance eye function and help the body neutralize damage from UV radiation.

Super Rich in Chlorophyll

Parsley is also particularly rich in chlorophyll, the energy producing substance that gives herbs and plants its characteristic green color.  Chlorophyll helps to alkalize the body, purify blood, and form new red blood cells.  In addition, the chlorophyll and flavonoids in parsley help to enhance cellular glutathione formation.  Higher levels of cellular glutathione allow the body to detoxify and heal more effectively (4).

Through these properties, parsley health benefits are able to improve cellular oxygenation properties.  Increased oxygenation = increased cellular energy = increased detoxification & healing mechanisms.

Parsley is a fantastic source of natural folate which is extremely crucial for its ability to reduce homocysteine levels.  Homeocysteine is an inflammatory mediator that is linked with cardiovascular disease and brain degeneration (5, 6) .  Folate is also important for pregnant women as it plays a critical role in fetal development.  It is also an important nutrient for cancer prevention.

green juice fasting, Green Juice Fasting: Benefits and How To Do It Right

Parsley Lowers Blood Pressure:

Parsley is also known as a powerful diuretic that reduces blood pressure and enhances kidney function.  In particular, it’s health benefits, such as increasing sodium and water excretion thru urine and increases potassium reabsorption into the kidneys (7).  This is particularly useful for anyone with poor circulation, swelling, cellulite, and other cardiovascular problems.

Juiced parsley is also believed to stimulate uterine contractions during labor.  This juice has also been used to enhance skin and hair texture.  It is also thought to reduce inflammation and mucous formation throughout the body.  This is why many individuals see results using parsley to reduce symptoms of asthma, allergies, bronchitis, & urinary tract infections (8).


Parsley Improves Breath and Body Odor:

The rich chlorophyll content is also a great body odor and breath freshener.  Chlorophyll acts as an anti-mutagen and it reduces odor causing bacteria which are responsible for producing bad breath and body odor.  Parsley combines well with garlic and onions and reduces the strong pungent body odor these sulfur rich foods are known to cause.

Parsley dipped in apple cider vinegar is especially useful for reducing body odor and improving digestive function.  The natural acids, chlorophyll and enzymes present in this food combination synergize to enhance the intestinal microflora.  This is one of the best aids for neutralizing acid reflux, gas and bloating.

green juice fasting, Green Juice Fasting: Benefits and How To Do It Right

Sources For This Article Include:

1. Crowell PL, Lin S, Vedejs E, Gould MN. Identification of metabolites of the antitumor agent d-limonene capable of inhibiting protein isoprenylation and cell growth. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 1992;31(3):205-12. PMID: 1464157
2. Guo Qiang. Zheng , Patrick M. Kenney , Luke K. T. Lam. Myristicin: a potential cancer chemopreventive agent from parsley health leaf oil. J. Agric. Food Chem., 1992, 40 (1), pp 107–110
3. Al-Sharif I, Remmal A, Aboussekhra A. Eugenol triggers apoptosis in breast cancer cells through E2F1/survivin down-regulation. BMC Cancer. 2013 Dec 13;13:600. PMID: 24330704
4. Nielsen SE, Young JF, Daneshvar B, Lauridsen ST, Knuthsen P, Sandström B, Dragsted LO. Effect of parsleys health (Petroselinum crispum) intake on urinary apigenin excretion, blood antioxidant enzymes and biomarkers for oxidative stress in human subjects. Br J Nutr. 1999 Jun;81(6):447-55. PMID: 10615220
5. Wierzbicki AS. Homocysteine and cardiovascular disease: a review of the evidence. Diab Vasc Dis Res. 2007 Jun;4(2):143-50. PMID: 17654449
6. Moat SJ, Lang D, McDowell IF, Clarke ZL, Madhavan AK, Lewis MJ, Goodfellow J. Folate, homocysteine, endothelial function and cardiovascular disease. J Nutr Biochem. 2004 Feb;15(2):64-79. PMID: 14972346
7. Kreydiyyeh SI, Usta J. Diuretic effect and mechanism of action of parsley. J Ethnopharmacol. 2002 Mar;79(3):353-7. PMID: 11849841
8. Farzaei MH, Abbasabadi Z, Ardekani MR, Rahimi R, Farzaei F. Parsleys: a review of ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry and biological activities. J Tradit Chin Med. 2013 Dec;33(6):815-26. PMID: 24660617


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Dr. Jockers

Dr David Jockers is passionate about seeing people reach their health potential in mind, body and spirit. He is the host of the popular “Dr Jockers Functional Nutrition” podcast and the author of the best-selling books, “The Keto Metabolic Breakthrough” and “The Fasting Transformation.”


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