The Benefits of BPC-157 Peptides and How to Use Them

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peptidesThe Benefits of BPC-157 Peptides and How to Use Them

Peptides are short-chain amino acids that are made up of 2 to 50 amino acids. Various peptides offer various benefits for your body. BPC-157 is a great peptide for reducing inflammation, improving tissue repair, supporting bone repair, enhancing brain health, supporting gut health, and enhancing liver function.

In this article, you will learn what peptides are.  You will learn what BPC-157 is. You will understand the benefits of BPC-157. You will also learn about TB-4 Frag and its benefits. I will discuss the benefits of stacking peptides.

You will learn about the difference between oral and injectable peptides. You will learn about the pros and cons of using peptides. I will share my best recommendation for BPC-157 and TB-4 Frag, as well as my favorite peptide stack.


What are Peptides

Peptides are short-chain amino acids that are made up of 2 to 50 amino acids (1). Amino acids are the building blocks of protein which means that they are smaller than proteins. Because of this, the body can break them down easily and absorb them quickly. They can enter your bloodstream and gut and penetrate your skin easily.

Peptides support a long list of bodily processes, including cellular communication, fat burning, and wound healing. There are two types of peptides you may benefit from: endogenous and exogenous.

Endogenous peptides are peptides found inside your body, including your cells and tissues. They help create hormones, growth factors, enzymes, neurotransmitters, and all kinds of other biological compounds. For example, oxytocin is a peptide-based hormone that supports your reproductive and mental health. Angiotensins are also endogenous peptides that help to control your blood pressure.

Exogenous peptides, on the other hand, are peptides that come from outside sources, including food, supplements, and medication. For example, insulin is an exogenous peptide medication that helps to control your blood sugar levels. Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LH-RH) agonist medications are also peptide-based and are commonly utilized for IVF treatment, as well as, breast, ovarian, and prostate cancer.

Food sources of peptides include animal-based peptides, such as from eggs, meat, fish, shellfish, and milk, and plant-based peptide sources, such as beans, lentils, soy, hemp seeds, flaxseeds, oats, and wheat.

Collagen and creatine peptides have become popular in the supplement world. Collagen peptides are commonly used for skin health and decreasing signs of aging. Creatine peptides are used to build muscle mass and muscle strength. 

There are all kinds of other peptide supplements and medications used for various reasons. BPC-157 is one of them and in this article, you will learn about its benefits for reducing inflammation, repairing soft tissue, supporting brain health, repairing bone tissue, supporting gut health, and improving liver function.


What is BPC-157

Body Protecting Compound 157 or BPC 157 for short, is a naturally occurring peptide made up of 15 amino acids that are derived from gastric juices. BPC-157 has become increasingly popular for a variety of health issues.

It may help improve the body’s natural healing mechanisms, decreasing inflammation in the body, and supporting the formation of new blood vessels. The form that’s used for BPC-157 peptide therapy is a highly concentrated form. It can be used as an oral supplement and also as an injectable, as I will cover this later. 

BPC-157 peptide therapy is still relatively new and considered an experimental compound, so it should be used under the supervision of a healthcare professional. If the benefits of BPC-157 covered in the next section pique your interest, talk to your healthcare provider or work with one of our functional medicine coaches.


The Benefits of BPC-157

BPC-157 may offer a variety of health benefits. Let’s look at them one by one. 

Reduces Inflammation

One of the main benefits of BPC-157 is its potential anti-inflammatory properties. BPC-157 seems to modulate various signaling pathways in the body and promote tissue repair, which may help to decrease inflammation.

It may influence growth factors and cytokines, which are involved in the inflammatory response. It may support faster recovery when it comes to injuries and hard workouts, but may also support those with chronic inflammatory conditions.

While BPC-157 is still under research, the studies we have so far as promising. For example, according to a 2009 study published in the Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, BPC157 may help to reduce inflammation-related periodontitis in rats (2). According to a 2022 study published in the Journal of Dental Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, BPC-157 may also help to reduce pain in rats (3).


Repairs Soft Tissue

BPC-157 peptides may also be beneficial for repairing soft tissue damage. They may accelerate your healing process by supporting cellular regeneration and angiogenesis, which is the formation of new blood vessels.

Angiogenesis is critical for increasing the supply of oxygen and nutrients to your damaged tissues to support recovery. It may also allow better collagen and growth factor production, which is also necessary for tissue repair and reconstruction. Moreover, it may help to modulate inflammation.

According to a 2021 study published in Frontiers in Pharmacology, BPC-157 peptides may help wound healing (4). According to a 2021 review published in Cell and Tissue Research, it may help recovery from injuries and musculoskeletal issues (5). However, research is still ongoing, and we will likely learn a lot more about the benefits of BPC-157 peptides for soft tissue repair.

Supports Brain Health

BPC-157 peptides may not only offer regenerative effects for the rest of your body but also for your brain. It may have neuroprotective benefits that promote neuroplasticity and neuronal survival.

According to 2022 research published in Neural Regenerative Research, it may offer benefits for the central nervous system (CNS) and protect your brain and mental health (6). The paper listed strokes, schizophrenia, dopamine disturbances, and inflammation as potential issues that BPC-157 may help with. 

BPC0157 may protect and help repair the blood-brain barrier, which helps to stop toxins and pathogens from entering the brain and supporting homeostasis. According to a 2016 study published in Currents in Neuropharmacology, it may also support the gut-brain barrier, which offers neuroprotective effects (7). It may also help to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, which may both affect brain health and increase the risk of neurodegenerative diseases. 

Repairs Bone Tissue

We just discussed how BPC-157 may help tissue repair. It may not be surprising that it may benefit bone repair as well. According to a 2018 review published in Currents in Pharmaceutical Designs, BPC-157 may support bone, muscle, tendon, and ligament healing (8). However, we do need more research to fully understand these benefits.

It seems that BPC-157 may help to improve osteoblast activity. Osteoblasts are the cells that are responsible for bone formation and bone repair. BPC-157 may also increase collagen production, which you need for bone matrix formation and bone and tissue repair. Moreover, it may also reduce inflammation and pain to support your bone healing process.

Supports Gut Health

BPC-157 may also support your gut health. As I mentioned earlier, according to a 2016 study published in Currents in Neuropharmacology, it may also support the gut-brain barrier which is critical for your gut and brain health (7). A 2023 study published in Pharmaceuticals (Basel) has also found that it may help with brain-gut axis repair and function (9).

It may support epithelial cell regeneration, mucosal healing, and the repair and maintenance of your GI tract. It may also increase growth factors which are necessary for any tissue repair. This may be particularly great news if you are dealing with leaky gut syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, or irritable bowel syndrome.

Improves Liver Function

Research on the potential benefits of BPC-157 goes back decades. A 1993 study published in Lives Sciences has found BPC-157 may be beneficial for liver lesions (10).

It may support cellular recovery, allow tissue repair, and reduce inflammation, which may support liver tissue recovery and liver function. It may modulate growth factors, cytokines, blood flow, and nutrient delivery to liver cells, which may also support the healing process and function of your liver.

While we need more research on how BPC-157 may support liver health in a therapeutic setting, we have some promising results so far. For example, according to a 2022 study published in Life Sciences, it may reduce radiation-induced liver injury and lipid accumulation (11).

The Benefits of TB-4 Frag 

TB-4 Frag, a fragment of the thymosin beta-4 peptide.  The thymus starts to atrophy around age 15 and continues to decline until approximately 80-90% of its activity has decreased by age 35-45, which is when the chronic diseases of aging start becoming prevalent.  The thymus atrophy results in significant loss of TB-4 peptide in circulation.  

TB-4 frag has gained increased attention in the field of tissue repair and regeneration, as it may help in reducing inflammation, wound healing, and cell migration. It may offer some potential therapeutic benefits and applications.

One of the main benefits of TB-4 frag is increasing and speeding up tissue repair by promoting cell migration, cell proliferation, cellular repair, and tissue regeneration. This may offer therapeutic applications in injury recovery and post-surgery settings. According to 2022 research published in Stem Cell Research, TB-4 frag may improve tissue repair and endothelial function (12).

TB-4 frag may also help to reduce inflammation. Chronic inflammation is a common underlying issue behind chronic disease and autoimmune issues, but it also plays a role in chronic injuries.

By helping to lower inflammation, TB-4 frag may help the recovery process from chronic injuries and support those with chronic health issues.

According to 2022 research published in Frontiers in Endocrinology (Lausanne), TB-4 may offer anti-inflammatory effects which may be used for various issues, including “myocardial infarction and myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury, xerophthalmia, liver and renal fibrosis, ulcerative colitis and colon cancer, and skin trauma” (13)

According to 2022 research published in Frontiers in Endocrinology (Lausanne), TB-4 frag may also support the formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis) to allow the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to damaged tissues. This allows your body to get nutrients to the area of injury or pain quickly to facilitate healing and tissue regeneration.

This may be great for wound healing, injury recovery, and surgery recovery.  Just like with BPC-157, the benefits of TB-4 frag are very promising.

However, research is still ongoing to fully understand its potential uses, benefits, and risks. It’s critical that you use these peptides with the support of your doctor.

Stacking Peptides 

Stacking peptides means that you are combining the use of multiple peptide compounds. This can help both with synergistic benefits, as well as, increasing the individual benefit of each peptide.

This strategy takes advantage of the idea that each peptide has different benefits which can be used simultaneously to enhance recovery. One peptide may be supporting tissue repair and regeneration while another one may be offering anti-inflammatory or muscle growth effects.

With the help of stacking peptides, your doctor can create a comprehensive approach to health optimization. However, it is important that, besides looking at the potential benefits of each peptide, you consider potential interactions, side effects, and risk factors.

Timing and dosage have to be done right to achieve maximum benefits. For stacking peptides, I recommend The Wolverine Complex, which I will go over later in this article.

Oral vs Injectable Peptides  

Oral and injectable peptides offer two different methods of administration. Each method comes with its advantages and disadvantages.

Injectables are commonly recommended because of their effectiveness. They can bypass your digestive system and enter your bloodstream right away.

This means that they are very bioavailable. Dosage may be more precise as well.

This strategy may particularly be great for peptides that are sensitive to digestive enzymes and stomach acid. These acids and enzymes may degrade some oral options. 

Though injectables have a lot of benefits, they are not the most convenient, and not everyone likes to be poked. Oral peptides offer greater convenience and ease. They are user-friendly, needle-free, and less intimidating.

Since it has to pass through your stomach, it may be less bioavailable and less effective than its injectable counterpart. However, a good brand may improve this issue. There have been advances in better coating and delivery systems to ensure stability and absorption in oral peptides making them effective.

Which methods you choose depends on your health goals, personal preferences, and the peptides you use. Some peptides are not available in oral forms or are not as effective. BPC-157 and TB-4 Frag, however, are available in both injectable and oral forms and they are very effective in both forms.

Pros and Cons of Peptides 

Using peptides can have both advantages are disadvantages. Of course, one pain pro is that they may help to improve your body’s healing capabilities.

They may offer significant effects in lowering inflammation, improving tissue and bone repair, supporting brain health, and other areas. Results may be more noticeable than without using peptides and they may be more effective than other supplements.

However, using peptides can become expensive. Using injectables can feel invasive and not desired. Paying for your doctor’s visits can be time-consuming and costly.  Using oral peptides may reduce the inconvenience and financial burden. However, it may not be right for everyone.


If you are interested in using BPC-157, I recommend Bio Thrive BPC-157. This supplement may help in reducing inflammation, repairing small tissue, repairing brain tissue, repairing bone tissue, supporting gut health, and improving liver health.

A typical dose consists of two pills a day, so each bottle generally lasts one month (different cases may require higher dosing). Dosage should be split into two times a day at least 3-4 hours apart. Preferably take it first thing in the morning and before bed without food. If any GI distress occurs for more than a few days, then take it with food.

TB-4 Frag 

If you are interested in TB-4 Frag, I recommend Bio Thrive TB-4 Frag. This supplement can help with wound healing, soft tissue repair, scar tissue repair, immune health, nerve regeneration, and heart health.

A typical dose consists of two pills a day, so each bottle generally lasts one month (different cases may require higher dosing). Dosage should be split into two times a day at least 3-4 hours apart. Preferably take it first thing in the morning and before bed without food. If any GI distress occurs for more than a few days, then take it with food.

Wolverine Complex 

If you are interested in stacking peptides, I recommend the Wolverine Complex. The Wolverine Stack includes both BPC-157 peptides and TB-4 Frag peptides. The benefits of TB-4 and BPC 157 generally arise from the fact that these two peptides affect the same cells in slightly different ways.

Combining the two may help the ability of cells to get to the site of injury and their ability to function better and support your body longer. They may help with injury recovery, immune function, soft tissue repair, nerve regeneration, brain tissue repair, heart health, and more.


Final Thoughts

Peptides are short-chain amino acids that are made up of 2 to 50 amino acids. Various peptides offer various benefits for your body.

BPC-157 is a great peptide for reducing inflammation, improving tissue repair, supporting bone repair, enhancing brain health, supporting gut health, and enhancing liver function. TB-4 Frag is great for tissue repair, reducing inflammation, and improving angiogenesis. I recommend using these peptides for your health, individually or within the Wolverine Stack.

If you want to work with a functional health coach, I recommend this article with tips on how to find a great coach.  On our website, we offer long-distance functional health coaching programs. For further support with your health goals, just reach out and our fantastic coaches are here to support your journey.

Inflammation Crushing Ebundle

The Inflammation Crushing Ebundle is designed to help you improve your brain, liver, immune system and discover the healing strategies, foods and recipes to burn fat, reduce inflammation and Thrive in Life!

As a doctor of natural medicine, I have spent the past 20 years studying the best healing strategies and worked with hundreds of coaching clients, helping them overcome chronic health conditions and optimize their overall health.

In our Inflammation Crushing Ebundle, I have put together my very best strategies to reduce inflammation and optimize your healing potential.  Take a look at what you will get inside these valuable guides below!

Inflammation, 5 Ways To Reduce Inflammation Quickly

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  1. Won’t these peptides, passing through the stomach and intestines under the influence of gastric juice and pancreatic enzymes, be broken down into amino acids?

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