Episode 401 – Healthy Breakfast Ideas for Blood Sugar and Fat Burning

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In This Episode:

In this video, I go over the best way to eat breakfast and what foods you should focus on for a healthy breakfast that stabilizes your blood sugar levels and helps you burn fat for fuel.

  • 03:30 Are cereals good for you?
  • 04:40 Understanding High Glycemic Carbohydrates
  • 05:40 Avoiding Ultra Processed Cereals
  • 06:50 Is oatmeal good for you?
  • 08:30 You don’t HAVE to eat breakfast.
  • 10:00 30g of protein for blood sugar satiety
  • 15:10 Which oils should you avoid?
  • 16:10 Why fruit juice is not a good idea.
  • 17:20 How structured water helps hydrate your body.
  • 18:20 The value of a good protein shake
  • 20:30 Please share this video!

Are you feeling uninspired when it comes to healthy breakfast ideas? Look no further than today’s episode of Functional Nutrition episode which will truly get you to ‘rise and shine’ with blood sugar improvement and fat-burning breakfast ideas!

Dr. Jockers is reminding us that breakfast (break the fast) can be done at any time that’s right for your body. And that the days of ultra-processed cereals and sugary juices are a thing of the past! 

Learn the difference between High Glycemic Index and High Glycemic Load, as well as how structured water can better hydrate your body in today’s inspiring episode. 

There are healthy options out there as you get your recommended daily dosage of protein in your diet and mix things up with an inspired protein shake using your blender. 

As always, Dr. Jockers is on the money at breakfast time – helping us burn that visceral fat, bring down inflammation in our body, and take better care of ourselves. Please join us.

Please join us and please give us a five-star review if you find this episode to be of value. Thank you!


“There’s a difference between High Glycemic Index and High Glycemic Load.”   

-Dr. David Jockers

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Pique Tea

Did you know that there’s an entire line of teas specifically formulated to enhance the benefits of fasting? It’s called Pique Tea and it’s the highest quality tea that’s out there! It’s extracted via cold brew crystallization that gently preserves active compounds at their maximum potential, with no prep or brewing needed!

Pique Tea is also 100% organic and triple toxin screened for pesticides, heavy metals, and toxic mold (really common in tea). Pique Tea is designed to shut down your appetite, reduce cravings, enhance the benefits of fasting, and support healthy weight management.

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For a limited time get up to 20% off plus two free gifts. Simply follow the link to piquelife.com/jockers to get 20% off your fasting teas!

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Dr. Jockers

Dr David Jockers is passionate about seeing people reach their health potential in mind, body and spirit. He is the host of the popular “Dr Jockers Functional Nutrition” podcast and the author of the best-selling books, “The Keto Metabolic Breakthrough” and “The Fasting Transformation.”




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