Episode #310 – The Brain-Immune-Gut Axis and Vagal Tone with Dr Peter Kan

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In This Episode:

  • 04:50 Welcome to Dr. Kan
  • 05:55 How does the brain connect with the gut?
  • 10:25 What is the autonomic part of our nervous system?
  • 15:30 What is vagal tone all about?
  • 18:55 What do bitters do to activate vagus nerve stimulation?
  • 20:50 What are the symptoms for people with low vagal tone?
  • 25:30 What are some of the root cause factors for low vagal tone?
  • 31:20 Understanding the role of microglia cells
  • 34:55 Why do we detox?
  • 36:00 “The brain’s on fire, the gut’s on fire” — what does this mean?
  • 38:00 The problem with blood-brain permeability
  • 39:50 Connecting the dots to our Immune system
  • 42:45 Exposure to toxins
  • 45:15 Dr. Kan explains his neurometabolic digital program

Today Dr. Jockers is in conversation with Dr. Kan and they’re talking about the Brain-Immune-Gut Axis and its link to chronic disease. Dr Peter Kan is a chiropractic neurologist – and he’s a certified functional medicine practitioner. He’s also one of the sharpest people Dr. Jockers has ever had the pleasure of interviewing, which is high praise indeed!

Dr. Kan is an expert in metabolic health and analyzes the relationship between the Brain-Immune-Gut Axis and how it impacts all of human physiology. In this illuminating interview, Dr. Kan and Dr. Jockers talk about the connection between the brain and the gut — and how the immune system really connects those two. 

There’s a discussion about the blood-brain barrier and how that compares to the blood-gut barrier. If you’re out there and you’re dealing with chronic gut issues, it may actually be a brain issue that you need to look at. There is a myriad of strategies in this episode that will help you support your brain and, in turn, balance your immune system. Please join us!

“We have to learn to look beyond just the area of complaint. And make as I say, the BIG connection. And when I say BIG, you know, to me, it’s also the acronym called: Brain Immune Gut axis”

-Dr. Peter Kan

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Dr. Jockers

Dr David Jockers is passionate about seeing people reach their health potential in mind, body and spirit. He is the host of the popular “Dr Jockers Functional Nutrition” podcast and the author of the best-selling books, “The Keto Metabolic Breakthrough” and “The Fasting Transformation.”




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