Episode #440: The Brain-Immune-Gut Connection in Aging & Neurodegeneration with Dr. Peter Kan

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In This Episode:

In this episode, I interview Dr. Peter Kan and we discuss the connection between the brain, immune system, and the gut or the Brain-Immune-Gut Axis.  We discuss how dysfunction in this critical axis can lead to accelerated aging and brain degeneration.

Are you worried about how aging might affect your brain health or immune system? Have you ever wondered how your gut health plays a role in neurodegeneration? Dive into the fascinating world of the brain-immune-gut connection with Dr. Peter Kan in the latest episode of the Dr. Jockers Functional Nutrition Podcast.  To learn more go to Dr. Peter Kan’s Toxic Brain Masterclass here

Understanding Inflammaging

Dr. Kan introduces the concept of “inflammaging,” which is chronic, low-grade inflammation that accelerates aging. He explains how this persistent inflammation can deteriorate brain and gut health, making us more susceptible to neurodegenerative diseases.

Discover how controlling inflammation is crucial for healthy aging and longevity and the best strategies to keep your brain-immune-gut axis healthy and resilient.

The Critical Brain-Immune-Gut Axis

In this episode, we explore the intricate relationship between the brain, immune system, and gut. Dr. Kan breaks down how dysfunction in one area can lead to a cascade of health issues in the others.

By understanding this triad, we can address root causes rather than just symptoms, leading to better health outcomes.

Practical Strategies for Optimal Health

Dr. Kan provides actionable advice on maintaining a healthy brain-immune-gut axis. From dietary adjustments and exercise to specific supplements, learn practical tips you can implement today to improve your overall health and cognitive function.

Exercise and Blood Sugar Stability

Understand why exercise is vital for brain health and how maintaining stable blood sugar levels can protect against neurodegeneration. Dr. Kan discusses the benefits of cardiovascular fitness and resistance training, highlighting their role in enhancing mitochondrial function and reducing oxidative stress.

Listen to the Full Episode

Don’t miss out on this enlightening discussion. Whether you are looking to prevent cognitive decline, manage autoimmune conditions, or simply improve your overall health, the insights shared in this podcast are invaluable.

Tune in now to gain a deeper understanding of how the brain-immune-gut connection impacts aging and what you can do to support these critical systems.

  • 02:50 Interview with Dr. Peter Kan: Brain-Immune-Gut Connection
  • 04:23 Understanding the Brain-Immune-Gut Axis
  • 04:47 The Role of Inflammation in Aging
  • 10:19 Fuel Delivery and Metabolism
  • 15:29 Neurodegenerative Diseases and Their Causes
  • 23:28 Impact of Gut Health on Cognitive Function
  • 26:45 Strategies for Maintaining Brain-Immune-Gut Health
  • 32:13 Conclusion and Where to Find More Information

“The Vagus Nerve is a Major 2 Way Communication Link Between the Brain and the Gut.”   

-Dr. Jockers

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Dr. Jockers

Dr David Jockers is passionate about seeing people reach their health potential in mind, body and spirit. He is the host of the popular “Dr Jockers Functional Nutrition” podcast and the author of the best-selling books, “The Keto Metabolic Breakthrough” and “The Fasting Transformation.”




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