Tremors: Root Causes and Natural Support Strategies
Tremors are a common movement disorder. They are involuntary, rhythmic muscle contractions that cause your body to shake in one or several areas. Tremors most commonly affect one’s hands, but they may also affect your arms, legs, head, torso, and vocal cords.
Tremors may develop as a result of a medical condition, but in some cases, there is no known medical cause. However, if you uncover and address underlying root cause factors, you can greatly improve your health and well-being naturally.
In this article, you will learn what tremors are. You will learn about the difference between active and resting tremors. I will go over the main types of tremors. You will understand the risk factors for tremors.
I will go over the diagnosis and conventional treatment options for tremors. You will learn about the root cause factors that may increase your risk for tremors. Finally, I will offer some natural support strategies to improve your health and well-being.
What are Tremors
Tremors are a common movement disorder. They are involuntary, rhythmic muscle contractions that cause your body to shake in one or several areas. Tremors most commonly affect one’s hands, but they may also affect your arms, legs, head, torso, and vocal cords.
Tremors can occur intermittently at separate times with some breaks, but they may also be constant. Some people experience tremors only sporadically without another disorder. Others may experience tremors as a result of another disorder (1).
Though tremors may happen to anyone at any age, they are the most common in middle-aged and older individuals. Tremors tend to affect both males and females equally. Though tremors are not life-threatening, they can make someone feel embarrassed, and they can make performing work and daily life tasks difficult or even impossible (1).
Resting vs Active Tremors
There are several different types of tremors you may experience (2):
- Rest tremors: Rest or resting tremors occur while you are relaxed and sitting or lying down. These tremors tend to stop once you start moving the shaking body part.
- Action tremors: Action or active tremors cause voluntary muscle contractions. There are several different types of action tremors:
- Kinetic tremor: Kinetic tremor tends to occur when someone is performing a goal-oriented task or activity. For example, it may happen when you are trying to drink from a cup or trying to write something. If you have a simple kinetic tremor, it will be constant and feel the same during the action. An intention tremor, on the other hand, will gradually get worse as you get closer to performing the task. For example, it may feel worse as you are reaching for the cup.
- Postural tremor: Postural tremor occurs when you are trying to hold your body still to fight gravity. For example, if you are trying to hold your arms out in front of you, your arms or hands may experience a tremor.
- Isometric tremor: Isometric tremors occur when you contract your muscles against an object that’s not moving. For example, you may experience an isometric tremor when making a fist or trying to push against a wall or closed door.
- Functional tremor: Functional tremor is characterized by the combination of rest, postural, and action tremors. You may experience characteristics of some or all of these different kinds of tremors. While other tremors usually have a known medical cause, functional tremor usually doesn’t have a yet understood medical cause. It may occur due to stress or a not yet understood reason. Functional tremor tends to get better if you get distracted. For example, if you have a functional tremor at your doctor’s office, your doctors may ask you to tap the fingers of your opposite hand or do something with your opposite body part. This simple opposite action may make your tremors better. Other types of tremors usually get worse when there is a distraction like this.
Types of Tremors
There are over 20 types of tremors determined based on their appearance and cause of origin. The most common forms of tremors include (1):
Essential Tremor
Essential tremors used to be called familial tremors or benign essential tremors. The exact cause of essential tremors is generally unknown. They are one of the most common movement disorders out there. Essential tremor tends to be mild. Patients generally remain more stable. Symptoms usually affect both sides, but it may be more severe on the dominant hand.
Essential tremor generally affects both hands and arms. You may experience it when standing still or during motion. It may also affect your voice box, causing a shaking or quivering sound. It may affect daily tasks such as drinking from a cup or glass, writing, using tools, using the computer, or drawing.
The frequency of these tremors may decrease with age, but the severity may get worse, affecting daily tasks increasingly. Stress, heightened emotions, low blood sugar, fatigue, and stress may make it worse. Essential tremors can start in adolescence or in middle age. There may be a genetic component involved in many cases, and it may also be hereditary in some, especially when tremors start early in life. Essential tremors haven’t been associated with any known diseases. However, some researchers believe it may be related to mild degeneration of certain parts of the brain. We need more research evidence on this (1).
Dystonic Tremor
Dystonic tremors affect people with a movement disorder called dystonia. Dystonia happens because incorrect messages from the muscle cause overactive muscles causing abnormal postures and sustained tremors. They tend to affect young and middle-aged adults. They may affect any area of your body. Symptoms tend to get better after complete relaxation.
Dystonic tremors may be similar to essential tremors, however, there are some key differences. Dystonic tremors are linked to abnormal body postures caused by cramps and muscle spasms. They may also affect your head without arm or hand movement. They may mimic resting tremors similar to Parkinson’s disease. They may get better when touching the affected muscle or body part (1).
Cerebellar Tremor
Cerebellar tremors are slower, high-amplitude, and very visible tremors affecting your extremities. They may occur due to purposeful movements.
Cerebellar tremors may develop due to damage to the cerebellum from a tumor or stroke, or multiple sclerosis (MS) or an inherited degenerative disorder, such as Fragile X syndrome or ataxia. It may also happen when alcoholism causes chronic damage to the cerebellum (1).
Psychogenic Tremor
Psychogenic tremors may also be referred to as functional tremors. They may start suddenly and may affect any parts of your body.
They often develop to stress and may get better when distracted. They generally develop due to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, or another underlying mental health condition (1).
Physiologic Tremor
Physiologic tremors can affect all healthy individuals. These tremors are generally not visible to the eye. They cause fine shaking of your fingers and hands.
It is a normal physiological phenomenon that may happen due to muscle activation, rhythmic activities, and other normal physical activities (1).
Enhanced Physiologic Tremor
Enhanced physiological tremors are much more visible than physiologic tremors. They may develop due to alcohol withdrawal, certain drugs, hypoglycemia, overactive thyroid, or other medical conditions, but generally not due to a neurological condition. They are generally treatable and reversible (1).
Parkinsonian Tremor
Parkinsonian tremors are a symptom of Parkinson’s disease. They generally cause shaking in one or both hands but may affect your legs, lips, chin, or face. It may begin in one limb or one side of the body only.
Parkinsonian tremor is progressive, it tends to spread and get worse. Stress and strong emotions may also make them worse (1).
Orthostatic Tremor
Orthostatic tremors are a rare condition. They cause rapid muscle contractions in the leg when standing. It may cause unsteadiness or imbalance that may force individuals to sit down or walk. They may not always be visible to the eyes as they occur at high frequency, causing very rapid shaking.
However, you can feel them when touching your calves or thighs. Your doctor can also detect them by using a stethoscope on your muscles. Orthostatic tremors tend to get more severe with time. The cause is not yet understood (1).
Risk Factors for Tremors
Risk factors for tremors may include:
- Altered gene: About 50 percent of essential tremors have a genetic component called an autosomal dominant disorder.
- Age: Most tremors are more common in people over 40.
- Chemical Exposure: People working in industries that use chemicals have a higher correlation with tremors.
- Mold/Mycotoxin Exposure: People who have had documented mold toxicity have a higher correlation with tremors.
Diagnosis and Conventional Treatments
Tremors are generally diagnosed with the help of a medical and health history, physical examination, and neurological examination. Your doctor will check if the tremors affect your muscles at rest or in the actor, what body parts are affected if one or both sides of your body are affected, and the frequency and amplitude of the tremors. The neurological test may involve checking for speech abnormalities, impaired balance, or increased muscle stiffness (1).
Your doctor may order blood and urine tests to check for thyroid malfunctions and medications. They will check for underlying chronic alcoholism, drug interaction, underlying diseases, and psychiatric conditions. They may need some imaging to check for potential damage in the brain. You may receive some testing to check your ability to perform daily tasks, such as handwriting, drawing, or being able to hold a spoon or cup. Lastly, they may order an electromyogram to check for nerve and muscle problems (1).
There is no cure for most tremors, however, there are conventional treatment options that aim to help to manage the condition. Your treatment may depend on the type of tremor and underlying conditions. For example, thyroid medicine may be prescribed for underlying thyroid issues (1).
Treatment often includes medications, such as anti-seizure medication, beta-blockers, tranquilizers, Parkinson’s disease medication, and botulinum toxin injections. It may involve focused ultrasound, surgery (deep brain stimulation (DBS) or thalamotomy), occupation therapy, speech therapy, physical therapy, reducing caffeine and stimulants, and other lifestyle changes (1).
Tremors are not life-threatening. For some, they can be mild, for many, they can be disabling. Symptoms may worsen with age (1).
Root Cause Factors
Certain forms of tremors are linked to certain health conditions. Others don’t seem to have a known medical cause. But whether your tremors have a known medical condition as a link or not, it’s important to look into some underlying root cause factors that may contribute to your symptoms.
These underlying root cause factors that I will discuss are common problems that can increase your risk of many chronic symptoms and health issues and may increase your risk of developing tremors. Addressing these underlying root cause factors may help to reduce your risk factors for tremors or improve your symptoms of tremors. Addressing these root cause factors may certainly help to improve your overall health and wellness.
Chronic Inflammation
Inflammation is a normal part of your body’s defense system. Your body sends acute inflammation if you have an incident or injury, get sick from an infection, or encounter an allergen or toxin. You may notice some swelling, redness, itching, pain, or other symptoms. But your symptoms of acute inflammation will subside and go away within a few days, weeks, or some serious cases, months. Acute inflammation is an acute response to a specific event that goes away as you recover.
Chronic inflammation, on the other hand, is ongoing. It’s a low-grade inflammation that doesn’t go away. It is not a response to a specific event. Instead, it’s an ongoing response to chronic exposure to inflammatory foods, chronic stress, environmental toxin exposure, and other ongoing, unhealthy outside factors.
A 2017 study published in Muscle Nerve has found that postural tremors are a symptom of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) (3). According to a 2018 study published in Tremor and Other Hyperkinetic Movement (NY), tremors may be an often-unrecognized sign of certain inflammatory neuropathies (4).
A 2021 study published in the International Journal of Neurosciences has found a connection between chronic inflammation markers and essential tremors (5). According to a 2014 study published in Neuroepidemiology, addressing inflammation with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may help to reduce tremors (6).
Blood Sugar Imbalance
Your blood sugar balance affects your energy levels, weight, mood, mental performance, and other areas of your health. Your blood sugar (glucose) is regulated by insulin, a hormone made by your pancreas.
When you eat or drink something, your blood sugar levels will rise due to any sugar or carb content. Insulin helps to maintain your blood sugar levels, keeping you healthy.
Blood sugar imbalance is another common health issue that may cause all kinds of symptoms and health issues, including tremors. A 2020 national online survey study published in JMIR Diabetes has found that people with hypoglycemia and diabetes may experience tremors (7). A 2018 review published in Sage Journal has found that identifying hypoglycemia may be key for reducing hand tremors (8).
High Toxic Load
Environmental toxins are all around us. There are toxins in our outdoor and indoor air, tap water, non-organic and overly processed food products, household and hygiene products, synthetic clothing, and more. No matter how careful you are, you will be exposed to some toxins. However, high environmental toxin exposure can cause serious health issues.
A high toxin load may increase your risk of tremors too. A 2007 study published in European Neurotoxicology has found that 2007 study published in European Neurology has found that environmental toxin exposure, such as pesticides, cigarette smoke, painting, frosted glass, agricultural toxins, and alcohol, may increase the risk of essential tremors (9).
A 2006 study published in Neurotoxicology has found that organochlorine pesticide exposure may increase the risk of essential tremors (10). A 2015 review published in the Handbook of Clinical Neurology has found that mercury, lead, pesticide, and solvent occupational exposure may lead to secondary tremors (11).
Mold and Mycotoxin Exposure
Mold and mycotoxin exposure may also be an underlying issue behind tremors. Mold is a type of fungus that can thrive under many different conditions. It especially thrives in moist, damp, warm, and musty areas, such as your bathroom, kitchen, basement, behind wallpaper, behind drywalls, under carpeting, under rugs, and areas with leaking or water damages, as well as food, soil, and plants.
Mold mycotoxins can spread wide and far incredibly quickly. Chronic exposure to mold mycotoxins can increase chronic inflammation, immune health issues, fatigue, respiratory symptoms, allergies, and all kinds of chronic health problems. They may also increase the risk of tremors.
A 2009 study published in Toxicology and Industrial Health has found that mold and mycotoxins may affect the nervous system and cause neurological issues, including tremors (12). According to a 2013 study published in Toxins (Basel), mold and mycotoxins may increase the risk of chronic illness, including neurological conditions associated with tremors, vertigo, and ataxia (13).
Gut Dysbiosis
Your gut affects your entire body. It’s in constant communication with your brain. It’s not surprising that gut microbiome imbalance, or gut dysbiosis may increase your risk of tremors or other neurological symptoms. A 2018 review published in the Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility has found that gut microbiome dysfunction may be a risk factor and early biomarker for Parkinson’s disease, a health condition that causes tremors (14).
A 2020 study published in Psychogeriatrics has found that a fecal transplant may help to improve irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and tremors (15). A 2021 study published in mSphere has found that microbiome imbalance may contribute to dystonia, a neurological condition associated with involuntary movements (16). A 2022 study published in NPJ Parkinson’s Disease has found that microbiome imbalance may contribute to essential tremors (17).
Poor Sleep Quality
Poor sleep may increase chronic inflammation, chronic stress, and anxiety, which are all underlying risk factors for tremors. Poor sleep quality may increase your risk for tremors. A 2017 study published in Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment has found that sleep apnea may increase the risk for Parkinson’s disease (18).
According to a 2021 study published in the Journal of Sleep Research, poor REM sleep and sleep dysfunction may present in people with tremors (19). According to a 2020 systematic review and meta-analysis published in Sleep, sleep disorders are common in people with essential tremors (20).
Chronic Stress and Anxiety
Chronic stress and anxiety may increase chronic inflammation and sleep problems which are underlying issues for tremors. They may also increase stress and emotional eating and poor food choices, which may increase chronic inflammation further. Psychogenic tremors, specifically, seem to have psychological causes such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, or another underlying mental health condition (1).
But stress may play a role in other kinds of tremors too. A 2018 study published in Molecular Brain has found that early life stress and depression may increase the risk of Parkinson’s disease (21). A 2018 study published in Parkinson’s Disease has found that managing stress better may help to improve tremors in Parkinson’s disease (22).
Nutrient Deficiencies
Nutrient deficiencies may also increase your risk or worsen your symptoms of tremors. Magnesium, vitamin B12, vitamin D, and vitamin B1 deficiencies may particularly play a role in tremors:
- Magnesium: Magnesium is an important mineral critical for relaxation, muscle health, brain and mental health, and sleep. According to a 2019 review published in the Iranian Journal of Public Health, magnesium deficiency may increase the risk of neurological disorders, some of which may be characterized by tremors (23).
- Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 is essential for your nervous system, brain health, and red blood cells. Supplementation to meet your vitamin B12 needs is essential for most, especially for vegans and vegetarians. According to a 2014 study published in Neurological Research, vitamin B12 deficiency may increase the risk of tremors (24). A 2021 case report published in the Turkish Journal of Pediatrics has found that vitamin B12 replacement therapy may be helpful for infantile tremor syndrome (25).
- Vitamin D: Vitamin D is an important vitamin your body converts from the rays of the sun. You can also get vitamin D from some foods and supplements. Vitamin D is essential for your brain, muscle, bone, and immune health. According to a 2020 systematic review published in Tremors and Other Hyperkinetic Movement (NY), vitamin D deficiency may contribute to the risk and symptoms of hyperkinetic movement disorders, including tremors (26).
- Vitamin B1: Thiamine or vitamin B1 is a B vitamin that’s essential for your brain, nervous system, muscle, and heart health. According to a 2018 case report published in BMJ Case Reports, vitamin B1 may be helpful to those with essential tremors (27).
Natural Support Strategies
Now that you understand the common underlying root cause factors behind tremors, it’s time to address them. I recommend the following natural support strategies to improve your health and wellness:
Anti-Inflammatory Nutrition Plan
Chronic inflammation is one of the root cause factors behind tremors (3, 4, 5, 6). One of the main driving factors of chronic inflammation is an inflammatory diet. Following an anti-inflammatory diet instead seems like a no-brainer. A 2007 study published in Neuroepidemiology has found that your diet may affect tremors (28). They found that using an anti-inflammatory nutrition plan, such as the Mediterranean diet, may help to reduce essential tremors.
I recommend that you remove inflammatory foods from your diet. Avoid refined sugar and carbs, refined oils, artificial ingredients, additives, junk food, deep-fried food, and overly processed foods. Remove food sensitivities, food allergens, and food intolerances.
Choose organic whenever possible. Follow an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant-rich, and nutrient-dense nutrition plan with lots of greens, vegetables, sprouts, herbs, spices, fermented foods, low-glycemic index fruits, nuts, seeds, grass-fed beef and butter, pasture-raised poultry and eggs, wild-caught fish and seafood, and wild game. To learn more about the ketogenic anti-inflammatory nutrition plan, I recommend reading this article.
Get Into Ketosis
You may improve your anti-inflammatory nutrition plan by considering a low-carb ketogenic diet and getting into ketosis. Under normal circumstances, your body relies on glucose (sugar) for energy. If your body is deprived of dietary glucose due to fasting or a high-fat ketogenic diet, it starts using fat instead of sugar. This is when your body gets into ketosis and becomes fat adapted. A ketogenic, fat-adaptive state is a much more efficient way to be than relying on glucose.
Ketosis offers similar health benefits as intermittent fasting, including cellular autophagy, reduced inflammation, improved blood sugar levels, and reduced risk of disease. According to a 2006 study published in Behavioral Pharmacology, ketosis may offer neuroprotective benefits, which may lower your risk of tremors (29).
The best way to achieve ketosis is through a low-carb ketogenic diet or intermittent fasting. The best is to combine a ketogenic diet with intermittent fasting for ultimate benefits. To learn more about ketosis, I recommend reading this article, and to learn more about the ketogenic diet, I recommend reading this article.
Intermittent Fasting
As you just learned, intermittent fasting is another fantastic strategy to achieve ketosis. Intermittent fasting is also a fantastic way to reduce inflammation, improve insulin resistance, support cellular autophagy, and reduce your risk of chronic symptoms and health issues. According to a 2021 study published in Frontiers in Neurology, intermittent fasting may be beneficial for those with Parkinson’s disease (31).
Intermittent fasting is an eating strategy when you are cycling between periods of fasting or feasting. If you are new to this way of eating, begin with 12 hours of fasting, including your overnight sleep. For example, if you eat dinner at 6 pm, stop eating after 12 hours, and you will be ready to eat again at 6 am the next day. Increase your fasting period over time.
You will notice that delaying breakfast until 7 am, 8 am, or even 10 am will come naturally to you over time. Most people feel the best with 16 hours of fasting a day. To learn more about intermittent fasting, I recommend reading this article.
Reduce Stress and Improve Sleep
Poor sleep, chronic stress, and anxiety may all play an underlying role in the increased risk or worsening of symptoms of tremors (1, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22). Reducing your stress levels and improving your sleep are non-negotiables.
I recommend that you practice prayer, meditation, breathwork, muscle relaxation strategies, and gratitude. Try journaling to release negative thoughts and spot negative thought patterns. Spend time in nature. Seek support and uplifting activities with friends and family. Have some dedicated me-time as well.
Develop a relaxing bedtime routine that works for you. Avoid heavy food, sugar, alcohol, stress, and electronics in the evening. Try relaxing activities, such as journaling, reading, listening to music, coloring, crossword puzzles, and calm family time instead.
Follow a regular sleep schedule that supports your body’s circadian rhythms. Invest in a supportive bed and comfortable bedding and pillows. Add some eye masks and blackout curtains to ensure sleep-supporting darkness. Make sure to sleep 7 to 9 hours a night.
Support Gut Health
Gut dysbiosis is another underlying root cause factor behind tremors (14, 15, 16, 17). Addressing your gut health issues is critical. I recommend that you follow a gut-friendly anti-inflammatory diet. Eat plenty of probiotic-rich fermented foods, such as kimchi, sauerkraut, fermented herbs and vegetables, coconut kefir, coconut yogurt, and kombucha.
If you have histamine intolerance, skip fermented foods, though. They are high in histamine and can be triggering. Eat prebiotic-rich foods, such as Jerusalem artichokes, asparagus, onion, garlic, apples, leeks, and dandelion greens. If you are on a LOW-FODMAP or carnivore diet or feel unwell from these foods, prebiotic foods may not be right for you, though.
Take a daily probiotic supplement such as the Ultimate Probiotic. Support your digestion with digestive enzyme supplements, such as Super-D Zyme. If you are dealing with any chronic infections that may affect your gut health, talk to your functional health doctor, like myself, to help you address them through appropriate herbal supplementation and diet.
You may consider some gut testing, such as the GI Map Stool Analysis. To learn about gut inflammation, I recommend reading this article. From this article, you may also learn about the GI Map Analysis that can help to detect underlying gut infections and microbiome issues.
Open up Detoxification Pathways
Environmental toxin exposure is one of the underlying root cause factors behind tremors (9, 10, 11). Reducing toxin exposure and opening up your detoxification pathways may be helpful. Choose purified water instead of tap. Use an indoor air purifier for better indoor air. Remove chemical-filled cleaning, body, hygiene, and beauty products and choose organic and natural alternatives instead. Reduce the use of plastic. Stop smoking if you smoke and avoid second-hand smoke. Avoid synthetic clothing as much as possible.
Improve detoxification through sweating by exercising and using an infrared sauna. You can learn more about infrared sauna therapy from this article. Try BioActive Carbon and Activated Charcoal to help pull out toxins from your body to be removed through bowel movements.
Support elimination through bowel movements through a healthy diet and Bowel Mover if you have constipation. Support lymphatic health and detoxification through dry brushing and rebounding. You can learn more about dry brushing from this article. Improve detoxification through urine with proper hydration.
Reduce Mycotoxin Exposure
Mold and mycotoxins are among the major underlying risk factors for tremors (12, 13). Check your home for mold. Check your bathroom, basement, kitchen, under the carpet, and so on. You may call for professional help or use an at-home test kit. If you have a major mold problem, call a professional mold remediation specialist or consider moving
To reduce the risk of mold, fix any water damage and leakage issues. Clean your surfaces regularly with vinegar, baking soda, and other natural cleaning products. Pay particular attention to risk areas, such as your bathroom. Dry fogging your home and using a high-quality air purification system are critical. I recommend the Air Doctor as my favorite air purification system.
Use Specific Toxin Binders
Toxin binders are various substances that ‘bind’ to toxins by either trapping them or attracting them through a negative charge in your body, then help them remove them through bowel movements. They are a great tool for detoxification. Since toxins and mycotoxins are an underlying issue behind tremors, you may benefit from using some binders (9, 10, 11, 12, 13).
I recommend BioToxin Binder for mycotoxins and HM-ET Binder for pesticides and heavy metals. BioToxin Binder contains a special form of carbon that has greater binding ability. It also contains wild-crafted yucca root and fulvic acid. It’s formulated specifically to support binding biotoxins like mold, ammonia, and aldehyde systemically. HM-ET Binder is not from activated charcoal.
Activated charcoal is a long-chain carbon but is considered a spent carbon, meaning that it is like a sponge to bind toxins only in the GI System. The products we use are long and short-chain active carbon molecules, which have the ability to support life. It is derived from multiple sources of humic acid and fulvic acid. The properties used are derivatives from all sources, including multiple extracts of polyelectrolytes, polysaccharides, amino acids, and organic acids.
Address Nutrient Deficiencies
Nutritional deficiencies, especially low vitamin B12, vitamin B1, magnesium, and vitamin D, are among the common root cause factors behind tremors (23, 24, 25, 26, 27). Addressing nutrient deficiencies is critical. I recommend first testing for nutrient deficiencies. It will help you to improve your diet and what supplements you may need.
To test for nutrient deficiencies, I recommend the NutrEval Test. The NutrEval Test is both a blood and urine test that evaluates over 125 biomarkers and assesses the body’s functional need for 40 antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids, digestive support, and other select nutrients.
The NutrEval Test is the most comprehensive functional and nutritional assessment available. It is designed to help practitioners identify root causes of dysfunction and provide a systems-based approach to help patients overcome chronic conditions and live a healthier life.
The NutrEval Report Offers:
- Nutrient recommendations for key vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, and digestive support
- Functional pillars with a built-in scoring system to guide therapy around needs for methylation support, toxic exposures, mitochondrial dysfunction, fatty acid imbalances, and oxidative stress
- Interpretation-At-A-Glance pages for patient education
- Dynamic biochemical pathway charts for a clearer understanding
Use Magnesium
Low magnesium levels are among the driving potential driving factors of tremors (23). Supplementing with magnesium may help to improve your symptoms and reduce your risks.
I recommend Brain Calm Magnesium. We developed Brain Calm Magnesium in order to provide the best form of magnesium to improve brain function and neuronal health. This product helps you to focus, concentrate and perform at a significantly higher level. In addition, it is fantastic for reducing anxiety, while improving mood, memory and sleep.
Brain Calm Magnesium features key Albion forms of Magnesium (malate, lysinate & glycinate chelate) as well as magnesium L-threonate the only form of magnesium proven in animal studies to cross the blood-brain barrier. Boosting the brain’s magnesium level is vital to healthy cognition, which includes long- and short-term memory, learning, stress management and sleep. It supports your brain-blood barrier, memory, cognitive function, a healthy brain, low-stress levels, and improves sleep.
I use Brain Calm Magnesium on a daily basis myself during the daytime in order to improve my concentration and productivity. I also take some at night and have noticed much deeper and more restorative sleeping patterns. I use this product with clients that are struggling with neurodegenerative issues, mental clarity, sleep, and mood issues.
Reduce Inflammation
Since chronic inflammation is among the main driving factors behind tremors, reducing inflammation is critical (3, 4, 5, 6). I recommend two supplements to support you in reducing chronic inflammation.
Inflam Defense
I recommend Inflam Defense. Inflam Defense is a powerful combination of anti-inflammatory herbs, such as curcumin, boswellia, ginger, and rosemary extract, as well as nutrients from quercetin and rutin, and proteolytic enzymes. I love Inflam Defense because it can help downregulate the inflammatory process. It can help you if you are dealing with the negative impact of acute or chronic inflammatory conditions.
If you are looking to keep inflammation under control and have a healthy immune system, choose Inflam Defense. Take one capsule twice a day with meals, or for advanced protection, take two or more capsules twice a day or as directed by your health care practitioner.
ProOmega CRP
I also recommend Pro Omega Curcumin. This product offers a powerful new solution for systemic cellular stress. This unique formulation combines concentrated omega-3s plus optimized curcumin and the potent antioxidants L-Glutathione and N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) to achieve complete functional support for long-term health.
This combination of nutrients synergizes to impact all the major inflammatory pathways, while strengthening both the inside cellular mechanics and the outer cell membrane. The omega 3’s and curcumin help to reduce inflammation on the outer cell membrane. The L-glutathione and N-Acetyl Cysteine help to balance the immune system and protect the mitochondria and DNA.
Each nutrient plays a unique yet complementary role in promoting a balanced immunological response by supporting optimal cell function. Together, these nutrients work within cells, tissues, and organs to improve antioxidant status, normalize metabolic activity and fine-tune the critical cell signals. Additionally, they help to strengthen the body’s detoxification capabilities. Take three soft gels daily.
Final Thoughts
Tremors are a common movement disorder. They are involuntary, rhythmic muscle contractions that cause your body to shake in one or several areas. If you uncover and address underlying root cause factors, you can greatly improve your health and well-being naturally. I recommend that you follow my natural support strategies to improve your health and well-being.
Follow my tips to your glymphatic system flow to support your brain, immune, and overall health. If you want further help with your health, we offer long-distance functional health coaching programs. For further support with your health goals, just reach out and our fantastic coaches are here to support your journey.
Inflammation Crushing Ebundle
The Inflammation Crushing Ebundle is designed to help you improve your brain, liver, immune system and discover the healing strategies, foods and recipes to burn fat, reduce inflammation and Thrive in Life!
As a doctor of natural medicine, I have spent the past 20 years studying the best healing strategies and worked with hundreds of coaching clients, helping them overcome chronic health conditions and optimize their overall health.
In our Inflammation Crushing Ebundle, I have put together my very best strategies to reduce inflammation and optimize your healing potential. Take a look at what you will get inside these valuable guides below!
Fungi produce mycotoxins that are well known to be tremoragenic. Most of these therapies help reduce fungal burden, lessening symptoms.