Episode #399 – My Personal Story and Advanced Fasting Strategies to Reduce Inflammation

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In This Episode:

In this episode, I am interviewed by Dr Eric Osansky and I discuss my healing story and how I overcame irritable bowel syndrome in my early 20’s and I do a deep dive on how to use advanced fasting strategies to reduce inflammation and autoimmunity.

  • 05:35 How did Dr. Jockers get into the fasting world?
  • 09:00 How Dr. Jockers was able to create mental and emotional balance
  • 11:34 On being grain-free
  • 12:15 What’s the difference between fasting and intermittent fasting?
  • 15:25 What does a water fast involve?
  • 21:45 How do we favor the development of akkermansia in our gut? 
  • 25:10 The value of a fasting lifestyle
  • 30:00 Who should not fast?
  • 33:00 How much protein is recommended per meal?
  • 37:25 Can you try fasting if you have a thyroid condition?
  • 40:40 Creating the environment for healing and repairing
  • 45:05 What happens when you eat foods that tell your body to be catabolic
  • 48:15 Ketones as epigenetic modulator
  • 51:25 Can a 16-hour fast help with the glutamine GABA ratio?
  • 53:00 Understanding mitophagy
  • 56:20 Thriving into old age with stress-resilient mitochondria

How can you get into intermittent fasting as a strategy to deal with inflammation in your body? Dr. Jockers is being interviewed by his friend Dr. Eric Osansky today in another fascinating deep dive into how we can use fasting to reset our gut microbiome. 

Dr. Eric Osansky is the author of ‘Natural Treatment Solutions for Hyperthyroidism and Graves‘ as well as a podcast called ‘Save My Thyroid‘ that you guys should definitely check out. 

In this episode he also asks me a lot about Dr. Jockers’ personal story, the health challenges that he experienced earlier in his life, and how he overcame them. 

It’s always a pleasure hearing Dr. Jockers share his fasting strategies and helping a new audience understand how beneficial autophagy and mitophagy can be as we create stress-resilient mitochondria and thrive as we age. This episode also focuses on fasting as it relates to hypothyroidism. 

Please join us and please give us a five star review if you find this episode to be of value. Thank you!


“The more that we can create that healthy, balanced, diverse microbiome, the better. And intermittent fasting is one of the core strategies to help optimize the diversity of the microbiome.”   

-Dr. David Jockers

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Pique Tea

Did you know that there’s an entire line of teas specifically formulated to enhance the benefits of fasting? It’s called Pique Tea and it’s the highest quality tea that’s out there! It’s extracted via cold brew crystallization that gently preserves active compounds at their maximum potential, with no prep or brewing needed!

Pique Tea is also 100% organic and triple toxin screened for pesticides, heavy metals, and toxic mold (really common in tea). Pique Tea is designed to shut down your appetite, reduce cravings, enhance the benefits of fasting, and support healthy weight management.

Check out their range of Fasting teas, featuring Matcha, Cinnamon, Ginger, and Bergamot Fasting tea crystals. These teas are also organic, non-GMO, and gluten free!

For a limited time get up to 20% off plus two free gifts. Simply follow the link to piquelife.com/jockers to get 20% off your fasting teas!

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Dr. Jockers

Dr David Jockers is passionate about seeing people reach their health potential in mind, body and spirit. He is the host of the popular “Dr Jockers Functional Nutrition” podcast and the author of the best-selling books, “The Keto Metabolic Breakthrough” and “The Fasting Transformation.”




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