Episode #266 – The End of Alzheimer’s Program with Dr. Dale Bredesen

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In This Episode:

  • What the statistics are saying about the cause of death of 45 million Americans [08:53]
  • The 4 stages in which Alzheimer’s disease occurs and the problematic thing most physicians are doing in response to these stages [11:36]
  • Why stress and threats are so critical for cognitive decline [19:45]
  • How the genetic Alzheimer’s varies from sporadic Alzheimer’s [24:17]
  • How the idea that nothing can reverse or treat Alzheimer’s is proven wrong [32:06]
  • The diet that is designed to be the perfect biochemistry for the brain [37:23]
  • Why Alzheimer’s is a women-centric disease [49:25]

While it might be true that no one can stop the clock and we all grow older by the hour, we can definitely put an end to the ugly things that come with aging, like cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s.

In this episode, Dr. Dale Bredesen joins Dr. Jockers to shed a ray of hope for those fearful of this dreaded disease that is fast becoming the cause of death for millions of Americans. He shares how he came to find the treatment and natural preventive measures for cognitive decline, as well as the highly favored herbs and nutrients he recommends for brain health.

“There’s a whole set of things that drive the neuroplasticity network. It includes things like specific pathogens and ongoing inflammation and toxicity and insulin resistance. A trophic loss of various growth factors and hormones and nutrients.”

-Dr. Dale Bredesen

Episode Sponsors

We partner with great companies that make superior products that can help benefit your health. These products have gone through a review and vetting process by Dr. Jockers and his team and are products that we use and recommend for others.

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Today’s episode is sponsored by Paleovalley Apple Cider Vinegar Complex. One of my favorite, whole food supplements to support digestion, blood sugar stabilization, and cravings. Did you know that poor digestion can lead to nutrient deficiencies which can cause bloating, gas, weight gain, poor skin and nail health, and more?

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Today’s episode is proudly sponsored by Lifeboost Coffee. They provide premium, low acid, healthy coffee that is easy on your gut and 3rd party tested for mycotoxins, molds, heavy metals, plus 450+ toxins. It’s a staple in my household. Hurry and grab your first order for 50% off here: www.LifeboostDeal.com.

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LMNT Recharge’s low-carb energy drink powders fix the problem so you feel your best!  LMNT is offering our community a free sample pack with any order on their website from this link.



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Dr. Jockers

Dr David Jockers is passionate about seeing people reach their health potential in mind, body and spirit. He is the host of the popular “Dr Jockers Functional Nutrition” podcast and the author of the best-selling books, “The Keto Metabolic Breakthrough” and “The Fasting Transformation.”




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