Episode #253 – How to Use Toxin Binders to Cleanse the Body

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In This Episode:

  • Examine the Toxic Bucket Theory analogy and how it represents the build-up of wastes inside the body [00:40]
  • Top 7 causative factors leading to the overflowing of toxins in the toxic bucket [02:55]
  • 10 natural ways to reduce exposure to environmental toxins [03:51]
  • Get to know the different toxin binders, how they work, and why they’re great for detox [11:09]
  • Discover the 7 benefits of chlorella and why this is one of Dr. Jockers’ favorite toxin binder [19:21]
  • What makes fulvic acid stand out among other bioactive carbons [23:22]

Since earlier times, humans go through the natural process of eliminating toxins that have accumulated inside the body. But, in this day and age, there are more chemicals and poisonous toxins we are exposed to every day, and the natural process is no longer enough to eliminate all of them.

Dr. Jockers rounded up the best support strategies to aid the body in the cleansing process. They come in the form of toxin binders. Get to know what these binders are and how they work so you can choose which one works best for your detox journey.

“When the toxic bucket overflows, the immune system becomes dysfunctional and either over-responds and produces too much inflammation or under-responds and is unable to eliminate pathogens and damage the cells.”

-Dr. David Jockers

Episode Sponsors

We partner with great companies that make superior products that can help benefit your health. These products have gone through a review and vetting process by Dr. Jockers and his team and are products that we use and recommend for others.

They are truly the best of the best supplements, tools, and resources you can find to help improve your health! Even better, we have worked with the manufacturers to get you exclusive community discounts so you can get them for the lowest price on the internet.

LifeBoost Coffee

Today’s episode is proudly sponsored by Lifeboost Coffee. They provide premium, low acid, healthy coffee that is easy on your gut and 3rd party tested for mycotoxins, molds, heavy metals, plus 450+ toxins.

It’s a staple in my household.  Hurry and grab your first order for 50% off here: www.LifeboostDeal.com.

PaleoValley Beef Sticks

Today’s episode is also proudly sponsored by Paleovalley and its 100% grass-fed beef and 100% pasture-raised turkey meat sticks, one of the choice snacks in my household.

Hurry and grab yours from Paleovalley.com/jockers to save 15% off today.

Purality Vitamin C

If you’ve tried collagen for aging skin and haven’t gotten the results you want… It’s because most collagen is missing a critical ingredient. And without this “missing link,” collagen WILL NOT WORK. With this “missing link,” you can turn loose, saggy skin –– into tight, glowing, younger-looking skin!

So what is that missing link I am talking about? VITAMIN C.

Of course, you may know Vitamin C as a powerful immune-boosting nutrient…

But did you know Vitamin C is a critical nutrient for anti-aging? You see, Vitamin C it’s the “glue” that holds collagen together in your body. And if you’re low in Vitamin C, well, all of that collagen you’re taking is pointless.

And here’s the thing, not all Vitamin C supplements are created equal…

If you’re taking Vitamin C in capsule or tablet form, you are missing out on key nutrients as they will simply pass through your body without being absorbed (you can thank your stomach acid for that).

However, our friends over at Purality Health have a patented formula that utilizes something called ‘MICELLE LIPOSOMAL’ technology which delivers the nutrients into your bloodstream – proven to be 800% more efficient!

So, if your skin is looking older than you… And the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, sagging skin, and otherwise “old-looking” skin frustrates you…

Give Purality Health’s Micelle Liposomal Vitamin C a try! It’s backed by a 180-day money-back guarantee. And today, we have a 30% OFF coupon for you! Just visit puralityhealth.com and use the coupon DRJ to access 30% OFF your purchase today!



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Dr. Jockers

Dr David Jockers is passionate about seeing people reach their health potential in mind, body and spirit. He is the host of the popular “Dr Jockers Functional Nutrition” podcast and the author of the best-selling books, “The Keto Metabolic Breakthrough” and “The Fasting Transformation.”




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