Top 12 Cancer Stem Cell Killing Nutrients

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cancer stem cell killing

Top 12 Cancer Stem Cell Killing Nutrients

Our diets can both feed and starve cancer cells’ productivity by affecting multiple mechanisms that promote cancer. Cancer cells rely on the ability to multiply, repair, differentiate, and evade apoptosis (programmed cell death). The recent discovery of cancer stem cells has scientists looking at a whole new approach to preventing and treating cancer.

Cancer stem cells have a pro-survival strategy involved in promoting cancer cell invasion, growth, and metastasis (9). These cancer stem cells are unlike typical stem cells because they are designed to promote cancerous activities including: (4, 12)

  • The ability to self-renew.
  • Resistant to chemotherapeutic drugs
  • Self-sufficient
  • Not influenced by anti-growth signals or by contact with other stem cells
  • Not regulated by normal cell functions including apoptosis
  • Promote inflammation.
  • Regulated by tissue invasion and metastasis.
  • Sustained by angiogenesis and flawed cellular energy.

Fortunately, cancer stem cells are affected by phytochemicals or the nutrients in our diets. These nutrients are designed to prevent and treat the pro-survival cancerous properties that equip a cancer stem cell to function. The following 12 nutrients are phytochemicals found in our diets which manipulate the communication pathways between the cancer stem cell and the corresponding cancer cell.

1. Ursolic Acid

Ursolic acid is a dietary compound found in the waxy coating of fruits such as apples as well as herbal medicines like holy basil. Exhibiting powerful anticancer potential, ursolic acid has been effectively shown to treat the following cancers: (1)

  • Colon
  • Skin
  • Breast
  • Lung
  • Cervical
  • Pancreatic
  • Prostate
  • Myeloma
  • Esophagus

All underlying properties in which ursolic acid is capable of preventing and treating cancer are not yet fully understood. However, researchers are aware of ursolic acid’s ability to reduce enzymes that promote inflammation in the body and contribute to abnormal cell cycles, reducing the expression of genes that turn on cellular apoptosis in the cancer stem cell.

This process works to trigger the “cell suicide” switch to occur in cancerous cells and inhibits cancer cell DNA replication from occurring which reduces tumor growth and metastasis. ( 1)

Furthermore, ursolic acid has been shown in studies to reduce tumor size and concentration. You too can inhibit the development of tumors forming in your body by increasing your dietary intake of ursolic acid.

Many experts use a dosage of 150-300 mg, 3 times daily for optimal benefits.  This is significantly more than you could get from using apple peels and taking holy basil (also called Tulsi) which has between 5-10 mg of ursolic acid per serving.  Apple peels and holy basil do have several other phytonutrients that are beneficial for the body’s immune system and should continue to be used.  Here is a helpful article on holy basil and Tulsi tea.

2. Piperine

The mortality rate of colorectal cancer worldwide is estimated to be more than 639,000 people annually (1). Perhaps partly responsible for this very high statistic is that a carcinogenic bacteria known as H. pylori invade the gastrointestinal lining of half of the global population.

Piperine, known as the “King of Spices” may help to lower the incidence of cancers relating to the stomach and breast. In fact, piperine has been identified as one of the major compounds that target cancer stem cells of breast tumors (4). (2)

Piperine is a compound found in black pepper that has anecdotally been used to treat common ailments such as colds, and fever and most recently has been studied for its anticancer properties.

Piperine inhibits H. pylori from adhering to a surface within the gastrointestinal tract and therefore prevents this bacterium from releasing toxins that cause stress, and inflammation and promote carcinoma cells. One possible mechanism of piperine antimutagenic properties is that it prevents proteins from binding, which would cause genes to express factors promoting cancer. (2)

Reap the benefits of piperine by adding black pepper to your diet daily. Crack fresh black pepper onto salads, flavor meat, and add into fresh sauces, dips, and soups.

3. Lycopene

A bioactive compound which has been shown to destroy cancer cell activity is lycopene. Lycopene gives fruits and vegetables their red fleshed pigmentation. Some of these lycopene-rich food sources are tomatoes, watermelons, pink grapefruit, and red oranges.

Anticancer properties of lycopene stem from its ability to cause cytotoxic and pro-apoptotic effects in the cancer stem cell. In other words, lycopene can disrupt cancer stem cells’ communication pathways enable a cancer cell to live and cause it to die. Lycopene has been shown to protect against cancers including: (3, 4)

  • Prostate
  • Lung
  • Colon
  • Cervix

Consuming a diet rich in biologically available nutrients such as lycopene is as simple as snacking on watermelon in the summer months or supplementing breakfast with a bowl of grapefruit in the winter. Although the benefits of lycopene can be achieved from juicing, it is always best to consume the pulp from citrus foods by adding this back into your drink.

When preparing a homemade sauce, increase the availability of lycopene to be absorbed by your body by cooking down tomatoes with their skins on to optimize their nutrient content.

When taking a supplement, the anticarcinogenic properties of lycopenes have been shown to increase when combined with vitamin E and selenium (4).  If you are looking to reduce unnecessary carbs and stay on a ketogenic diet, you may consider supplementing with 30-50 mg of lycopene, 1-2 times daily.  This is roughly the same amount you would get from eating 2 servings of organic tomato sauce.

4.  Isothiocyanates

Isothiocyanates are synthesized in our bodies by compounds with strong antioxidant potential. One such form of isothiocyanates is sulforaphane. Cruciferous vegetables contain this anti-cancer compound which promotes detoxification, activates cancer-inhibiting agents, boosts immunity, and protects the body against breast, stomach, spleen, prostate, and colon cancer. (7)

Isothiocyanates inhibit cancer in the following ways: (7, 8)

  • Stimulate Nrf2 signaling pathways associated with blocking tumor formation.
  • Induce phase 2 enzymes which increase powerhouse antioxidants including glutathione.
  • Improve healthy gut microflora by reducing carcinogenic bacteria such as H. pylori linked to stomach cancer.
  • Improve antioxidant potential.
  • Reduce inflammation.
  • Remove carcinogens.

When seeking to achieve the benefits of isothiocyanates to prevent and treat cancer, aim to consume at least two servings of cruciferous vegetable sprouts daily for optimal impact. Not all sprouts are created equal- consider eating broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and brussel sprouts. Broccoli and cauliflower sprouts alone contain up to 100 times more of the compounds required to create isothiocyanates (8).

If you would like to supplement with sulforophane, many health practitioners recommend taking 300-600 mg, one to two times daily.  This is especially good for hormone-sensitive cancers as the isothiocyanates are powerful estrogen metabolizers.

cancer stem cell

Top 20 Blood Cleansing Foods and Herbs

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5.  Curcumin

Curcumin is an extract found in the spice turmeric and possesses antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer abilities. Curcumin prevents chronic inflammation from occurring which is repeatedly evident in the development of cancer. By interacting with the signaling pathways of the cancer stem cell genetics, curcumin is noted to regulate the various factors involved in cancer stem cell activity.

Curcumin can control inflammation, prevent tumor invasion, hinder cancer cell growth, turn off factors that suppress apoptosis, prevent angiogenesis, and inhibit metastasis. Curcumin has been shown to target cancer stem cells involved in regulating cancers such as: (13)

  • Breast
  • Cervical
  • Colorectal
  • Pancreatic
  • Lung
  • Liver
  • Prostate
  • Ovarian
  • Kidney
  • Bladder
  • Brain
  • Rectal
  • Leukemia
  • Non-Hodgkins lymphoma

Take advantage of the cancer stem cell targeting properties of curcumin and add turmeric to all of your dishes.  Many practitioners recommend supplementing with 500-3000 mg doses – 1-2 times daily with food.  Curcumin and turmeric should always be mixed with peperine from black pepper and taken with a fat-based meal for optimal absorption.

cancer stem cell

6.  EGCG 

Green tea is an abundant source of a polyphenol called epigallocatechin-3-gallate, better known as EGCG. The antioxidant potential of EGCG has been linked to a variety of health benefits with anti-cancer properties. Drinking green tea regularly may be responsible for reducing the risk of some cancers including breast, colon, prostate, and lung cancer. (14)

EGCG works by interrupting the signaling pathways associated with cancer stem cells. Consequently, this nutrient prevents cancer cell proliferation, inflammation, and metastasis. Studies show that EGCG inhibits vital proteins required for cancer stem cell survival and shuts off the mechanisms that trigger their growth (15).

Try sipping on green tea in the morning to reduce inflammation or adding green tea as a base for your smoothies.  Opting for matcha green tea is the best strategy as it contains up to 10 times more EGCG than commercial green tea.

If using supplemental EGCG then go with a dose of 400-800 mg of ECGC, 1-2 times daily.  Always use this earlier in the day as it is slightly stimulating.  Green tea does reduce folate absorption, so it is advisable to consume extra raw green veggies (rich in folate) in salads or juices or supplement with an extra 400-500 mg of methyl-folate or calcium folinate if using green tea.

cancer stem cell7. Resveratrol

A naturally occurring phenolic compound called resveratrol is found in grape skins and red wine. Resveratrol has a profound ability to prevent and heal metabolic conditions especially relating to cancer cells. Resveratrol protects cell’s ability to repair damage and extends their lifespan. (16)

Resveratrol has shown protective properties from cancer of the prostate, liver, pancreas, colon, skin, and many other organs (17). Resveratrol supplementation may be recommended for patients combating cancer to take upwards of more than 200 mg daily. Otherwise, healthy individuals may consume a supplemental dosage of 20-100 mg a day to receive optimal cancer stem cell-reducing health benefits.

cancer stem cell

8. Vitamin D3

Each day the body produces approximately 10,000 cancer cells which can invade, proliferate, and spread (6). One of the most common factors involved in the pathogenesis of cancer is vitamin D3 deficiency. Receiving adequate amounts of vitamin D3 daily is necessary to destroy cancer stem cell activity.

A supplemental dosage of 20,000 I.U. vitamin D3  daily may be a reliable therapy to slow the progression of cancer and reduce systemic inflammation ( 5). Vitamin D3 supplementation is perhaps most vital in its need for proper GcMAF production.

GcMAF is a protein that improves the natural immune system response and treats cancer. GcMAF requires a steady intake of vitamin D3 to eradicate tumors completely. ( 6)

Today, our health is dominated by high doses of pharmaceutical drugs which decrease the ability of our bodies to naturally absorb vitamin D from the sun and our diets. Combined with our lack of time spent outdoors and decreased oxygen supply to cells, our bodies can provide a suitable environment for cancer stem cells to produce tumors.

You can increase the ability of your body to better absorb vitamin D by getting regular sun exposure and reducing stress, eating right and reducing pharmaceutical drug use.

It is best to get your vitamin D3 (25-OH) between 60-100 ng/ml with ideal ranges between 80-100 ng/ml for individuals looking to prevent or slow cancer growth.

As a general rule, many practitioners recommend taking 1,000 IU’s per 25 lbs of body weight to slowly raise your vitamin D levels into range or taking 2,000 IU’s per 25 lbs of body weight to quickly raise your vitamin D levels.  This is an intelligent approach to reducing cancer stem cell activity.

9.  6- Gingerol

Adding ginger to your tea, meat marinades, and vegetable dishes such as coleslaw and salad dressings is an excellent way to boost the chemopreventive properties of your meals and beverages.

A major compound contained in ginger is 6-gingerol. This phytonutrient decreases peroxynitrite (ONOO-) production, which is a powerful free radical formed by the reaction of nitric oxide (NO) and superoxide dismutase (O2-), which wreaks havoc and stress on cells and processes in the body.

As a result, 6-gingerol protects against free radical damage and has exhibited strong neuroprotective properties in research. 6- Gingerol enhances the antioxidant defense system by contributing pharmacological activity to protect cells from carcinogens and cancerous activity. (10)

I recommend adding fresh ground or dried ginger to meat marinades or on vegetable dishes.  It is also a great practice to consume a cup or two of ginger tea every day.  I am also a huge fan of fermented ginger, which is commonly used in Asian dishes such as sushi and in the Korean dish kimchi.


10.  Silymarin

You may better know this healing nutrient as milk thistle. Silymarin is a flavonoid highly concentrated in milk thistle that protects the body from both skin and colon cancer by acting as a powerful detoxifying agent.

The primary use of milk thistle is designed to promote liver, kidney, and functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.  Silymarin has also been therapeutic in the prevention and treatment of cancer cell growth of the skin, prostate, breast, and cervix. (11)

The chemotherapeutic effects of Silymarin are a result of its ability to improve oxygenation in blood cells and promote enzymatic activity of antioxidants such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione. Silymarin prevents toxins from accumulating in the detoxifying organs of the body, improves their ability to function, and reduces the risk of cancerous cell growth. (11)

Consider taking 200 mg of milk thistle daily to protect your body from carcinogens and inflammation and to lower your risk of developing cancer.  This is another great cancer stem cell treatment option.

11.  Quercetin

A dietary antioxidant quercetin is found in a variety of vegetables, fruits, teas, and wine. Quercetin targets cancer stem cells by interfering with signaling pathways related to free radicals such as reactive oxygen species.

Quercetin exhibits cancer prevention and treatment properties by improving the production of other antioxidant levels including glutathione and SOD which further scavenge free radicals involved in the signaling pathways of cancer stem cells. (18, 19)

Researchers have shown that high-dose quercetin has the potential to impair the expression of genes that activate cancer cells associated with leukemia (20). Often it is heard that an apple a day will keep the doctor away. Truth be told this old saying has some validity because apples, more specifically the peels of apples, contain quercetin.

Other quercetin-rich foods are raspberries, green tea, red onion, and dark-colored tomatoes. Due to its tremendous impact on relieving inflammation, quercetin supplements are often marketed to prevent the release of histamine associated with immune cell responses (20).

The ideal supplemental range for quercetin is thought to be 400-500mg – 2-3 times per day.  This is a powerful cancer stem cell-killing therapy!

12. Anthocyanins

Over 600 types of anthocyanins occur naturally in plants such as berries (especially bilberries), grapes, eggplant, tea, and even certain types of oranges. Anthocyanins exhibit anticancer potential by supporting gene function which in turn inhibits the tumor growth pathway in cancer stem cells. Anthocyanins also trigger apoptosis by manipulating the communication between cancer stem cells and tumors. (9)

Anthocyanins equip the body with a natural healing ability to treat colorectal cancer, reduce breast cancer tumors, and limit leukemia cells from spreading. These dietary components can control cancer stem cells which otherwise are uncontrollable. Anthocyanins boost the productivity of genes that suppress tumors, induce apoptosis in colon cancer cells, and create dysfunction in leukemia cells. (9)

Consuming both fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables containing these powerful phytochemicals can protect your body from developing cancer and treat already present tumors.  Additionally, the anthocyanins freeze-dried berries may exhibit chemopreventive properties and suppress tumor development (21)!

cancer stem cells


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cancer stem cell killingCommit to an Anti-Cancer Diet

Shutting down the signaling pathways that stimulate the pro-survival mechanisms of cancer stem cells is necessary to live a cancer-free life. The answer to killing cancer stem cells is found in our diets and must be committed to long-term.

Plant-based diets rich in phytochemicals that fight chronic inflammation, slow cellular aging, promote normal cellular functioning and most importantly target and destroy cancer stem cells are crucial to living a cancer-free life.  Following a plant-based, ketogenic diet with cancer stem cell-killing nutrients and supplements is a powerful healing strategy!

If you want to work with a functional health coach, I recommend this article with tips on how to find a great coach. On our website, we offer long-distance functional health coaching programs. For further support with your health goals, just reach out—our fantastic coaches are here to support your journey.

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Sources for this Article Include:

1. Prasad S, et al. Ursolic Acid Inhibits Growth and Metastasis of Human Colorectal Cancer in an Orthotopic Nude Mouse Model by Targeting Multiple Cell Signaling Pathways: Chemosensitization with Capecitabine. Clin Cancer REs. 2013 Sep; 18(18):4942-53. PMCID: 3677707
2. Tharmalingam N, et al. Inhibitory effect of piperine on Helicobacter pylori growth and adhesion to gastric adenocarcinoma cells. Infect Agent Cancer. 2014 Dec 16;9(1): 43. PMID: 25584066
3. Dourado GK, Stanilka JM, Percival SS, and Cesar TB. Chemopreventive Actions of Blond and Red-Fleshed Sweet Orange Juice on the Loucy Leukemia Cell Line. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2015;16(15):6491-9. PMID: 26434864
4. Scarpa ES, and Ninfali P. Phytochemicals as Innovative Therapeutic Tools against Cancer Stem Cells. Int J Mol Sci. 2015 Jul; 16(7): 15727-42. PMCID: 519921
5. GcMAF Science Link Here
6. FIRSTiMMUNE Link Here
7. Yanaka A, et al. Dietary Sulforaphane-Rich Broccoli Sprouts Reduce Colonization and Attenuate Gastritis in Helicobacter pylori-Infected Mice and Humans. Cancer Prev Res (Phila). 2009 Apr;2(4):353-60. PMID: 19349290
8. Fahey JW, Zhang Y, and Talalay P. Broccoli sprouts: An exceptionally rich source of inducers of enzymes that protect against chemical carcinogens. Proc Natl Acad Sci. 1997 Sep;94(19)10367-72. PMCID:23369
9. Sehitoglu MH, et al. Anthocyanins: targeting of signaling networks in cancer stem cell. Asian Pac J Cancer PRev. 2014;15(5):2379-81. PMID: 24716988
10. Yao J, Ge C, Duan D, Zhang B, Cui X, Peng S, Liu Y, Fang J. Activation of the phase II enzymes for neuroprotection by ginger active constituent 6-dehydrogingerdione in PC12 cells.  J Agric Food Chem. 2014 Jun 18;62(24):5507-18.  PMID: 24869427
11. Post-White J, Ladas EJ, Kelly KM. Advances in the use of milk thistle (Silybum marianum). Integr Cancer Ther. 2007 Jun;6(2):104-9. PMID: 17548789
12. Moselhy J, et al. Natural Products that Target Cancer Stem Cell. Anticancer Res. 2015 Nov; 35 (11): 5773-88. PMID: 26503998
13. He Y, et al. Curcumin, inflammation, and chronic diseases: how are they linked? Molecules. 2015 May 20;20(5):9183-213. PMID:26007179
14. Na HK, and Surh YJ. Intracellular signaling network as a prime chemopreventive target of (-)- epigallocatechin gallate. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2006 Feb; 50(2): 152-9. Link Here
15. Tachibana H. Molecular basis for cancer chemoprevention by green tea polyphenol EGCG. Forum Nutr. 2009; 61:156-69. PMID:19367120
16. Howitz KT, Bitterman KJ, Cohen HY, Lamming DW, Lavu S, Wood JG, Zipkin RE, Chung P, Kisielewski A, Zhang LL, Scherer B, Sinclair DA. Small molecule activators of sirtuins extend Saccharomyces cerevisiae lifespan. Nature. 2003 Sep 11;425(6954):191-6. PMID:12939617
17. Singh CK, Pitschmann A, Ahmad N. Resveratrol-zinc combination for prostate cancer management. Cell Cycle. 2014;13(12):1867-74. PMID:24866157
18. Nieman DC, et al. Effects of Quercetin and EGCG on Mitochondrial Biogenesis and Immunity. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 2009;1467-1475. DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0b013e318199491f
19. Prior RL. Fruits and vegetables in the prevention of cellular oxidative damage. Am J Clin Nutr. 2003 Sep;78(3):570S-585S. PMID: 12936951
20. Walle T, Walle UK, and Halushka PV. J Nutr. 2001 Oct;131(10):2648-52. PMID: 11584085
21. Wang LS, et al. Anthocyanins in Black Raspberries Prevent Esophageal Tumors in Rats. Cancer Prev Res. 2009 Jan; 2(1): 84-93. PMID: 19139022

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Dr. Jockers

Dr David Jockers is passionate about seeing people reach their health potential in mind, body and spirit. He is the host of the popular “Dr Jockers Functional Nutrition” podcast and the author of the best-selling books, “The Keto Metabolic Breakthrough” and “The Fasting Transformation.”


Cancer stem cell


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Doctor David Jockers DNM, DC, MS
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Dr Jockers




  1. Hello Dr. Jockers
    Thanks for this nice overview. I’m very glad with this information. Is it possible for you to give us a guideline which dosage we need (a minimum and a maximum) so we can get a cancer treating effect for adult people?
    I hope you can answer this. That makes it more easy for u to use this information properly.
    Thanking into advance

      1. This article has addressed every health need I am facing.
        Thankyou for all your research, hard work,& using your God given talent for the good of others who (in my case at least)has less capacity to learn & retain.

    1. Suzanne,

      Those are great questions, but due to FDA regulations, I am unable to offer specific supplements on this sort of article. I would recommend doing the amount of mg per lb of body weight. So if a child was 50 lbs, you may do 50mg – 3x daily and see how it is tolerated. If it is tolerated well, you can go up to 100 mg – 3x daily.

    1. You can download document first if you are using a mobile phone then go to your downloaded docs and print

  2. As always! Wonderful!!! info Dr. J.
    The problem with my friends in Israel that English is only their 2nd language (from school…..many years ago….). And I simply don’t have enough time to translate everything for them.

    1. Unfortunately we won’t be able to do that Judy! We rely on google or whatever search engine to do that, otherwise we are a small team here at and unable to do translations

  3. Great stuff!! THANK YOU for sharing with us!! I also downloaded the starter guide to cancer cleansing. My mother in law was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer stage 4 last September, it also has spread to her liver. She’s on her 10th cycle of chemo and it does not seem to be stopping the spread of cancer. They switched to pill form of chemo on the 9th cycle. She’s diabetic as well. I’m trying to help with her nutrition intake and so forth. Is there anything that she needs to take more of and/or less of, due to her diabetic condition?

  4. Hi Dr. Jockers-
    I stumbled across your article. It couldn’t have come at a better time. My mother in law was just diagnosed with cancer in both lungs and stage four brain cancer. They are giving her 6 months. What would you recommend for someone like her who already has cancer? To at least slow the progression? Any info would be great. Thanks!

  5. Hi Dr.Jockers,
    Im undergoing dialysis 3 times a week. Can I take all the above?
    Thanks a lot for your great work.
    God bless.

  6. Dr Jockers,

    Would these recommendations and dosages also apply to dogs with cancer?


  7. I had a double mastectomy–zero stage cancer and was found to be ER-PR positive.
    Would you recommend isothiocyanates? How do I get them and what else do you recommend to balance hormones. My progesterone levels, when tested, were very low.

    Thank you
    joanne paul

  8. I saw your video re keto diet to help kill cancer. I’m a mother of two and desperately want to live .. alone without help here. Horrible stressful life except for my children Please advise as no did three different rounds of chemo and it was horrible I said no more. Please respond Rebecca

  9. Hello dr
    My friend has diagnosed with IDH1 mutated secondary glioblastoma.he did a surgery and started radio chemotherapy . How can we help him with diet and supplements

  10. Hi doctor. I wonder about ginger. It seems to stimulate insulin production. So will it induce cancer growth?

  11. You are awesome doctor Jockers. I don’t have cancer but I am proactive since cancer is one of the top causes of death. A study from the University of Texas supports a theory of preventing prostate cancer as follows: 1. Curcumin 1400 mg/day 2. Resveratrol 700 mg/day 3. Ursolic Acid *they used apple peels (*but holy basil has Ursolic acid) 300 mg/day. Other studies suggest lycopene. I also think garlic oil pills and broccoli seed extract (high sulforaphane) are good. I assume most of the things you listed would in gerneral help.
    Are there any other suggestions to prevent prostate cancer?
    I have eliminated milk and “conventonal dairy.” I try to get sun during the lunch. I would like to do infrared sauna treatments but I have not done it yet, just sunshine during the lunch hour.

  12. I am healing from chemo for ovarian cancer. I have the BRCA1 gene mutation. With your plant based Keto diet can you eat any chicken or meat at all?

    1. Hey Julie! Yes you can. When I say plant-based I just mean that it is MOSTLY comprised of plants. Pastured meats are okay but read about protein restriction and make sure you are keeping track of that!

      1. I’m struggling with getting enough macronutrients on the plant based Keto-diet. In addition, the weight is coming off which seems to put me underweight for my height, age and level of physical activity. I too as the original poster had ovarian cancer and hoping to eradicate any stem cells that are left from starting a reoccurrence. I also went through multiple regimes of chemotherapy and understand that chemo as a double edge sword can promote cancer cell growth and metatisis. Do you have any further recommendations on managing the plant based ketogenic diet for maintaining a healthy body weight without adding more animal based protein? The plant based protein isn’t cutting it right now. Thank you!

  13. Hi my mother was diagnosed with stage 4 diffuse b cell non hoghkin lymphoma, involved the bone marrow and lower sacral nerve roots, she received chemotherapy and changed her diet to veggies and fruit, with curcmin 500mg two times daily, green tea extract and vitamin D3 2000 lu daily, what is ur suggestion please, I asked her oncologist about alternative dietery cancer treatment, he said that lymphoma usually not respond to diet …. thanks

    1. Passing along some sites to check out:, (both sites have survivor and expert interviews), and anticancer And…what does that oncologist know about natural healing?

  14. What a superb write up 😁💪
    I just love reading real insensible information, the only thing I’m surprised you have not mentioned is selenium another super product that should be consumed.
    Thank you 😁

    1. Hey Frank! Selenium is absolutely a super nutrient! Often it is used in combination with other nutrients like vitamin E and lycopene to inhibit cancer development. Thank you for bringing this information up!

  15. As Dr. Jockers pointed out in his post at, “cancer is also correlated with mitochondria dysfunction.” I’m just speculating here, but I recently discovered a supplement containing a combination of a natural substance called PQQ and Co-Q10. I had been suffering for many years from intractable intermittent claudication (inability to walk long distances) that I’m now certain was caused by 8 or 9 months of taking statins which did some serious damage to mitochondria. That mitochondrial damage seemed to persist from one generation of cells to the next, which makes me suspect that it may be epigenetic in nature. Anyway, the PQQ + Co-Q10 apparently repaired the functioning and increased the number of mitochondria somewhere in my legs. Within just 5 weeks of my first dose, my maximum walking distance increased from half a mile to 5 miles! Putting two and two together makes me wonder whether PQQ + Co-Q10 might also be worth investigating as a possible treatment for cancer.

  16. I had a benign egg size angiolipoma evolve & explode in less than 4 months to a cantaloupe size high grade soft tissue sarcoma right flank lower back, radiated for 5 weeks. I had blistered raised pigmentation, severe fatigue & my own body’s immune system kicked in a 102.7 fever for next 3 weeks. That fever torched my weight down rapidly as tumor opened up where biopsy was performed weeks earlier and tumor was falling apart in shower. My body was fighting for it’s life. I never lost my appetite during this journey, never felt sick or any pain, only pressure. Tumor shrunk 65% before surgery. 6 hour surgery, floater ribs split to remove tumor undisturbed. I had all clear margins. I have been a gym jock for 30 years, no ICU for me as I was so stable. I woke up starving after surgery. Zero underlying health problems. 2 weeks later reconstruction. Muscle flap taken from right lat & skin graph taken from upper leg transferred to surgical site. I was fiercely determined to get back to gym again & reclaim my life. I have cut out refined sugar & junk food, Green blender drinks daily, no red meat or pork, no fried food, no dairy, no gluten, My cousin & I both suffered from candida albicans yeast overgrowth for 10 years plus before each of us were diagnosed with cancer. I am back to gym in full force 6 days a week, 5 mile power walks 5 days a week in late afternoon sunshine. Hot sauna at 205 degrees 30 minutes per day to heat up body & sweat out toxins. Today I am over 21 months NED. What can I do to prevent recurrence? What supplements would be beneficial? Thank You for sharing your wisdom!

  17. Hey Great info. Want to know more on thyroid cancer. Detoxing after radioactive ablation at 6 months post surgery removal of total thyroid and some lymph glands Any suggestions on where to find best information about this thanks

  18. Dear Dr Jockers,

    Thank you for your excellent articles and helpful attitude! A friend of mine’s mother has stomach cancer which has apparently moved more to the duodenum and is virtually blocking it (outside the stomach), so now she cannot eat, basically. Any suggestions, please?
    Thank you very much

  19. Hi Dr. Jockers.

    Thank you for such an informative article! Is there anything else to do for vaginal/vulvar cancer? There’s so little information pertaining to it. Also, for someone on a very tight budget, what would be the “absolute musts”?

    Thank you.

  20. Hi Dr Jockers,
    First of all so appreciate your awesome professional research and summits so informative. I actually was prescribed the banned Vioxx back in 2002 for old rugby knee injury, resulted in Widow-maker and 2 stents, given 1 year to live, so changed my life from Big Pharma drugs to natural and alternative medicine and new diet etc. At 70 yrs old still fit and healthy and can do anything. Two years ago My right Anterior where one stent was, totally blocked up, but i grew new artery to compensate, using Licopene and Astragalus. Only problem recent blood tests have twice indicated low white cell count of 380, do you have any recommendation to increase my immune system please with natural nutrients etc. and fix white cell count, never had problem before, realize it can be bacterial fungi. I take curcumin and anti oxidents etc. Appreciate your response. Gary, Melbourne, Australia

  21. Hello Dr. Jockers, what an amazing happenstance to have found your site and the life-saving information you are so generously sharing with us.
    You have renewed my faith in Doctors!
    Your natural approach seems more humane and body-friendly!
    Thank you and may you continue to be blessed and a blessing.

  22. Hi Dr. Jockers
    your articles are so interesting and full of information, I love them
    I have a problem I would like to share with you. its more than maybe 30 years that my husband has Multiple Myeloma. he is 85 years old and does not feel anything but the blood tests say something else. we have changed maybe 3-5 oncologists they all want to do chemo, I don’t know it is business, their hospitals protocol or they really want to heal him. this last one is insisting on acyclovir .
    we are in Los Angeles and I don’t find any functional oncologist nearby.
    can you please help me?

  23. I had a Glioblastoma Multiforme Grade 4, brain tumor, surgery on August 13, 2013. The surgeon thinks he got half of the tumor. My prognosis was 14 months. I started chemotherapy (150 mg Temodar) on September 12, 2013 and ended it on October 23, 2013. I started Radiation on August 19, 2013 and ended it October, 29.

    I started the 1st round of Temodar (3-140 mg) from November 25th till November 29th. Dr Larson was my Oncologist at West Cancer in Memphis. I started my 2nd round of Temodar (3-140 mg) on January 1st till January 5th. I started 3rd round of Temodar February 1st till February 5th. I took a break from Temodar and did my 4th round of Temodar (3-140 mg) until May 1st – May 5th) that was the last time took Temodar.

    I started with garlic around January 1st and did nothing else for 2 years. I wasn’t sure if it was from the garlic or from the chemotherapy and the radiation. I was pretty sure it was the garlic My tumor started shrinking from January and it was gone 2 years later. That was last time I used chemotherapy (Temodar) was on May5th, 2014.

    The tumor/cancer is supposed to stay in remission. It is not supposed to shrink. Dr Larson knew it wasn’t supposed to shrink. He asked what I was doing? I told him garlic. He was probably the best Oncologist. He retired soon afterwards. He knew it was the garlic that beat my tumor. The Oncologist, Doctors, Nurses, researchers are trained to not know by Big Pharma. They are the people that never had a course in nutrition. They will argue that they are right.

    Two years went by I was driving for Lyft and Uber. I was worried about the smell, so I started eating garlic capsules, or anything garlic. I guess I forgot how to do garlic or maybe the cancer found another route. The tumor started growing again. I had a new Oncologist and she sent me to get another opinion on whether I want to go back on chemotherapy or she mentioned a Gamma Knife. He was a neurological surgeon. He wanted me to wait 3 months and do another MRI. He wanted me to go back on chemotherapy. I told him twice that I wasn’t going to back on chemotherapy.

    In the meantime, before a 2nd MRI, I discovered three more things to fight cancer. Curcumin (comes from Turmeric), Ginger, and Cayenne Pepper. I did these every day. It was time for 2nd MRI. The cancer had grown any larger. He want to wait 3 more months. The tumor was shrinking without doing chemotherapy. He again wanted to wait 3 more months and the tumor continued to shrink. The tumor was still shrinking. It kept shrinking until there was no more cancer. This time I was sure it was from the Anti-Inflammatory diet and not from the chemotherapy and the radiation. It kills the Cancer Stem Cells.

    I had a Glioblastoma Multiforme Grade 4, brain tumor, surgery on August 13, 2013. The surgeon thinks he got half of the tumor. My prognosis was 14 months.

    The Medical Industry, in my opinion, is lying to us. Eat an anti-inflammatory diet to kill the Cancer Stem Cells. The Cancer Stem Cells is the target. Please go to my Cancer Facebook Group. “Beating Cancer” The link to get in is:

    Pub Med is where I go to my information.

    Pub Med is set up to so that doctors and researchers keep up to date they are not doing it for whatever reasons.

    “The model predicts that for any therapy to provide cure, all cancer stem cells have to be eliminated while the survival of differentiated progeny is less critical.”

    “Recently it is considered that there is a small population of cells with stem cell property 3 only in leukemia but also in solid cancer. These cells show the ability of self-renewal and multi-potential differentiation, and can initiate and maintain a tumor”

    “subpopulation of tumor bulk and acquire resistant to conventional therapies (Chemotherapy and Radiation) and are considered as the primary tumor initiator cells. Nowadays, the tumor heterogeneity originated from Cancer Stem Cells, and its progenitors are accepted as a mortifying drawback in front of the cancer therapies”

    Cancer stem cells – PubMed (

    “The clinical relevance of Cancer Stems Cells has been strengthened by emerging evidence, demonstrating that CSCs are resistant to conventional chemotherapy and radiation treatment and that CSCs are very likely to be the origin of cancer metastasis. CSCs are believed to be an important target for novel anti-cancer drug discovery.”

    “Perhaps the most important and useful property of stem cells is that of self-renewal.”

    Cancer is a chronic metabolic disease. Chronic diseases can be controlled, not cured. There is no cure for cancer. Cancer is like Diabetes, Alzheimer, Heart Disease, and various other chronic diseases. Unless they can find a cure for chronic diseases, they will not a way to cure cancer.

    Cancer Stem Cells(CSCs) have recently been identified in several solid tumors, including: Brain, Breast, Colon, Head and Neck, Liver, Lung, Ovary, Pancreas, Prostate, Melanoma, Multiple Myeloma, Non-melanoma skin cancer, Stomach.

    The only way to be cancer free is by killing the Cancer Stem Cells. The tumor has a small part that is called the Cancer Stem Cells (usually 1% – 5%), It is the target. Most Oncologists focus on the tumor. That is what they are taught by Big Pharma. It is not the Oncologist fault, they believe it.

    If you do the traditional cancer therapy (SOC), chemotherapy and radiation your cancer is coming back. It might not be immediately, but it will come back.

    Kill the Cancer Stem Cells… I wrote a book called “Beating Cancer from the Grocery Store Revised” It is on Amazon the cost is $35 hardcover/$25 paperback and my website the cost is $30 hardcover/$20 paperback

    1. Thank you John, Thank you Dr. Jockers. Came today like a blessing. Have friend right now doing chemo for stage 4 ovarian. So much information while she is incredibly ill is too much for her to sort. She is being sent Iver from a friend, does not know how to use with chemo. I am clueless. Is there some article recommending dosing? Simply put. And then this combo–ok to take both? She is lost, I am not much help. Thank you for any guidance I can share with her. God bless you.

  24. Hello Dr. Jockers,

    Your articles has helped me alot to understand the food i consume without knowing their importance. I have a family inheritance with a cancer history. Most of my family members died from different cancer diesease.
    I will educate my family about what i learned from you.

    Thank you Dr Jockers for your helpful education and May the Lord bless you more

  25. Let food be thy medicine! Thank you. It is understood that fluoride is a key component to hardening or calcifying our pineal gland, organ vastly needed to operate our cyclical circadian rhythm in production of hormones’, specifically melatonin. I understand green tea absorbs a significant amount of fluoride from the earth which when coupled with fluorinated water is detrimental to our brain, where the benefits of green tea are countered by the harmfulness to the pineal gland. What is your opinion or references to support or counter this outlook. Thank you again.

  26. Hey doc, great article.
    My question is how do we avoid glyphosate that is sprayed heavily on apples, grapes, and many of the other vegetables indicated in the article? I totally agree apple peels are have a lot of health properties and even taste great. But the use of pesticides, herbicides and fungicides is alarming.
    Now FDA has approved the use of Apeel on organic produce and it does not wash off at all and transfers from peel into the meat of the fruit.
    Sure we can grow our own food, but that is very difficult without land and working full time. I guess I’m making excuses for myself, it’s hard to grow your own food enough to feed your family and preserve it for use for at least 6-7 months over winter, spring and most of the summer depending on where one lives.
    Do you have any suggestions or thoughts? We all appreciate your input. Thanks doc!

    1. You are more likely to fine Apeel and other questionable contaminates on box store items. I have stopped buying my citrus products from them; Azure Standard is a safe alternative. Except for bananas, I am buying very little from supermarkets any more.
      The citrus coatings do not seal well at the stem and thus you may fine old citrus that looks perfectly good on the outside, but it has mold running through the center from its stem. Leave that citrus for Bill Gates and buy elsewhere.

  27. I’m feeling conflicted with this information as I just realized that I am toxic with oxalates (I eat a whole food plant based diet) and many of the compounds you mentioned are indeed full of oxalates. Plants have good and bad elements to them and it can be confusing to know how to proceed with ingesting them.

    1. It is not the oxalates in the plants that are the issue. Toxins in plants are common and the healthiest greens like spinach and purslane are loaded with oxalates. Those toxins are there to protect plants from being OVER-EATEN. If a potato should breach the ground, its toxins will concentrate at the surface and appear green. All animals have developed ways to deal with a reasonable amount of these common toxins. A healthy human will normally have a microbiome that contains the friendly bacterium known as Oxalobacter formigenes, which feasts on oxalates. Thus oxalates should not pose a problem unless seriously over consumed. There is a secondary system, but since it was seldom needed, it tends to be pretty weak.
      If you screw up your microbiome with antibiotics or other drugs you may be left with a limited ability to handle those oxalates, which you should have been so advised under the requirement of informed consent. Excess oxalates are a toxic body burden and can result in stone formation. Replacing those friendly microbes is not so easy, albeit you can assist your secondary system. You can take inexpensive Magnesium Citrate powder along with any consumed greens. That should bind any excess oxalates in your meals.
      This issue is just one of the many reasons why good doctors refrain from prescribing antibiotics.

  28. Hello Doctor . I love your explanation on food and how we should discipline our selves . My husband is dealing with a intestinal fistula that it won’t heal and cancer and infection in the psoas muscle . But we keep on going . What could we do to heal a fistula ? Thank you

  29. Hello Doctor,
    I finished radiation therapy 3 weeks ago and was advised to stop taking antioxidents as they may interfere with the treatment. I wondered how long this was valid for and when I could start taking them again.
    Kind regards

  30. Where does the statistic that 10,000 cancer cells are produced per day by the body come from? There was a number at the end of the sentence that contained a link in the bibliography, but there was a privacy issue when I clicked on the link and did not want to risk exposing the computer to any problems.

  31. I do not see my question posted. Simply put–dosing for ivermectin with chemotherapy. Thank you and God bless you. [stage 4 ovarian cancer]

  32. What do you suggest taking for brain fog and memory loss? I am 70+ and I feel that inflammation has something to do with it. I had surgery and was given a lot of strong drugs to sedate me, afterwards, my memory is not good. Does it return or is there something that I can take to assist in it clearing up?

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