Should You Use Essiac Tea For Cancer?
As our modern world knows all too well today, conventional forms of cancer treatment has its limitations. Practices involving radiation, chemotherapy, drugs, and surgery leave a patient susceptible to infection and future illness. Patients also battle psychological side effects that destroy their overall wellbeing and vitality.
The incidence of cancer rates continue to rise annually. Slightly trailing behind the number of deaths linked to heart disease, cancer is the second most leading cause of death in the United States as reported by the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) (11).
Powerful and natural cancer treatments designed to aid the body in healing have been discovered but face opposition from public health agencies. One such alternative approach for the treatment of cancer is Essiac tea. Have you heard of it?
A History of Opposition
Rene Caisse was a Canadian nurse who learned of the possible healing powers of Essiac tea from one of her patient’s recovering from breast cancer. Based on its origin, the tea has also been referred to as the “Ojibwa Tea of Life”. Seeking to help humanity control cancer, Caisse started working with Dr. Charles Brusch to formulate an herbal mixture and study its effects in people and laboratories in the 1920’s (2). (10)
Both Caisse and Dr. Brusch promoted the use of Essiac tea as an affordable, effective and alternative cancer treatment. Facing the pharmaceutical and medical industries with wallets benefiting far too greatly at the profits from conventional cancer treatments, Essiac tea has not yet been approved for use as a cancer treatment drug by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) (2). Currently, the FDA lists Essiac tea as a new drug not generally recognized as safe (13).
Despite the efforts of public health agencies to squash any investment into determining the safety and effectiveness of Essiac for research during clinical trials, it is perhaps the testimonials of Caisse and Dr. Brusch’s patients which lead to the popularity of Essiac in the 1980’s. The herbal remedy of Essiac Tea can now be found in health food stores but lacks FDA testing and approval (7). (2)
Reported Effects of Essiac Tea
People who have used the herbal remedy have provided amazing testimony attributing their health improvements to Essiac tea. Perhaps now you are pondering the notion of drinking the herbal elixir yourself or will recommend it to a loved one. Do understand that with anything, synthetic or natural, there are side effects that may be associated with consuming Essiac.
Caisse claimed that the herbs contained in her formulated Essiac brew had anti-cancer properties that may treat and possibly cure various types of cancer. Caisse, along with other supporting physicians, proposed that these anti-cancer activities exhibited from Essiac treatment is a result of a synergistic effect of the contained herbal mixture. (3, 4, 10)
Herbs Promote Detoxification
In theory, the four primary herbs contained in Essiac better equip the body in the fight against cancer by detoxifying tissue, purifying blood and quickly eliminating toxic waste (3, 12). Essiac originally contained the following 4 herbs: (1, 7)
- Burdock root
- The inner bark of slippery elm
- Sheep sorrel
- Indian rhubarb root
A later recipe known as Flor Essence contains the addition of 4 more herbs to the original formula: (1)
- Watercress
- Blessed thistle
- Red clover
- Kelp
Essiac May Stimulate the Immune System
Conventional cancer treatments destroy an individual’s immune system which is why patients may supplement their diets with Essiac. Essiac may stimulate the immune system’s response to infection by efficiency detoxifying the body and therefore providing pain relief and improved health (3, 9, 10).
Companies that formulate the tea have made recommendations that conventional cancer therapy should not be used in conjunction with Essiac support. Such recommendations are based off of the belief that Essiac tea cannot promote the healing of the immune system while no immune system exist to be healed (2).
On the other hand, researchers propose that Essiac may benefit immune-suppressed individuals by enhancing the immune system (9). Clinical data remains limited.
A Concentrated Source of Antioxidants
Essiac contains high levels of the following antioxidants: flavones, anthraquinones, tannins and polysaccharides (7). Studies have shown that Essiac tea used at varying concentrations reduces the presence of free radicals by up to 84% (4). Free radicals can lead to DNA damage and trigger a series of adverse health responses.
In fact, pharmaceutical agencies manufacture drugs derived from these antioxidant sources. Adriamycin is chemotherapeutic drug designed to treat 13 various types of cancer and contains anthraquinones (7, 15).
An even greater threat to cellular damage is superoxide radicals. Superoxide radicals have the ability to not only create cellular damage, but also to activate other free radicals (4).
Plant-derived polysaccharides have been valued in traditional Chinese medicine for its role as a powerful antioxidant (14). These healthy polysaccharides prevent against oxidative damage in the body by scavenging dangerous superoxide radicals (7).
Essiac May Reduce Cell Mutations
Attributed to burdock root for its high concentration of the antioxidant anthraquinone, Essiac may reduce cell mutations and therefore prevent tumor growth. Anecdotal evidence has been reported by individuals claiming that they have experiences the regression of tumor size and severity of symptoms.
These patients suffered from different cancer growths such as tumor growths on the skin’s surface including the face and lips, as well as patients with uterus, prostate, and colon cancer. (2, 7, 10)
Animal studies have shown that treatment of Essiac is associated with a decrease in the ability of tumor cells to multiply. Although researchers also noted a decrease in the growth of normal cells, the herbal extract significantly prevented the proliferation of cancerous cells at a higher rate. (9)
If clinical studies are funded and evidence supports these claims, it is possible that the conventional treatment methods could also be improved. If a tumor decreased in size as a result of Essiac treatment, risks associated with surgery could also be reduced. But if a cheap and holistic approach to cancer treatment was discovered to be effective and then approved, the cancer industry would have a decline in their profits.
Health Risks
The American Cancer Society cautions consumers of uncommon side effects and health risks while drinking Essiac tea: (1, 3)
- Headache
- Nausea
- Diarrhea
- Constipation
- Increased bowel movement
- Frequent urge to urinate
- Vomiting
- Low blood sugar
- Liver damage
- Kidney damage
- Allergic skin rashes
- Flu-like symptoms
Health agencies disapproval for funds and clinical research into the efficacy of Essiac as it relates to cancer treatment continues to delay patient’s hope for a cure. Currently, only animal testing and anecdotal evidence from individuals using Essiac as a supplement can provide insight into possible health risks associated with drinking Essiac tea.
Essiac May Interact with Drugs
Researchers have found that Essiac tea may adversely interact with chemotherapy drugs. Patients reporting to use Essiac while undergoing chemotherapy had high concentrations of the drug in their system. Although the biochemical pathway in which Essiac can interact with drugs is not understood, Essiac supplementation may inhibit the body’s ability to completely eliminate toxic waste. (6, 8)
This dilemma begs the question, why is such a toxic drug approved for use in cancer treatment and yet an herbal extract lacks study in clinical trials?
Open-Minded Research Required
The Task Force on Alternative Therapies concluded their report with the desire to see more “open-minded research” (7). Eight Doctors as early as 1926 had even urged the Department of National Health and Welfare at Ottawa, Canada to allow Caisse to continue her research on Essiac. They stated in their petition to the health organization that Essiac treatment “relieves pain, will reduce the [tumor] enlargement and will prolong life in hopeless cases.” (12)
Only one fact appears to remain consistent regarding Essiac’s use as cancer treatment: research involving an alternative form of cancer therapy is a potential worth investigating. Can you envision a world without the use of chemotherapy to treat cancer?
Risks of Conventional Cancer Treatments
Cancer treatments today can include surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, and immunotherapy. Serious and some life-threatening side effects from these therapies include: (10, 15)
- Hair loss
- Sterility
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Excessive tiredness and mental fatigue
- Diarrhea
- Scarring or complete tissue removal such as the breasts
- Lowered immunity
- Anxiety including thoughts of suicide
- Depression
- Increased risk of lymphoma
- Impaired memory
- Seizures
- Allergic skin reactions
- Irregular heart beat
- Paralysis
- Unusual bruising and bleeding
- Difficulty breathing and swallowing
For a continued list of possible side effects which may result from currently approved cancer treatment drugs, visit A to Z List of Cancer Drugs compiled by the National Cancer Institute (15). Reflect back upon the list of possible side effects that can occur from Essiac.
Why do the public health agencies that approve of the current list of cancer treatment drugs with life threatening side effects put up so many obstacles along the road to alternative cancer treatments?
Alternative Cancer Treatments Conspiracy?
Caisse explained that her efforts to perform clinical research on the effectiveness of Essiac faced challenge as a result of “nothing less than a conspiracy against finding a cure for cancer” (12). Do you agree?
The cancer industry is comprised of a complex network of corporations which make profit from cancer patients seeking an end to their suffering. Pharmaceutical companies produce chemicals that are known to cause cancer as well as toxic cancer treatment drugs.
In fact, AstraZeneca is a drug company which originally created National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Take note to the campaign’s lack of drive to find a cure for the problem. (16)
Do Not Turn a Blind Eye
How are you expected to manage your health goals when powerful organizations trump every move made in the quest for alternative cancer treatments?
- Always be honest with your doctor. Your doctor needs to be aware of possible drug interactions that may occur. Essiac is a non-pharmacological supplement which may provide you with health benefits along with other popular approaches such as Echinacea and green tea (8).
- Living a healthy lifestyle is the best strategy to prevent cancer. Chemicals can be found in food, makeup, the air you breathe and ground you walk on. Remain an educated consumer to minimize toxins in your environment.
- Avoid foods high in sugar which have been increasingly linked to promoting inflammation and the growth of cancer in the body.
- Just as the CBCRI recommends, remain informed of all available evidence regarding the use of Essiac treatment to decide if it is the right supplement for you. No other industry or person will have your health goals more in line and every individual should have the right to understanding the treatments their body is undergoing.
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Hi Dr. Jockers,
Thank you for this article. I read on a cancer site that Essiac tea is not recommended for those who do not have a gall bladder because it stimulates digestive organs and processes. What is your professional opinion on this? Could someone who has had their gall bladder removed safely take Essaic tea? Thank you in advance for taking the time to answer my questions. God bless you!
Yes Kathy, you can definitely use this without a gallbladder. Be sure to support good liver function though with glutathione precursers and milk thistle.
Dr Jockers
What’s a glutathione precursor
Hey Gina,
Great question, glutathione precursers are nutrients such as cysteine and glutamic acid that help to form glutathione. Here is an article that discusses this more:
My wife had breast,then after taking tamoxifen got uterine cancer. I had bladder cancer . Both cancer free now. We both have essiac tea first thing in the morning. Sounded like a good tning to do . What do you think?
Sorry to hear about your health history! Yes, taking Essiac is a GREAT thing to be doing first thing in the AM!
i read Essiac tea will have bad effect on kidney, Does that mean a patient with kidney cancer should not take essiac tea?
This is true Jess, Oxalic acid in the tea can irritate the kidneys so you will want to avoid this in your case.
Thank you for that information about kidneys. Have been using Essiac tea for a long time and was told recently told my kidneys are a big issue. No more Essiac! What a shame.
Now to fight the cancer and restore kidney health-hmmm..
Here you go Pat!
My dad is drinking essiac tea over two months…. the doctors found out two weeks ago that he has kidney cancer… what should we do now?
So sorry to hear about this Agata. Start here, it covers where to begin and some good strategies
If you want the help of one of our health coaches, email
Where can I find a quality tea for prevention ?
There is a review that says essaic is not safe for breast cancer. Is that true?
I believe it is totally safe based on what I have read Adrienne. Be Blessed!
Hi, I’m sorry to jump on this post but I have a related question. I’ve just been switched to Anastrozole after being on Tamoxifen for 5 years. I’ve made my own batch of E.T but am worried about the scare stories that E.T. might stimulate breast cancer cells. I also read that it may have an effect on oestrogen levels. I’m enjoying my tea and don’t want to give it up, can you advise. Can you explain the ‘effect’ E.T. may have on oestrogen? Thank you. 😊
I have found Essiac tea to be extremely helpful for my patients with breast cancer, so I continue to recommend it. Blessings!
Hi Nadine,
For breast cancer, I believe the confusion arises with the 8 herb essiac formulas (such as Floressence), that contains red clover. Red clover contains isoflavones, plant-based chemicals that produce estrogen-like effects in the body–not the best for breast cancer. In order to avoid this, ONLY use the original essiac 4 herb formulas with burdock, sheep sorrel, turkey rhubarb, and slippery elm. It’s very frustrating to me that many people who need this wonderful treatment miss out because of this misunderstanding. Best of health to you! 🙂
Thanks for sharing that Tanya!!
My father was just recently diagnosed with cancer. We ware waiting for the results of what type. He does have a brain tumor. Is this safe for someone with a brain tumor?
Hey Cynthia,
Essiac Tea may result in a minor increase in swelling of the brain which may or may not be a concern in your case. Consider a ketogenic diet along with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy as described here:
My husband has cancer in the oesophagus and also stomach lining. He started Breuss cure with success but rushed to hospital after four weeks because of internal bleeding Caused by stomach ulcers, for which he was given blockers that now caused embolism for which they are giving him blood thinning medication – a Russian roulette situation. Today having just one, mild radiotherapy session aimed at the ulcers. He is very weak and down to 54kg.
The 42 day Breuss cure ensured no spreading of cancer, possible shrinkage and not stage 4 yet. But incredibly weak can only drink fluids they’re considering feeding tube. The medics give him 3-4 months. Does essiac raise our hope?
Hey Monique, so sorry to hear about this. Please consider the information in this article:
Water fasting with Hyperbaric oxygen may be something to consider. Followed by a ketogenic eating style with plenty of gut healing nutrients. Reach out to through email for continued support.
My mom is undergoing chemotherapy. Can Essiac Tea be used during Chemo (Doxorubicin / Cisplatin)?
You can Anastasia. Here is more information that may help:
Can essiac tea be used by someone with kidney issues?
Yes but you will need to account for oxalate and calcium metabolism issues as well Cheryl:
I am under going an immunotherapy programme using the chemo drug, Durvalumab. Can I drink Essiac Tea while going through this one year, every two week programme?.
I am not aware of any specific negative interactions with this combination Jerry!
Thank You.
Hi Dr Jockers, thank you for the article! Does the Essiac tea that can be bought on Amazon online from subway botanical contain the correct type of ingredients? Is it a good supplement to take for stage IV lung cancer that has spread to the lymph nodes? Is it safe to take while undergoing chemotherapy (carboplatin & amlitin) and immunotherapy (keytruda)? Thank you!
I think you are referring to Starwest Botanicals – this one should be fine! This is a supplemental option though. I would highly recommend fasting, ketogenic diet, and hyperbaric oxygen as other options for supporting the body. Here are some helpful articles:
Is essiac tea recommended for endometrial cancer?
It might be helpful Linda! I would also consider following many of the strategies in these two articles:
Where can I buy the tea? The ones on amazon do not contain all ingredients.
Here is a good option Yvonne:
I was diagnosed with stage 3B ovarian cancer. Had extensive surgery, and a complete hysterectomy. They are telling me that chemo is the only way to ensure that they got everything.
I started taking the essiac tea twice a day a week ago, and feel much better. I am waiting to see if my numbers will come down now that I have been taking the tea.
I have tried to find any testimonies of peple who have had the same type of cancer as I have, to see if the tea actually worked. I am not really wanting to do the chemo.
Please help.
Yes Beth, I would highly recommend staying on the Essiac tea as it will really help! Blessings!
Dear Dr. Jockers,
I am not used to doing this so not sure if this is even how to ask you a question. My husband was diagnosed with Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer 8 months after having his thyroid removed due to Papillary thyroid cancer. We chose to stop chemo and radiation after 8 treatments and much prayer as it was truly about to kill him quicker than what is said to be “a rare, aggressive, fast-traveling type of cancer with a 4-month prognosis. He has been drinking 2 ounces of the 4-ingredient Essiac tea for 2 months. Was diagnosed with Anaplastic cancer over 3 months ago. CT scan just last week remained negative for metastasis… The tumor in the right side of his neck continued to grow. Went to a prominent surgeon who said, “Inoperable; hospice and wound care as it WILL open up” & left us in shock with no referrals setup. (That was on the Thursday before Christmas). We thank God for taking care of him because I was able to find a wound center who who would take us the day after Christmas and it opened that night prior to the appointment. Just had to get all of that info out. So my question is: We need to order more Essiac tea. Should we get the 4-ingredient type bus the Amazon site you mentioned to another person or, some with the 4 additional herbs. The last question is, what do you think about Blood Root? I read that it’s a good adjunct to Essiac for “more stubborn types of cancer.
Thank you
So sorry to hear this!! Yes, I would recommend the Essiac Tea here:
Also, be sure to get a cancer health coach to walk you through additional strategies. Here is a helpful article:
Hello Dr Jockers I’ve read all the above questions and your answers. I was just diagnosed 4 days ago with cancer on my left breast, they didn’t tell me what stage, the next statement was it is too big and your breast must be cut off. I started taking graviola tea 2 days ago, but i want to take the ojibwa herbal concentrate tea i dont want my breast off and all other after effect, because am sure, they’ll want to put me on chemo n radiation which I’m totally against because of aftet effects. (Am a single parent and aline with my 13yr old girl) i dont want to stop raising her. Should i stop taking graviola and start on this immediately. Pls urgent answer is required. Thank you.
So sorry to hear that!! I think you could do both safely!! Praying for full healing!
Hey Doctor Jockers, I was wondering why you prefer Essiac Tea over Floressence?
Both are great! But this article was about Essiac tea
Hello dr jockeys had heart bypass surgery and 2 stents taking plavix for 1 year and Lipitor, norvasc asprin can I use the essiac tea. Thank you.
Yes you can Angela!
Hi Dr. Jockers.
I had stage 3 bowel cancel now with mets to liver and lungs. I have read that essiac tea can cause further harm to the liver. Should I avoid?
Many thanks
So sorry to hear this! Essiac can be of great support and will not further harm the liver.
I have known of the Essaic tea for many years. I am wanting to give it to my daughter who has had a kidney transplant two years ago. It was a nightmare. She got E-coli bacteria somewhere during the surgery and one of the antibiotics gave her her second stroke which has been devastating. She has always had a lot of pain, and they required a mammogram which was botched big time. The nurse pushed her against the machine and she felt something pop in her surgery area. Huge pain since then. Doctors are useless. All they want to do is pain pills and antibiotics. She is now having big trouble getting any pain pills. Three of her doctors have turned her down within a week of each other. That is when we thought of the Essaic tea. My question, can she safely take the tea with her transplant? I believe in the tea, but she needs help and we don’t know what else to do. I don’t want to make her problem worse. I have read where the tea helps pain. Her pain may be nerve pain? She cannot eat, or drink without hurting. She has a lot of UI problems. She is a mess and it is impossible to get the doctors to listen. She is also suffering from the Lyrica that one doctor insisted she take. Terrible stuff. She took only one dose and knew she had done wrong. She has what she calls “Lyric” moments where she cant talk, head is crazy, just incompacitated. Drs do not believes her. Any suggestions you can give me would be very appreciated. I know this is a lot, but I trust whatever you say.
So sorry to hear that! I would use the tea with her! I would also recommend getting a functional health coach to work with.
My dad was recently diagnosed with angiosarcoma of the liver and spleen. He is stage 4. Is this tea okay to take for liver cancer?
So sorry to hear that! Yes, I would recommend the tea and here is a helpful article:
Is this tea that is so healthful, a good idea to take for the regular everyday person who is just concerned with cancer prevention, but has no current health issues?
Yes you can take it daily as a prevention strategy. Most do well with it, some feel nausea.
I need help. I just took 2oz of flor Essence. Before I went to bed. I don’t feel good at all. I have a headache. I have breast cancer. My surgery was June 2017. And I have been taking Tamoxifen. I wanted off of it. So I tried Essence and I feel horrible. What should I do.
So sorry to hear that! I would try lowering your dosage and starting with just 1 oz. Praying for you! Here is a helpful article:
Sorry you’re not feeling great. Perhaps try the 4 herb essiac tea as Floressence has 8 herbs, one of which is red clover which has estrogenic effects and is not the best for breast cancer (esp. HER2+). Take care!
Is this safe to take while undergoing chemotherapy for Stage 4 liver cancer?
Many people have done this Jolene and it has really helped. But it is always advisable to discuss this with your doctor.
Is Essiac tea proven to cure papillary thyroid cancer? We just started to use it but not sure what the success has been with this type of cancer. The doctors want surgery and to remove the entire thyroid. The person is only 30years old and just had a healthy baby several months ago. Please advise
No, there is no proof of Essiac tea “curing” any cancer. However, many case reports have noted great benefits but there is no true “cure” for any form of cancer.
Hi I was just wondering I have a stage to astrocytoma on my brain that they’ve tried to remove but only got 20% of I’ve been doing all the natural remedy is I’m just wondering if essiac extract would be the best way to go to kill the cancer
Hi there, a friend of mine was diagnosed with Myeloma last month. Would Essiac Tea be beneficial to her and in what way? Thanks in advance!
Yes it would Nicki! I would recommend it!
Hi Dr. Jockers, my dad was recently diagnosed with bladder cancer. I started giving him Soursop Tea and the 8 herb Essiac Tea (I believe it’s called Floressence). Wondering if this is safe for him, and if so, how much he should be drinking of each daily?