Episode #379 – How Intermittent Fasting Heals Leaky Gut and Improves the Microbiome

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In This Episode:

In this podcast, I am being interviewed by Dr John Dempster for his Gut Reset Summit and we discuss how intermittent fasting works to heal leaky gut and improve the overall balance and diversity of the gut microbiome.

  • 05:20 How Dr. Jockers started fasting intuitively.
  • 05:55 What is intermittent fasting?
  • 07:38 What is Time-Restricted Feeding (TRF)?
  • 09:00 What are the benefits of fasting? 
  • 09:50 What is glycogen?
  • 11:10 When best to use glucose as an energy source.
  • 12:07 Understanding autophagy as a ‘self-eating’ process
  • 15:40 The importance of ‘house cleaning’ for our body
  • 16:20 What is the least amount of time we can fast for to see benefits?
  • 18:20 How does fasting reduce oxidative stress?
  • 20:30 Creating gut microbiome diversity through fasting.
  • 26:39 What is Urolithin A?
  • 28:20 Comparing looking after our gut to looking after our garden
  • 30:25 What can you expect from your first fast?
  • 34:55 Prioritizing healthy proteins and healthy fats when you’re fasting
  • 38:15 Who should not consider intermittent fasting?
  • 44:55 Can Type 1 Diabetics fast? 
  • 46:15 What can intermittent fasting (as a strategy) help heal?

How can intermittent fasting heal leaky gut and improve your gut’s microbiome? That’s the question that Dr. Jockers is answering today as he is interviewed by Dr. John Dempster, a Toronto-based naturopath who assists his patients in achieving optimal health, balance, and wellness in their lives through his work at the Dempster Clinic.  This interview is part of the Gut Reset Summit, which is free to access for a limited time.

Today, Dr. Jockers is sharing the story of how he used intermittent fasting as a young medical student to overcome his irritable bowel syndrome. If you haven’t heard how Dr. Jockers got to where he is today in terms of his own health journey, you’re going to want to listen to this!

The science of intermittent fasting is also unpacked as Dr. Jockers explains how exactly we can build a resilient gut lining. Learn about autophagy, glycogen, and how best to repair our body’s cells in an energy-conserving way. 

This episode gives an amazing overview of the importance of autophagy and intermittent fasting. Plus, there are some great insights for pregnant women and other people who might consider themselves too high-risk to give intermittent fasting a try.

Please join us and share this with someone you love who is perhaps new to the good work of Dr. Jockers and his Functional Nutrition team!


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-Dr. David Jockers

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Dr. Jockers

Dr David Jockers is passionate about seeing people reach their health potential in mind, body and spirit. He is the host of the popular “Dr Jockers Functional Nutrition” podcast and the author of the best-selling books, “The Keto Metabolic Breakthrough” and “The Fasting Transformation.”




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