Episode #349 – 7 Strategies to Heal Fatty Liver

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In This Episode:

Fatty liver disease is a serious health condition that is quickly rising in westernized countries. Fortunately, there is hope that you can prevent and heal from FLD. In this podcast, I go over the top 7 strategies to heal fatty liver naturally.

  • 04:55 How high fructose corn syrup is contributing to fatty liver disease.
  • 05:25 What conditions is fatty liver disease associated with?
  • 06:10 What does a blood sugar friendly diet look like? 
  • 07:00 Introducing organic foods into your diet.
  • 08:18 The ‘Dirty Dozen’ versus the ‘Clean 15’
  • 09:38 The power of intermittent fasting
  • 10:40 ‘Bitter is good for your liver.’
  • 13:35 Applying a castor oil pack to your liver.
  • 14:15 Dealing with anger and unforgiveness.
  • 15:35 Glutathione, our master antioxidant
  • 16:40 Milk thistle supplements to regenerate liver cells. 
  • 18:50 Using grass-fed beef liver supplements.
  • 19:45 Can you heal fatty liver naturally?

Where do we start in our efforts to heal fatty liver disease? Dr. Jockers, our renowned world favorite functional nutritionist, is giving us seven of the best strategies to heal fatty liver disease in this short and sweet episode that packs a punch and will no doubt prove to be of enormous value to you!

First, we start with a definition of what fatty liver disease actually is, and how our understanding of its potential detrimental effect on our health has changed with the introduction of high fructose corn syrup into our diets. We’re pointing the finger at you, soft drinks!

And from there Dr. Jockers moves to address what a ‘blood sugar friendly’ diet entails, the types of supplements you should be taking, how to include intermittent fasting into your wellness routine, and a host of other strategies to keep your liver and body in check. Please join us!


“We know that many years ago food manufacturers started putting high fructose corn syrup in a lot of the foods, particularly soft drinks. They are loaded with high fructose corn syrup. We know that’s extremely damaging to liver cells and ends up causing liver cell death, and ends up causing an accumulation of visceral fat around the liver that we call fatty liver disease.”   

-Dr. David Jockers

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Dr. Jockers

Dr David Jockers is passionate about seeing people reach their health potential in mind, body and spirit. He is the host of the popular “Dr Jockers Functional Nutrition” podcast and the author of the best-selling books, “The Keto Metabolic Breakthrough” and “The Fasting Transformation.”




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