Episode #324 – Addressing Parasites, H Pylori, and Candida Overgrowth with Evan Brand

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In This Episode:

In this podcast, I interview functional medicine practitioner Evan Brand and we discuss how parasites, H pylori and candida impact gut and brain health and the best strategies for addressing these gut infections.

  • 05:05 What are some of the most common gut infections Evan is seeing?
  • 11:15 Understanding mold as ‘the bad guy in the back of the nightclub’
  • 12:20 What is gut dysbiosis all about? 
  • 19:00 Understanding H Pylori
  • 20:28 What if you’ve had your gall bladder removed? 
  • 22:00 What about worms and larger parasites? 
  • 24:50 What herbs can you take to deal with gut infection?
  • 28:40 Do you treat your pet as a carrier of parasites?
  • 31:15 Can your dog give you candida?
  • 33:20 What is an opportunistic infection?
  • 38:00 How to save your marriage through proper infection testing 
  • 39:40 How Smartphones and the social media ‘virus’ are affecting our health
  • 40:50 Learning how to regulate your nervous system
  • 43:00 What does Evan do to complement his efforts in reducing pathogens?

Today on Functional Nutrition we are taking a big look at the little things, by addressing Parasites, H Pylori, and Candida Overgrowth with Evan Brand. 

Evan is a certified functional nutrition practitioner and an expert on gut infections, worms, and histamine-producing bacteria like klebsiella, mold, and mycotoxins – to name just a few of the topics he and Dr. Jockers are covering together in today’s show. Is your beloved pet giving you parasites? Let’s find out!

Evan has solved his own health struggles using the same advanced technologies he now uses in his clinic. He also offers at-home functional nutrition training courses – so stay tuned for that towards the end of the episode as well. If you know of anyone who is struggling with chronic health issues, please send them this episode, it could change their life.


 “Mold is the #1 thing I see stopping people who are living healthy lifestyles from healing and feeling well!”  

-Evan Brand

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PaleoValley – ACV Complex

Today’s episode is sponsored by Paleovalley Apple Cider Vinegar Complex. One of my favorite, whole food supplements to support digestion, blood sugar stabilization, and cravings. Did you know that poor digestion can lead to nutrient deficiencies which can cause bloating, gas, weight gain, poor skin and nail health, and more?

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    • Visit puralityhealth.com and use the coupon ‘DRJ’ to access 30% OFF your Mushroom Mindboost purchase today!
    • ACV Complex – Use Code JOCKERS for 15% off
    • Claim your risk-free supply of Liver Health Formula and all 5 bonus gifts – GetLiverHelp.com/Jockers

Connect with Evan Brand:

Connect with Dr. David Jockers:

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Dr. Jockers

Dr David Jockers is passionate about seeing people reach their health potential in mind, body and spirit. He is the host of the popular “Dr Jockers Functional Nutrition” podcast and the author of the best-selling books, “The Keto Metabolic Breakthrough” and “The Fasting Transformation.”




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