10 Nutrients to Improve Thyroid Function

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thyroid function

10 Nutrients to Improve Thyroid Function

Thyroid function is very much determined by our micronutrient levels and our digestive health.  Did you know that one of the best ways to support a healthy thyroid and overall well-being is with an optimal nutrition plan?

Thyroid function and its metabolic roles are reliant on nutrient feedback signals. Without specific nutrients, there is a lack of expression from a variety of physiological activities that ultimately cause a decline in total health.

Restore your vitality by addressing the 10 key nutrients outlined in this article to improve thyroid function and see positive changes in your energy and mental clarity.

Thyroid Function & Disruptive Factors:

Supporting thyroid function is essential for promoting metabolism and aiding normal growth and neurological development. When thyroid health suffers, the ability of the whole body to maintain homeostasis is thrown off balance.

The thyroid gland communicates with the adrenal, pituitary, and hypothalamus glands as well as the kidneys, liver, and skeletal muscle. When thyroid function is sub-optimal, hundreds of enzymatic processes are disturbed in the body.

Numerous factors contribute to the decline of thyroid health. Environmental and physiological influences that play a role may include:

  • Heavy metal contamination
  • Pesticides, herbicides, and other environmental toxins
  • Gut dysbiosis
  • Hormonal fluctuations
  • Drugs such as antibiotics
  • Lack of nutrients possibly associated with malnutrition, poor diet, or decreased nutrient absorption from related disorders like IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)
  • Chronic infections possibly due to autoimmune problems or high stress
  • Carcinogens from diet such as meat cooked at high temperatures or lifestyle factors like smoking
  • Alcohol intake
  • Poor sleep habits

Symptoms of Thyroid Dysfunction:

Hyperthyroidism, or too much thyroid hormone, upregulates specific processes such as increased energy expenditure that result in weight loss. Unfortunately, the opposite is most often true in today’s Western culture. Low concentrations of thyroid hormone levels (hypothyroidism) cause a sluggish thyroid characterized by: (1)

  • Slow resting energy expenditure (reduced ability to burn fat)
  • Elevated cholesterol levels
  • Increased fat storage
  • Reduced energy breakdown for the brain
  • Weight gain

Oxidative stress increases under conditions of nutrient deficiency and further triggers a problem in metabolic pathways. Deficiencies in the following nutrients can manifest in the body in several ways. Some of these include: (5, 6, 7)

  • Mood disturbances, fatigue, and poor cognitive thought (Vitamin B6, tyrosine, omega-3, and/or selenium deficiency)
  • Hair changes include brittleness, loss of pigment, or alopecia. Can also affect eyebrows, eyelashes, and nails (Zinc deficiency)
  • Irritability, depression, and skin rashes (Zinc, iodine and/or vitamin B12 deficiency)
  • Anemia (Vitamin B6, B12, and/or iron)
  • Enlarged thyroid gland (goiter) (Vitamin A deficiency)
  • Gastrointestinal complications like constipation, impaired fertility, and sexual reproductive health, numbness and/or sharp pains in extremities resulting from nerve damage (Vitamin B12 and/or omega-3s)
  • Elevated cholesterol levels (Omega-3 fatty acids)
  • Weakened immunity (Vitamin C, D, selenium, and/or zinc deficiency)

 10 Nutrients to Improve Thyroid Health

Adequate nutrition is an integral factor in synthesizing thyroid hormones for optimal function. Be sure you are incorporating the following 10 nutrients into your diet regularly to reduce the occurrence of deficiencies that can cause hypothyroidism and lead to autoimmune diseases.

1. Iodine:

Thyroid function is dependent on the presence of iodine used to manufacture thyroid hormones T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine). However, the balance of iodine in the body is critical because deficiency and excess iodine are both associated with thyroid dysfunction.

Depleted iodine concentrates are shown to favor the degeneration of the thyroid gland which subsequently alters the nervous system (5). Those most susceptible to the psychological and neurological deficits of iodine deficiency are premature infants and children. (9)

Some of the richest sources of dietary iodine are found in quality marine products. Kelp contains the greatest concentration while other sea vegetables like dulse and nori seaweed provide dietary iodine as well.

Mineral Rich Foods, Top 12 Trace Mineral Rich Foods

2. Selenium:

The concentration of selenium in cells is essential for the conversion of T4 to T3. It is also critical for supporting the enzyme 5-deiodinase which converts T4-T3 and degrades the inactive rT3 and reduces thyroid antibody formation. (2)

Selenium deficiency is associated with a weakened immune system and autoimmune diseases including cancer and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Restoring levels of selenium through an individual’s diet supports antioxidant pathways, improves hormone metabolism, controls inflammatory responses, and repairs thyroid cell and tissue damage. (3)

The best source of selenium in food is found in Brazil nuts which offer the recommended daily value of selenium in only 2 nuts. Other excellent sources include sardines, and pasture-raised poultry like turkey, chicken, and eggs.

If you have a serious thyroid problem you most likely have compromised selenium uptake from food-based sources.  This is one reason why functional nutritionists do not recommend individuals with diagnosed hypothyroidism try to get their selenium needs from food alone.  In these cases, it is best to supplement with a high-quality, L-selenomethionine to restore healthy concentrations of selenium. (4, 6)

3. Zinc:

Zinc is a trace mineral required for thyroid hormone synthesis amongst other vital processes that upregulates antioxidants and a healthy immune response.

A clinical study of a woman with zinc deficiency and hypothyroidism exhibited dry and scaly skin lesions, hair loss, weakness, lack of appetite, and possible depression. Following receiving supplementation of zinc for one month, her skin lesions were completely healed, her perceived depression had significantly improved and in 4 months’ time her hair had completely grown back. (5)

Food sources rich in zinc include organic eggs from pasture-raised chickens, wild-caught salmon, grass-fed beef and organ meat, pumpkin, and chia seeds as well as spinach and almonds.

4. Fat Soluble Vitamins:

Thyroid homeostasis involves the feedback loop affected by the hypothalamus, pituitary, and thyroid gland. It plays a primary role in circulating thyroid hormone to regulate cardiovascular, bone, and brain health as well as liver function and food intake. (8)

Fat-soluble vitamins A, E, D, and K2 are critical for nutrients that support the thyroid in maintaining these functions accordingly: (7, 10)

Vitamin A: Involved in the production and secretion of thyroid hormones. Assists in converting T4 to T3, normalizes TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) concentrations, and aids in iodine uptake by the thyroid.

The richest sources of vitamin A can be found in orange vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes, and winter squash. Other dietary sources include spinach, kale, and dark leafy greens.

Vitamin D: Low levels of vitamin D are associated with an increased risk of hyperthyroidism implicated in bone density loss.

Vitamin D is most available and easily absorbed into the body from sources like wild-caught salmon, sardines, egg yolk, fermented dairy, and mushrooms.

thyroid function

Vitamin E: Shown in the study to provide antioxidant benefits that decrease oxidative stress and normalize a healthy autoimmune response associated with both hypo- and hyperthyroidism. Treatment of individuals with a combination of vitamin E and other antioxidants had a similar reduction in symptoms as did the group of patients treated with medication to stabilize the synthesis of thyroid hormones.

Increase your intake of raw almonds, dark leafy greens like Swiss chard, mustard greens, kale, and spinach as well as avocado and olives.

Vitamin K2: The effects of vitamin K2 on supporting thyroid health are not directly implied as the previous fat-soluble vitamins. Vitamin K2 exhibits synergistic effects on promoting vitamin D activity in the body to support cardiovascular and bone health.

The predominant source of vitamin K2 is in animal products like fermented dairy, grass-fed beef, butter, and cheese from grass-fed animals, eggs sourced from pasture-raised chickens, and even some fermented foods like natto.

5. Iron:

The trace mineral iron is most significantly found to prevent the formation of inactive T3 stores called rT3 (reverse T3) (11). Given the highly active properties of T3 and its short duration cycle, iron is critical to supporting thyroid function.

Nutritional iron deficiency adversely impacts thyroid hormone metabolism by lowering levels of T4 and T3, and suppresses the enzyme that converts T4 to T3. Iron deficiency-related hypothyroidism has been also shown in studies to increase the flight or fight response of the sympathetic nervous system resulting in higher levels of stress hormones. (11)

Help restore available iron concentrations for thyroid support by first reducing irritants that are destroying your gut health. Add plenty of iron-rich foods to your diet like leafy greens, nuts, grass-fed beef and organ meat, quinoa, and lentils.

thyroid function

6. B-Complex:

B vitamins play a very important role in human health of and certain ones directly influence thyroid function. Unfortunately, many common practices today increase the risk for B vitamin deficiency including the use of medication and sugar intake.

Vitamin B6 feeds thyroid hormone production which has been shown in studies to reverse symptoms of hypothyroidism. It aids in providing a healthy stress response alleviating symptoms of autoimmune thyroid diseases. B12 and riboflavin (B2) deficiency is a commonality between individuals with thyroid disease. (7)

Supplementing B-complex vitamins into your diet can reduce symptoms associated with thyroid disease. Increasing intake of B12 can improve health disturbances like gastrointestinal problems that are deleterious to thyroid health. Taking a high-quality B-complex supplement can improve thyroid health and restore overall vitality.

A B-complex can also help you reduce the possibility of exceeding the dose of a single nutrient like B6 which can lead to low levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone. Increase your intake of a variety of foods including bell peppers, spinach, grass-fed organ meat, pistachios, eggs from pasture-raised chickens, wild-caught salmon, and tuna fish.

thyroid function

7. Tyrosine:

The amino acid tyrosine works in a joint effort with iodine to produce thyroid hormones T4 and T3. Tyrosine provides the structural foundation for thyroid hormones. Low levels of tyrosine are linked to a reduction in thyroid hormones and also a decrease in neurotransmitters like dopamine affecting the central nervous system (12).

Under conditions of high stress, the loss of available tyrosine to the brain results in one’s loss of interest, slower movement, and a decline in physical health. Low tyrosine levels coupled with chronic stress lead to a decrease in enzymatic activity responsible for producing hormones. These influences affect the hypothalamus and adrenal glands which adversely leads to the dysfunction of the thyroid.

Increasing tyrosine in clinical studies in patients with low thyroid hormones who also exhibited signs of depression, fatigue, and lowered immunity had improved stress levels, neurological function, and higher levels of circulating thyroid hormones. (13)

thyroid function

8. Vitamin C:

Individuals with thyroid disease are reported to have low circulating antioxidant levels. The antioxidant vitamin C treats trauma resulting from too much thyroid hormone production, likely by preventing oxidative stress to tissue. (7)

Vitamin C supports the health of the adrenal gland where it is most concentrated in the body. When vitamin C is lacking, the adrenal gland cannot adequately respond to stress creating problems for the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and consequently the thyroid.

A study of patients that had hypothyroidism and autoimmune-related complications supplemented vitamin C for a 6-month period. Following the study, these individuals had improved levels of the thyroid hormones T4, T3, and TSH. Participants also showed an improvement in the malabsorption issues they were having from gastrointestinal problems. (14)

9. Omega-3 Fatty Acids:

Reducing inflammation and supporting antioxidant pathways that protect against tissue damage to the thyroid and its supporting organs is key for health. The average American today consumes a diet significantly higher in omega-6 fatty acids than omega-3 fats. This imbalance results in severe health consequences and reduces thyroid function.

Lacking dietary omega-3s reduces thyroid hormone secretions and impairs normal brain functions such as memory and cognitive thought. In the study, omega-3 intake is shown to improve neurological deficits by increasing available antioxidants and providing protection against hypothyroidism (15).

The improvement of thyroid hormone levels is seen again in the study of the liver. Thyroid hormones stimulate lipid metabolism which omega-3 supplementation is evidenced to improve (16).  The most important omega 3’s are the long-chain EPA and DHA, which are found in the highest concentrations in cold-water fish.

Wild-caught salmon, grass-fed beef, and high-quality fish oil supplements are excellent sources of these long-chain omega-3 fatty acids. Normalizing the ratio of omega-3 fatty acids to omega-6 fats can reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in the body improving thyroid function.

thyroid function

10. Thyroid Bovine Glandulars:

Glandular supplement from bovine (cow) thyroid concentrate is a popular alternative for treating conditions that affect the adrenal and thyroid glands. Thyroid bovine glandulars are simply an extract of tissue from the hormone-producing thyroids of cows. Supplementation is used to treat hypothyroidism because it contains nutrients for thyroid function.

A natural hormone supplement, glandulars is suggested to boost the availability of thyroid hormones T4 and T3. Supplements for supporting adrenal repair can also help people experiencing symptoms of adrenal fatigue in combination with a sluggish thyroid. Glandular support provides antioxidants to repair damaged tissue and normalize cortisol levels for a healthy thyroid.

It is important not to exceed the recommended dose of thyroid bovine glandular supplementation because there may be unknown health dangers associated.   The supplement that I use that has kelp and iodine-boosting sea vegetables, thyroid glandulars, L-selenomethione, and more to support thyroid function is called Thyroid Strong.


Improving your overall lifestyle by reducing stress, making exercise a priority, and practicing relaxation techniques can help restore your health. Avoiding toxic habits and carcinogens in your life can reduce the amount of stress on the thyroid and its supporting organs and glands.

Such lifestyle improvements will benefit your gastrointestinal tract helping your body naturally absorb more of the powerful thyroid-supporting nutrients you are taking in. Making these natural changes to improve your thyroid will prevent you from seeking prescriptive medication that can impair your health.

If you want to work with a functional health coach, I recommend this article with tips on how to find a great coach.  We do offer long-distance functional health coaching programs with our world class team of health coaches. For further support with your health goals, just reach out and our fantastic coaches are here to support your journey.

Inflammation Crushing Ebundle

The Inflammation Crushing Ebundle is designed to help you improve your brain, liver, and immune system and discover the healing strategies, foods, and recipes to burn fat, reduce inflammation, and Thrive in Life!

As a doctor of natural medicine, I have spent the past 20 years studying the best healing strategies and worked with hundreds of coaching clients, helping them overcome chronic health conditions and optimize their overall health.

In our Inflammation Crushing Ebundle, I have put together my very best strategies to reduce inflammation and optimize your healing potential.  Take a look at what you will get inside these valuable guides below!

Inflammation, 5 Ways To Reduce Inflammation Quickly

Sources for this Article Include:

1. Mullur R, Liu Y-Y, Brent GA. Thyroid Hormone Regulation of Metabolism.Physiological Reviews. 2014; 94(2):355-382. PMCID: 4044302
2. Gereben B, Zavacki AM, Ribich S, et al. Cellular and Molecular Basis of Deiodinase-Regulated Thyroid Hormone Signaling.Endocrine Reviews. 2008; 29(7):898-938. PMCID: 2647704
3. Fan Y, Xu S, Zhang H, et al. Selenium Supplementation for Autoimmune Thyroiditis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.International Journal of Endocrinology. 2014; 2014:904573. PMCID: 4276677
4. NIH: Selenium Link Here
5. Betsy A, Binitha M, Sarita S. Zinc Deficiency Associated with Hypothyroidism: An Overlooked Cause of Severe Alopecia.International Journal of Trichology. 2013; 5(1):40-42. PMCID: 3746228
6. Sidibe el H. Reflections on mental retardation and congenital hypothyroidism: effects of trace mineral deficiencies. Sante. 2007 Mar; 17(1): 41-50. PMID: 17897901
7. Sworczak K, and Wisniewski P. The role of vitamins in the prevention and treatment of thyroid disorders. Pol J Endocrinol. 2011; 62(4): 340-344. Link Here
8. Fekete C, Lechan RM. Central Regulation of Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Thyroid Axis Under Physiological and Pathophysiological Conditions.Endocrine Reviews. 2014; 35(2):159-194. PMCID: 3963261
9. Chung HR. Iodine and thyroid function.Annals of Pediatric Endocrinology & Metabolism. 2014; 19(1):8-12. PMCID: 4049553
10. Hosoi T, WHO. Absolute risk for fracture and WHO guideline. Pharmacological intervention to prevent osteoporotic fractures in the elderly. Clin Calcium. 2007 Jul; 17(7): 1098-104. PMID: 17607078
11. Eftekhari MH, et al. The relationship between iron status and thyroid hormone concentration in iron-deficient adolescent Iranian girls. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2006; 15(1): 50-5. PMID: 16500878
12. Khaliq W, Andreis D, Kleyman A, Gräler M, Singer M. Reductions in tyrosine levels are associated with thyroid hormone and catecholamine disturbances in sepsis.Intensive Care Medicine Experimental. 2015; 3(Suppl 1):A686. PMCID: 4798095
13. Wang Z, Li J, Wang Z, et al. L-tyrosine improves neuroendocrine function in a mouse model of chronic stress.Neural Regeneration Research. 2012; 7(18):1413-1419. PMCID: 4308793
14. Jubiz W and Ramirez M. Effect of vitamin C on the absorption of levothyroxine in patients with hypothyroidism and gastritis. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2014 Jun; 99(6): E1031-4. PMID: 24601693
15. Abd AES, Gomaa AM, and Sayed MM. The effect of omega-3 on cognition in hypothyroid adult male rats. Acta Physiol Hung. 2014 Sep; 101(3): 362-76. PMID: 25183510
16. Souza LL, et al. Effects of dietary fish oil on thyroid hormone signaling in the liver. J Nutr Biochem. 2010 Oct; 21(10): 935-40. PMID: 19793640

Leaky Brain, Leaky Brain Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes and Natural Solutions

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    1. Well, my thyroid is just about totally annihilated by hashimoto’s, but this is still great information for continuing management to support thyroid hormone replacement therapy.
      Great recipes too. Thank you.

      1. Most thyroid conditions, including Hashimoto’s, can be linked to to an underlying iodine deficiency

  1. Under the section entitled “Symptoms of Thyroid Dysfunction”, in the first sentence, you state Hypothyroidism is too much thyroid hormone, then in last sentence indicate Hypothyroidism is low levels of thyroid hormone. Something is not right here, unless I am misinterpreting.

      1. Hello, I also noticed something additional to be pondered, where preferably Iodine, Halogens are a big part of the story of reversing HypoT and also many lung issues in my friends, coworkers and even Chiropractor, David! Haha he said he ordered food-based Iodine 🙂
        Chloroform gas:
        Iodine competes not only with Fluoride/ine but Bromine and Chlorine and it’s not just found in bleach. While many may already be avoiding breads for various reasons, there are only select companies who don’t make flour with Bromine.
        We should rethink Life before sanitizing anything around.

    1. Hypothyroidism is low thyroid levels. But it can be diagnosed by observing high TSH levels. TSH is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland of the brain and it functions to signal to the thyroid to produce thyroid hormones. High TSH would indicate that the brain is communicating but the thyroid is unable to fulfill the request.

  2. My T4 has been constantly dropping but my TSH is still normal. T4 2 points below normal. Dr. Wants me to start medicine but is scratching his head for an answer being TSH is not rising. Says I’m not textbook. Feel like taking meds is a bandaid and need to find root cause.

    Thoughts or advice?

  3. You don’t have to publish this but I think the arrow is going the wrong way in diagram above…. Dark green veg. to ALA

  4. In my experience with clients and myself, it’s early childhood trauma that disrupts the HPA axis and therefore the thyroid. Sadly, this is rarely considered or addressed.

  5. Is it possible iodine causing hypothyroidism? I have been taking Lugol’s solution + selenium for a year and my numbers worsen: my T4 is very low, TSH very high, so is estrogen, testosteron and DHEA.

    1. Hello Margaret, no iodine will not lead to hypothyroidism. If your numbers have lowered it is most likely due to a chronic toxin exposure or an infection that is causing your body to respond in this way.

  6. so happy and grateful you are helping to get info out there to help us all become better at self care and prevention. I am wondering why, in talking of good sources for omega 3s, you did not mention flax seed oil?

    1. Yes flax seed oil is a great source of small chain omega-3 fatty acids – ALA. However, it is challenging for the body to convert ALA into the long-chain omega 3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA. The best sources for those include blue-green algae, wild-caught seafood and grass-fed meats.

  7. Patients often find their reverse T 3 goes too high using bovine glandulars. What is the reason you mention this but not porcine?

  8. This may sound like a silly question but my daughter was told by her endo that she no longer has a thyroid due to hashimotos thyroid…in the absence of a thyroid,or any part if it’s still there,would any supplement help her?presently she takes armour and has been for over 15 years….Is there any value in taking supplements?

  9. I’ve heard that people with hashimotos should not take iodine supplements, I can’t remember why or repeat what I heard. Can you explain why?

    1. Hello Sandy, yes they can absolutely take iodine and often need it. However it is important for those with Hashimoto’s to take selenium – at least 100-400 mcg of selenomethionine to help recycle the H2O2 production from thyroid hormone production. Also, it is important for people with Hashimoto’s to fix their gut, optimize vitamin D & zinc levels, omega 3’s and glutathione.

  10. I am Hyperthyroid and all this information is not for me! If I took Iodine it could cause me great harm. I don’t understand when people talk about Thyroid they can’t be more direct “How to deal with Hypothyroidism or How to deal with Hyperthyroidism “ Not just here for Thyroid healing! To me if you can’t differentiate between the 2 you do not know anything about the Thyroid!

  11. Dr. Jockers, I had thyroid cancer in 2002 and had my thyroid completely removed. My TSH is always undetectable. After many years of increasing T4 because I wasn’t feeling well enough, my neurologist recommended lowering my T4 and adding T3. My endocrinologist said doctors don’t learn about T3 in medical school, but was willing to try it. This has helped put things back into balance a bit.

    But I have always wondered: if I have no thyroid whatsoever, how will it benefit me to take selenium, iodine, and some of the other supplements you recommended?

    1. Hello Mary-Beth,

      Yes if you don’t have a thyroid these nutrients have less importance however, selenium is still really key for glutathione enzymes in the body so you should prioritize that still!

  12. Iodine &/or Selenium deficiency might give ‘speed bumps’ on finger nails not all of them just one at a time, I used to get them until I took Brazil nuts for selenium and dried seaweed for iodine.
    Personally I would not care if I had bumps on my finger nails or not, but if it is a indicator of lack of nutrients for good health, then it is worth making the change.

  13. I have hypothyroidism and have been on various thyroid medications for over 25 years, but I still feel less than optimal (sluggish, hair thinning, sensitive to cold & hot temps, gain weight easily, horribly dry & rough skin, & can’t seem to sleep longer than 5-6 hrs./night.). Is it OK to take your Thyroid Strong product even though I’m on thyroid medication, &, if so, can I take it first thing in the morning at the same time I take my thyroid medication?

  14. HI! Dr. Jockers

    I have been reading your books and papers for a long time. Have used your recommendations for a long time. I have learnt so much from you. So, wish and pray that others would come around. I feel like I’m all alone some times. Family ask me for advice but, keep doing same thing!!! I tell them what will help them but, don’t want to give up their life style.

    Thank you, for all you are doing for people

  15. My husband had thyroid cancer 5 years ago so his entire thyroid was removed
    His taking the thyroid Meds and his tests are normal
    But I see he gets irritated for little things, gain a little weight has high blood pressure , he is 70 very sensitive at cold
    I am worried about what effect those Thyroid meds .
    Is anything in addition should take naturally or watch for ?
    I have been receiving your e mail regularly and really appreciate your clarity in your information about health you send and spread
    Thanks a million

  16. I have Hurthle Cell thyroid cancer but I did not remove my thryoid. I thought that maybe I could beat it by changing my diet. But now I have also been diagnosed with Crohn’s, so I think it will be difficult. I think I am having a lot of autoimmune disorders and I don’t know where to start! I am reading a lot of books about inflammation and the gut. I have my ultrasound in the middle of January for my thyroid, so I will find out if the cancer is getting better or worse. I guess I just wondered if you had any suggestions for me. thank you…Marlo

  17. Some functional medical drs. say taking iodine can be like throwing gasoline on a fire for people with hashimotos. Why is that?
    Thanks for this very comprehensive and beneficial article!

    1. The key with iodine, is that it needs to be balanced with selenium to create the selenoproteins including GSH that help to neutralize the H202 produced in the process of creating thyroid hormones.

  18. Hi! Thank you for this article.
    I am 22 yrs old (female) & have low thyroid levels – my Dr told me I have Hashimotos. I wish to heal naturally & don’t necessarily want to be on medication.
    The main thing I struggle with is losing weight… eating a diet high in these foods you listed in the article & taking your Thyroid Strong capsules help with weight loss? Do you have any other tips to recommend?
    I do low impact exercise to reduce stress – long walks outside, Pilates, yoga & meditation.
    Thanks so much! ☺️🙏🏼

  19. Do part of this apply if the issue is Hyperthyroidism or Graves Disease? Can similar strategies (but tuned for hyper) help reverse graves disease well enough?

    thank you Dr Jockers

  20. I had my thyroid removed over 27 years ago. Since I take thyroid medication, would any of this information help me or because I no longer have a thyroid, none of these options would work?

    I also question if my yearly bloodwork being in the acceptable range truly means the mediciation is adequately providing the necessary levels my body needs.

  21. Hi, I have I think Hypo, I didn’t want to take medicine and I Dr. didn’t want me to see him anymore so I suggested to go to my regular Dr. it been almost 2 years I’m doing this on my own can’t afford Functional practitioner or any Dr. I’m bloated,gaining weight never been this fat before,tired sleep only 4-5 hours, I just wish someone can help what to eat and drink and what supplements will help me get this over with, I would appreciate the help if you can respond! Thanks Gerry

  22. Everyone seems to talk about hypothyroidism, as it’s so common. Tt would be great to also get some information regarding hypERthyroidism. Things like iodine, kale, etc. can actually serve to make hyperthyroidism worse, so some nutrition info would be ideal. Thank you for all you do!

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