Beat Gallstones Naturally

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Beat Gallstones Naturally

Gallstones are crystalline formations of cholesterol and calcium formed within the gallbladder and biliary tracts.  These stones can vary widely in size from as small as a grain of salt to nearly the size of a golf ball.  Gallstones are a sign of incomplete liver detoxification and pose a significant threat to the body (1).  You can limit the development of gallstones naturally with an anti-inflammatory diet and advanced cleansing strategies (2).

The gallbladder serves as a reservoir for the bile that is produced by the liver.  Bile is necessary to digest and metabolize fatty acids.  The extra bile storage allows the body to effectively metabolize fat rich foods such as steak and eggs.

How do Gallstones Develop?

Problems occur when the gallbladder doesn’t effectively get the signal to squeeze out bile.  This is a condition known as stasis where bile sits in the gallbladder for long periods of time and moves slowly when it finally gets going.

Additionally, if the gallbladder is filled with thick bile that has more cholesterol and less phospholipids and bile salts, it can become a supersaturated sludge.  This sludge allows for the development of crystal-like compounds to form that precipitate out of the solution (3).

We call these structures gallstones and they can irritate the gallbladder.  If the stones become large enough, they may even lodge into the bile duct and cause a physical obstruction that would be extremely painful and possibly life threatening.  Reports show that 25% of women and 20% of men develop problems with an overproduction of gallstones (4).

Gallstones and Gallbladder Surgeries:

Research shows that 42 million Americans suffer from gallstones but most are unaware of it.  Gallbladder removals are one of the most commonly performed surgical procedures with over 500,000 being performed every year.  A review study in the British Medical Journal found that 50% of patients who had a gallbladder surgery didn’t see improvement in their digestive health complaints (5).

The individual may experience sharp pain in their abdomen, radiating into their back.  Sometimes it just feels like right shoulder blade pain.  This may be accompanied by gas and indigestion.

If gallstones block the bile duct, the risk of infection goes up.  If the individual has the pain but is also experiencing fever, chills, nausea and vomiting then an infection has most likely begun.  If nothing is done, it can spread to the liver where it can cause jaundice, or a yellowing of the skin and the eyes.

Another condition, called gallbladder ileus happens when a gallstone slips into the small intestine and blocks the entry of bile to the small intestine.  This can only be corrected by surgery, but nutritional support should still be used.

11 Major Causes of Gallstones:

1.  Blood Sugar Imbalances: When we have poor blood sugar regulation, it causes stress and inflammation in the liver increases the production of cholesterol which concentrates in the bile.  This causes a thicker, slower moving bile.  Poor blood sugar regulation will lead too higher LDL cholesterol, higher triglyceride levels and lower HDL cholesterol.  This triad is not only a risk for heart disease, but also gallstones (6).

2.  Estrogen Dominance: When we have an overabundance of natural estrogen production or a buildup of artificial estrogen substances within our body it leads to increases in cholesterol that create thicker, sluggish bile .  Women who have used birth control pills, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or have an IUD are at a higher risk for gallstone formation (7).  Several studies have shown that the use of HRT doubles or event triples the risk of developing gallbladder disease (8)

3.   Food Allergies and Sensitivities: Food allergies and sensitivities cause a stress response in the body and cause the liver to work harder.  Additionally, food sensitivities dehydrate us as our body uses water to deal with increased stress.  This hampers proper bile production and leads to the development of a thicker, sluggish bile.

In 1968, Dr J.C. Brenemen published a paper in the Journal Annals of Allergy (9).  He was remarkably able to relieve the symptoms associated with gallstones in 100% of the subjects with a one week elimination diet.  Once he added the foods back into the diet, the symptoms returned.

The most common foods these individuals were reacting too included eggs (93% of the time), pork (64%) and onion (52%).  By removing these foods, people saw relief from their symptoms.

4.   Chronic Stress: Chronic stress reduces digestive juice production and dehydrates the body.  We also use key electrolytes at a higher rate under stress.  This all leads to a thicker, sluggish bile production.

5.   Low Fiber Diet: Fiber is critical for the elimination of cholesterol and estrogenic molecules in the body.  Additionally, fiber helps to feed good bacteria that enhance the detoxification processes of the body.  A low fiber diet has been shown to cause that same thick sluggish bile production.

6.   Low Stomach Acid Production: Stomach acid is necessary to sterilize the gut environment, metabolize proteins and stimulating all the digestive juices – including bile production in the liver and its release from the gall bladder.

7.   Obesity: Individuals who are overweight or obese produce more cholesterol which thickens the bile and causes sluggish movement through the bile duct.  This process increases the production of gallstones.

8.   Rapid Weight Loss: Weight loss in one who is overweight or obese is a great thing, however, if it happens too quickly it can increase the risk of gallstone formation.  The most common example of this is a bariatric surgery where the individual’s stomach is shortened.

Additionally, yo-yo dieting increases cholesterol production in the liver creating a super saturated, slow moving bile.  Healthy weight loss would be no more than 3 lbs per week over a period of time.  Getting the weight off is key, but doing it in a gradual way and keeping it off long-term is important.

9.  Low Fat Diets: A low-fat diet for a long-period of time reduces the overall secretions of bile, which can cause the bile to become stagnant.  The stagnancy of the bile increases the risk of bile stone production.

10.  Cholesterol Lowering Medications:  Certain types of cholesterol lowering medications increase the amount of cholesterol being bound into the bile.  This will cause more concentrated bile that is sluggish and at greater risk for forming stones (10).

11.  Leaky Gut Syndrome:  When we have damage to the intestinal lining, it reduces CCK and secretin levels.  This inhibits the ability of the gall bladder to contract effectively and can lead to biliary stasis.  

It is important to remember that the environment (sluggish bile motility) that creates the production of gallstones has been causing issues with poor digestion and sterilization of the small intestine for many years before a stone would develop.  It is important to focus on optimizing bile well in advance of developing gallstone like symptoms.


Organic Acids and Natural Enzymes:

An anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle are necessary to inhibit gallstone formation.   This diet consists of phytonutrient rich organic fruits & vegetables, grass-fed animal products and healthy fat sources such as avocados, coconut, grass-fed butter & olive oil.  Be sure to consume these fats in small quantities at a time with ox bile and a high quality digestive enzyme.

Foods that are rich in organic acids and natural enzymes are especially important for the entire digestive system including the liver and gall bladder.  These foods include apple cider vinegar (ACV), fresh squeezed lemon/lime, kombucha, kimchi, & red cabbage sauerkraut.

Liver health is dependent upon a regular fasting cycle to effectively cleans and detoxify.  A 12 hour fast between dinner and breakfast is a great daily habit.  If one were to finish their final solid food meal at 8pm they should not attempt another solid food meal until at least 8am.  This gives the body 4 hours to digest and metabolize the food and then 8 hours for the liver to cleanse.

The Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle:

Once you incorporate the 12 hour daily detox cycle into your lifestyle you can choose to increase this period of time.  Two to three 16 hour liquid fasts each week and/or a 24 hour liquid fast will keep the liver well flushed.

These fasting periods are much easier than most people believe.  Many individuals will drink fresh vegetable juices and functional beverages such as coconut water kefir made and water with lemon.  The fluid and nutrients supplies the body with very clean energy that enhances the liver’s ability to purge toxins and facilities bowel movements.

Anyone with pronounced and symptomatic gall stones should go on a liquid diet with lots of water & lemon, ACV, coconut water kefir and fresh organic vegetable juices.  Try to limit solid food to one meal per day with very moderate portions of anti-inflammatory foods.

10 Tips To Help Reduce GallStones

1.  Lemon Water:  Drink 8-16 oz of clean water with lemon and/or apple cider vinegar (1-2 tbsp per 8oz) each morning upon arrising.

2.  Fix the Gut:  Find out what is wrong with your digestive system through functional testing and work with a practitioner to fix the dysfunctions.  Y

3.  Super Hydrate:  Drink at least 3/4 of your body weight in ounces of clean, purified water.  You can add in anti-oxidant extracts and drink fermented beverages like coconut water kefir.

4.  Fresh Vegetable Juices:  Juicing fresh veggies such as kale, spinach, parsley, cilantro, watercress, bok choy, beets, carrots, mustard greens, cucumbers, celery, etc. is highly advised.  The phytonutrients are highly bioavailable in fresh juice and they will help to cleanse the liver and gallbladder.  I recommend 16-32 oz daily.  No more than 4-8 oz of it should be with beets and carrots due to the sugar.  Be sure to get most of it from the greens, using bok choy, celery or cucumber as the main juicing base.

5.  Practice Intermittent Fasting:  Take stress off your digestive system by doing a water/green juice fast for 16-20 hrs each day.  Consume only 2 meals and make one of those a protein shake and one can (dosn’t have to be) a solid food meal such as a homemade chicken soup or high quality meat with steamed veggies and a big salad with good fats.

6.  Use Lots of Anti-Inflammatory Herbs:  Look for ways to get more ginger, turmeric, oregano, garlic, basil, thyme, milk thistle, stinging nettle, peppermint, etc. into your system.  You can add dried or fresh herbs to your meals.  You can use organic herbal teas and apply essential oils among other things.

7.  Fermented Foods:  Consuming small amounts of fermented foods can be very therapeutic for the liver and gall bladder.  This includes kimchi, sauerkraut, coconut milk kefir, apple cider vinegar, natural pickles, coconut yogurt and coconut water kefir.

8. Do Castor Oil Packs:  Castor oil works to thin the bile and dilate the bile ducts.  I recommend making a castor oil pack and putting it over your liver gallbladder region for 45 minutes, at least once per day.  Ideally, doing this 3 times per day will really help open up the bile ducts.

castor oil packs

8.  Coffee Enemas:  This is not the most pleasant but perhaps the most powerful way to help detoxify your liver and gallbladder.  Read all about coffee enemas in this article.

9.   Use Healthy Fiber Sources:  Fiber helps to grab up toxins in the digestive system and feeds the microbiota.  Be sure to get over 30 grams of fiber daily through non-starchy veggies and good seeds like chia, flax, pumpkin and hemp seeds.  Nuts and fermented vegetables are also a great source of healthy fiber.  Be sure to only take in moderate amounts of nuts and seeds (2 oz at a time max – small handful) to reduce stress on the liver and gallbladder.

10.  Use a Good Liver Detoxifying Supplement:   The Gut Healing Protein is my go-to detoxification product for my clients. This is not a harsh colon cleanse that leaves you on the toilet all day, but instead it promotes a gentle and comfortable detoxification process that will not interfere with your daily life.

The nice thing is that it is also a protein powder…simple to add to smoothies and it works!  Within days most people notice they have improved energy, less pain, mental clarity, improved complexion and they sleep deeper. I have seen fantastic health results both personally and professionally using this product.


Flushing Out Gallstones

This is a great cleanse and one of the best ways to flush out gallstones.  Be sure to get medical help if you are dealing with intense pain and any feverish type of symptoms.  If you decide to do this cleanse, be sure to have guidance with a natural health practitioner familiar with the protocol.

I would recommend doing the 7-day liver cleanse beforehand in order to improve all the detoxification pathways and prepare your liver.  You want your kidneys, bladder and urinary tract in top working condition so they can efficiently remove any undesirable substances incidentally absorbed from the intestine as the bile is being excreted.  This will also soften the bile duct to help it relax, so when we do stimulate contractions it will have the best chance to expel the stones.

Green Juice – get a good juicer and do these if you can find all the ingredients.  Preferably organic.

green juice fasting, Green Juice Fasting: Benefits and How To Do It Right

Drink as many of these as you can – like 5-6 per day for 3 days and then do Gall Bladder flush.  You can add a bit of pink salt to the juice or your water, especially if feeling dehydrated and light headed going through the process.

You can also drink beet-carrot juice (8oz daily) and apple cider vinegar and water – 2 tbsps per 8oz throughout the day.

I would also recommend Traditional Medicinals – Smooth Move Tea to help with bowel movements and Nighty Night tea to help you get good sleep which is key for healing and detoxifying.

I also recommend doing Bile Flow Support and Activated Charcoal to help during this process.   Do 2 caps with each meal or green juices of the Bile Flow Support and 2 caps – 2x daily (away from meals or green juices) of the Activated Charcoal.  I usually recommend the charcoal about 1 hour before meals.

You can do these supplements on the days leading up to the Liver cleanse and while doing the 3-day green juice cleanse.

GallBladder Flush Ingredients:

4 Tbsps. of Epsom Salts

1/2 Cup of Extra Virgin Olive oil

1 large or 2 small pink grapefruits (enough to squeeze 3/4 cup of juice) or you can do fresh squeezed lemons or an organic lemon juice concentrate to make it easier.

Bile Flow Support:  This is optional but can help you get a better bile release, take 4 caps after the olive oil mixture.  I also recommend taking it for several weeks after you do this cleanse to support your bile flow.  Simply do 1-2 caps after each meal.

Pint Jar with lid

Choose a day like Saturday for the cleanse, since you will be able to rest the next day.

Take no medicines or pills that you can do without; they could prevent success.


2:00 p.m. on the Day of The Cleanse:

Do not eat or drink after 2 o’clock.  If you break this rule you could feel quite ill later.

Get your Epsom salts ready.  Mix 4 tbs. In 3 cups or 24 oz of water and pour this into a jar.  This makes four servings, ¾ cup (6 oz) each.  Set the jar in the refrigerator to get ice cold (this is for convenience and taste only).

6:00 p.m.

Drink one serving (3/4 cup or 6 oz) of the ice cold Epsom salts.  If you did not prepare this ahead of time, mix 1 tbs. in ¾ cup water now.  You can add 1 tsp of fresh or concentrated lemon juice to improve the flavor. You may also drink a few mouthfuls of water afterwards or rinse your mouth.

Get the olive oil and grapefruit out to warm up.

8:00 p.m.

Repeat by drinking another ¾ cup of Epsom salts.

You haven’t eaten since two o’clock, but you won’t feel hungry.  Get your bedtime chores done.  The timing is critical for success, don’t be more than 10 minutes early or late.

9:45 p.m.

Pour ½ cup (measured) olive oil into the pint jar.  Squeeze the grapefruit by hand into the measuring cup.  Remove pulp with fork.  You should have at least ½ cup, more (up to ¾ cup) is best.  You may top it up with lemonade (lemon/water/stevia).  Add this to the olive oil.  Close the jar tightly with the lid and shake hard until watery (only fresh grapefruit juice does this).

Visit the bathroom one or more times, even if it makes you late for your ten o’clock drink.  Don’t be more than 15 minutes late.

10:00 p.m.

Drink the potion you have made and take 4 bile flow support right after finishing the drink if you are using these.  The bile flow support are not necessary but can help you get even more stones out.

Lie Down Immediately:

You might fail to get stones out if you don’t.  The sooner you lie down, the more stones you will get out.  Be ready for bed ahead of time.  Don’t clean up the kitchen.  As soon as the drink is down, walk to your bed and lie down on your back with your head up high on a pillow.

Try to think about what is happening in the liver.  Try to keep perfectly still for at least 20 minutes.  You may feel a train of stones traveling along the bile ducts like marbles.  There is no pain because the bile ducts valves are open (thank you Epsom salts!).  Go to sleep, you may fail to get stones out if you don’t.

Next Morning:

Upon awakening, take your third dose of Epsom salts.  If you have indigestion or nausea, wait until it is gone before drinking the Epsom salts.  You may go back to bed.  Don’t take the Epsom salts before 6:00 a.m.

2 Hours Later:

Take your fourth (the last) dose of Epsom salts.  Drink ¾ cup of the mixture.  You may go back to bed.

After 2 more hours you may eat.

          Start with fruit juice.  Half an hour later eat fruit.  One hour later you may eat regular food, but keep it light.  By supper you should feel recovered.


How Well Did You Do?

Expect diarrhea in the morning.  Use a flashlight to look for gallstones in the toilet with the bowel movement.  Look for the green kind, since this if proof that they are genuine gallstones, not food residue.  Only bile from the liver is pea green.  The bowel movement sinks, but gallstones float because of the cholesterol inside.

Count them all roughly, whether tan or green.  You will need to total 2000 stones before the liver is clean enough to rid you of allergies or bursitis or upper back pains permanently.  The first cleanse may rid you of them for a few days, but as the stones from the rear travel forward, they give you the same symptoms again.  You may repeat cleanses at two week intervals.  Never cleanse when you are ill.

Sometimes the bile ducts are full of cholesterol crystals that did not form into round stones.  They appear as a “chaff” floating on top of the toilet bowl water.  It may be tan colored, harboring millions of tiny white crystals.  Cleansing this chaff is just as important as purging stones.

How safe is the gallbladder cleanse?  It is very safe.  According to renowned physician, Huda Clark, who has implemented this with over 500 cases, including many persons in their seventies and eighties.  None went to the hospital; none even reported pain.  However, it can make you feel quite ill for one or two days.

pumpkin spice tartsInflammation Crushing Ebundle

The Inflammation Crushing Ebundle is designed to help you improve your brain, liver, immune system and discover the healing strategies, foods and recipes to burn fat, reduce inflammation and thrive in life!

As a doctor of natural medicine, I have spent the past 20 years studying the best healing strategies and worked with hundreds of coaching clients, helping them overcome chronic health conditions and optimize their overall health.

In our Inflammation Crushing Ebundle, I have put together my very best strategies to reduce inflammation and optimize your healing potential.  Take a look at what you will get inside these valuable guides below!


Sources for This Article Include:

1. Shaffer EA. Gallstone disease: Epidemiology of gallbladder stone disease. Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol. 2006;20(6):981-96. PMID: 17127183
2. Gaby AR. Nutritional approaches to prevention and treatment of gallstones. Altern Med Rev. 2009 Sep;14(3):258-67. PMID: 19803550
3. Szabó G, Jakab F, Mihály K, Szentirmai A. The retention of bile constituents in biliary stasis. Acta Hepatogastroenterol (Stuttg). 1976 Nov-Dec;23(6):415-22. PMID: 1007829
4. Stinton LM, Shaffer EA. Epidemiology of Gallbladder Disease: Cholelithiasis and Cancer. Gut and Liver. 2012;6(2):172-187
5. Bateson MC. Gallbladder disease. BMJ : British Medical Journal. 1999;318(7200):1745-1748
6. Tsai C-J, Leitzmann MF, Willett WC, Giovannucci EL. Dietary carbohydrates and glycaemic load and the incidence of symptomatic gall stone disease in men. Gut. 2005;54(6):823-828.
7. Dhiman RK, Sarkar PK, Sharma A, Vasishta K, Kohli KK, Gupta S, Suri S, Chawla Y. Alterations in gallbladder emptying and bile retention in the absence of changes in bile lithogenicity in postmenopausal women on hormone replacement therapy. Dig Dis Sci. 2004 Aug;49(7-8):1335-41. PMID: 15387365
8. Thijs C, Knipschild P. Oral contraceptives and the risk of gallbladder disease: a meta-analysis. American Journal of Public Health. 1993;83(8):1113-1120
9. Breneman JC. Allergy elimination diet as the most effective gallbladder diet. Ann Allergy. 1968 Feb;26(2):83-7. PMID: 5638514
10. Michielsen PP, Fierens H, Van Maercke YM. Drug-induced gallbladder disease. Incidence, aetiology and management. Drug Saf. 1992 Jan-Feb;7(1):32-45. PMID: 1536697

one day fast, Why I Do a One Day Fast Every Week

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    1. Hi Dr . I want to the Doctor and he told me my gallbladder inflammation. I want to no if can do the flush out please

  1. Great article Dr.Jokers,

    I have been diagnosed with gallbladder stones upto 14 mm. The stomach pain is moderate. Will the gall bladder flush is safe for me in view of the size of stones greater than 10 mm.

    I started 12 hour fasting and changed my diet completely as per your valuable inputs.

    After how many days of this diet, I can try this gall bladder flush

    Thank you

    1. Thank you Kris!

      This cleanse will help you. Try the protocol starting with the green juice as I outlined it in the article and work closely with a natural health practitioner!

      1. I have a 2.3 CM stone. I am also underweight dealing with Covid and have a history of Lyme that damaged things tho altern pract killed the Lyme 99% and it is not bothering me that we can tell. What do I do?

  2. Hi,

    I have been suffering with gallbladder problems for 4 years. Im 28 year of age and a female, and i took birth control which completely messed up my gallbladder. I haven’t taken birth control for 3 years now and i still have gallbladder problems.

    Will a gallbaldder/liver detox heal the underlying issue of high estrogen in my body?


    1. Hey Brittany, yes supporting your liver and gallbladder will be very important to detoxify excess estrogens. You will also want to make sure you are avoiding estrogen mimicking chemicals in your environment by drinking reverse osmosis water, using glass instead of plastic products, consuming organic produce and pasture-raised meats, and following a diet that balances blood sugar.

  3. Dr. Jockers,
    Is it possible to flush gallbladder with Virgin Coconut Oil instead of olive oil? Is there any side effects if we use VCO?


    1. I have been searching online for the past two days looking for the answer to this
      question! … Thank you Sophia for asking the question and thank you Dr. Jockers for
      your answer!

      I wanted to know this, as a I absolutely HATE olive oil. I tried to do a liver gallbladder
      flush yesterday and threw up enough of the olive oil that the flush “didn’t take”. Very
      disappointing to go through all that and get no result!

      After reading the above about preparing with green drinks first, I believe I will start
      over and go from there!

      Thank you so much for this excellent page!

  4. Hello Dr. Jockers!

    Thank you for all this information, it’s very helpful. Thank you also for sharing your sources!

    I’m completing my first try at a 7 day water fast. I’m on day 5 right now. I’m wondering if you think doing a liver/gallbladder cleanse will be OK to do, after having fasted. I’m thinking of breaking my fast for one week, and then once acclimated to regular food again, start the liver cleanse.

    I did a liver/gallbladder cleanse two years ago and it went well. The process was similar to what you have laid out here. I’m not sure that I need another so soon, but during my fast, I’m feeling a very specific discomfort, not necessarily pain, in my right upper abdominal area, and I suspect it is the liver/gallbladder. Hence my inclination to complete another liver/gallbladder cleanse after my fast. Your thoughts are greatly appreciated. 🙂

    Thank you!!

  5. I recently learned that I have four stones and the doctor wants me to take my gallbladder out!! what should I do…im scared to drink Epsom salt because of a reaction I might have I also have high blood pressure.. will the cleanse work without Epsom salt

    1. Hey Lexxi, the epsom salt helps to facilitate the release of the stones from the gallbladder so it is an important part of the protocol. The magnesium will likely lower your blood pressure.

  6. It work!

    Just did the gallbladder cleanse and it work! Plenty of gallstones were flushed and I feel great. Thanks Dr Jockers!

  7. Dr. Jockers-You have so much great info on the gallbladder and I really appreciate it all. There are so many articles and links and I have learned so much and appreciate your time spent on the subject. I have been doing gallbladder flushes for several years and they are very effective, but I have learned so much in the last several weeks that I plan to initiate as well. I have been a patient of Dr. Dan Yachter for 10 years and asked him if he knew you 🙂 He as well recommends the intermittent fasting as well as Dr. Axe. However, someone else that I greatly respect on the subject says that it is important to eat 3 meals a day, no snacks, and drink water etc not around your meal times for proper digestion. He says that skipping meals can also cause gallstones because it causes excess bile left in the liver and gallbladder with nothing to digest and that can also form stones. I’m wondering your thought on this? This is the only area that he differs from and so if this is to be a lifestyle change, I want to get it right 🙂

      1. I take it that you mean skipping breakfast to fast for 16 hrs shouldn’t be an issue with gallstones or a poor functioning gallbladder?

  8. I’ve been diagnosed with tiny GB polyps of 0.3 and 0.25 cm last month and is causing me enormous persistent bloating, constipation and pale stool. I have read a lot of published papers says that tiny stones could be misdiagnosed with polyps. Can this protocol help me get rid of these polyps?

    Thanks Dr.

  9. Hello, I’m in the hospital now due to have my gallbladder removed in the morning. After all the videos and research tonight I’m becoming fearful of the possible issues I might have after getting my gb removed. Im thinking about being discharged in the morning before surgery is scheduled. I might not get an answer in time. But in this article it says don’t do the cleanse if you are ill. Well what about if you are actually going through an actual gallbladder attack at the moment of wanting to start this cleanse. Or were you talking about ill in another way? I’ve been having an attack consistently for about 4 days. Even the medication the hospital is giving me does not keep the pain away long enough and it’s impossible for me to lay down because it’s painful and it makes it hard for me to breathe. They did do a mri and confirmed that I don’t have one stuck or an obstruction. Thanks for your help. Please reply with helpful info Even if it is after my surgery date.

  10. Dr jockers
    I have chrons disease have underwent 2 bowel resection recently my ultrasound shows I have gallstones since I have short bowel syndrome will it be safe for me to do gallbladder flush regime?
    I have lost so much weight because of my condition I am worried it make my situation worst.
    Please do advise as I found this page with very good information.
    Thank you

  11. Dr Jockers!

    Great comprehensive regimine for gallstone cleansing. I was wondering could this work if there was a “sludge” or partial blocked bile duct? I say sludge because I had an ultrasound performed and gallstones were not identified. I used to take powder supplements by the scoop and have recently read that can be hard on your gallbladder?

    I’d like to try this if it may help cleanse ducts in general not just gallstones. Maybe they missed the gallstones?

    Thanks for any feedback!

  12. I am a 62 year old male, 5’11” 230 lbs, RUQ pain that is now mild, water fasting x 4 days, now some pear and apple juice, doing OK. Surgery wants to consult of course. Liver and pancreas labs are good, rest of abdominal ultrasound is clear. No meds or other problems. I have noticed years of sensitivity to scents, perfumes, hair conditioners, etc and read this could be from liver problems. I imagine you advise the renal and liver cleanse. Any advice? Thank you!

  13. Thank you for this, but please put your medications in mg. so we really know how much to take since not all capsules are the same.

    1. Hey there, thanks for bringing that up! Yes, not all capsules are the same. This is why I recommend dosages for the ones I trust and use clinically. The same dose of a different product may have different effects.

  14. great article. I was diagnosed with tiny gallstones several years ago and my doctor told me that they can now be removed with laser surgery. I have no idea if I have still have them, if they have grown and are causing problems for me. the only symptoms I seem to have from your list are the occasional bout of nausea just prior to a bout of diarrhea and/or vomiting. I rarely have bouts of vomiting but I am really prone to bacterial infections in my gut or an IBS reaction if I forget one of my medications. I have also suffered severe upper abdominal pain from a hernia, which I have learned how to manage. so it is iffy, anyway, what if I dont have the stones anymore, Is the flush still a good idea? compound it all with GERD. ????
    Actually the last bout of nausea I had with diarrhea was about 24 hours after a 10 minute yoga detox session. Very effective LOL

  15. Hi, great Dr.Jockers
    I am very far from you a man 59 years old from Iran,but really appreciate you about helping people and give them healthy. Dear Dr, i have some gallbladder stones in size up to 15mm.the honorable Dr.Jockers, is it safe nonsergical ,if so what should i do? i never forget your reply in my life. good luck.

  16. Hello!
    I recently did this cleanse and am a few days after my flush day and my stool is tan? I don’t have any pain so I am wondering what the problem might be

  17. Hi! Dr. Jockers
    I am a 67 yr.0ld female with Gluten & Dairy intolerance & so many sensitives or allergies to medicines & foods & soaps/lotions etc. I take natural Dissicated Porcine thyroid prescribed by my Doctor through a Compounding Lab. Low dose ( 40mg.) I had been having high blood pressure spikes here & there. Then started having this Gall Bladder issue & diagnosed with stones & being encouraged to have Gall Bladder Out. I am afraid of Anesthesia & the Antibiotics & after affects. Do you think I am good candidate for your way to rid me of my Gallstones? ( I do have good Naturopathic Doc but worried about cost of her guiding me? She assures me she can do it naturally.) What should I do? Husband afraid of fear the Medical Surgeon put in our heads if I decline surgery?

  18. Hello,
    I’ve recently been diagnosed with a single 10mm gallstone and I was wondering if the gallbladder flush would work for me ?
    I’m also not obese I think I weight about 55.5kg

      1. I see, Thank you.

        Sorry I think I might have a few more questions hope that’s fine with you guys,

        Would the Epsom salt open up my common bile duct for a 10 mm gallstone?

        Wouldn’t the intermediate fasting make me lose more weight then I already have ? Because I use to weight about 58.7kg but recently I moved to another country and I lost a lot of weight now making me weight 55.5kg and can’t seem to gain any weight anymore. I feel like the food here doesn’t “suit” me if that makes sense.

        If my common bile duct does open up and the gallstone does go through where does it go? To my small intestine or colon?

        The gallstone doesn’t give me any pain but the doctors want me to resort to surgery to remove my whole gallbladder which doesn’t make sense to me since it’s a single gallstone. I want to do what the this page suggested to do but I am scared it might backfire on me and cause pain. I understand you said “we make no promises” but I am still worried. I’m trying to shrink it with lemon, citric foods, olive oil and cutting off junk food and such until I think I feel like it’s ready to intermediate fast, so you think that’s a good idea ? or what do you think ?

        1. Intermittent fasting will help your body hold onto your muscle mass and get stress off of the gut. Sorry, we are unable to answer more of your medical related questions. Use the info in this article at your own discretion.

          1. Hi Doc, I am from Phillipines, and reviewing all comments here i saw AIESHA. well, we have same problem and worries, by her follow up question i was hoping for your answer to enlighten us and relive from our worries if we follow this FLASHING method, but unfortunately you were not able to answer her, i thought you already prove and search this method medically. so does it mean this is not a guaranted process and we are still at-risk if we follow your method?

            Is there any way that can help disolve the gallstone?

            thank you.

  19. Thank you so much for this article. Everywhere you look for information it just says to have your gallbladder removed. I just have a quick question.. I am doing a lot of what you recommend already. I did have feverish symptoms one time which is what triggered me to take action. It went away obviously and ever since I have not had a fever. Should I be concerned right now? My gall bladder is achy sometimes but nothing bad at all.

  20. Hi! I went to the ER with my first gallstone attack in feb, (no signs of infection). Since then I have done the Epsom salt flush 5 times every 2 weeks and got out lots of stones each time. Overtime I got a bit careless and started eating more and more fat (with no problems) until about a week ago I got another attack and did my 5th flush the day after. Haven’t dared eating any fat at all now, I have no pain or problems except some slight indigestion which is fine as long as I take digestive enzymes. I just wonder, about how many times do I need to do the flush until I can expect most stones to be gone? There are no natural health practitioners here in Sweden that can help me. The doctors here only offer one thing which is to have the gallbladder removed. Please answer, thank you so much!

  21. after reading the article, i realised that over the past few years being at emergency, my abdomen aching could have been caused by gallstones. i had all the classic symptoms (shivering, nausea, vomiting, exhaustion). as it was around the area of the chest and stomach, it was thought that the heart was the problem. i even got criticised by family and doctors at the time because there was no diagnosis after examination and thought i was a hydrochondriac.

    one thing confused me was the high bilirubin level in my blood tests were there for a long time but nobody bothered to investigate further what the causes were. all that time, i was worried that my cholesterol levels was only to blame for the problems in the first place when it was the gallbladder that have been responsible for putting me in hospital in the first place.

    recently my blood tests have confirmed that my bilirubin have been lowered and i did some detoxing over the past few years by taking some foods and supplements to help with lowering cholesterol which also help with the gallbladder problem altogether. also i happen to have a fatty liver even though i am not a drinker of alcohol so there is some risk of developing gallstones in the first place.

      1. Thanks for your quick response! I did it yesterday and no side effects! Wasn’t hungry at all this morning. Yeah I had diarrhea this morning and saw a bunch of greenish looking stuff floating- and out of curiosity I touched one- it was very soft. I thought gall stones are hard, don’t break easily- not sure are those floating things are real stones or not… planning to do again in 2 weeks! Thanks again for your article.

          1. Did my second flush, no side effects, noticed this time much less greenish looking stuff floating around. Dg with 7 mm gallstone and 3 mm gall bladder polyp on US. Do you recommend any more flushes? If yes, how many do I need to get rid off all the stone/polyp?. I also shared your article with my PCP who told me there are no other options to dissolve gall stones- only surgery.
            Thanks again.

          2. Did my 2nd. flush, no side effects, but this time less greenish stuff floating- I was told that I have 7 mm stone and 3 mm polyp, how many times do you think I should continue to do to remove all the stones? Shared your article with my PCP who told me surgery is the only way to get rid off the stones.
            Thanks again.

          3. Hi Dr,
            Did my 2nd. flush, no side effects, but this time less greenish stuff floating- I was told that I have 7 mm stone and 3 mm polyp, how many times do you think I should continue to do to remove all the stones? Shared your article with my PCP who told me surgery is the only way to get rid off the stones.
            Thanks again.

  22. Dear Dr. Jokers,

    Many thanks for the wonderful and educative article. Could you please advise the limits of the size of the gallstones, until which this flush is realistic and safe and after what size it’s questionable and risky to do the flush. Please don’t advise to talk to a specialist, because in the UK the only recommendation from 4 doctors/specialists in my case was to do the surgery – they don’t even consider your option, because they don’t believe in it, not because the gallstones are too big. Thank you for your time and effort.

    1. Hey Pavlo,

      You can get out all kinds of gallstones large and small with this flush! But you do need to follow the steps to make sure you loosen the bile ducts and dilate them before the flush.

      1. Thank you so very much, Dr. Jockers, for your fast response!

        This is probably blasphemy for traditional medicine, 🙂 but do you really mean that with proper preparation and proper following all the steps, you can perform this flush almost in all conditions? 1) With inflammation? 2) With big gallstones? 3) With biliary duct dyskinesia? 4) With gallbladder cyst (developed because of the gallstones) etc.?

        And the last questions are: Will the size of the gallstones influence the level of pain? If yes, how much? Will you be able to sleep because of the pain during the flush if the large gallstones are getting out?

        1. Hey Pavlo,

          It is hard to say because everyone is different and unique but yes, those conditions can see improvement but it is a case by case basis. There really shouldn’t be much if any pain if you do the process the right way. Most people do not notice any liver/gallbladder discomfort.

  23. Hello Dr. Jockers,

    Is it safe to perform the flush with the septum in the gallbladder? And what would be any medical contraindications when this flush will bring more negative than positive consequences? You are mentioning in the previous comment that it’s a case by case basis, but could you please give some specific examples when this flush shouldn’t be implemented with the gallstones disease? Thank you for your detailed answer.

  24. Hello Dr. Jockers,

    Thank you for the article. Is it safe to perform the flush with the septum in the gallbladder? And what would be any medical contraindications when this flush will bring more negative than positive consequences? You are mentioning in the previous comment that it’s a case by case basis, but could you please give some specific examples when this flush shouldn’t be implemented with the gallstones disease? Thank you for your detailed answer.

  25. Hello Dr. Jockers,

    Thank you very much for the article.
    1) Is it safe to perform the flush with the septum/septums in the gallbladder? My US Abdomen showed that “gallbladder demonstrated an irregular multi-sepated thickwalled appearance containing calculi”. Is it safe to do the flush in that condition?
    2) And what would be any medical contraindications when this flush will bring more negative than positive consequences? You are mentioning in the previous comment that it’s a case by case basis, but could you please give some specific examples when this flush shouldn’t be implemented with the gallstones disease? Thank you for your detailed answer.

    1. Hey Craig, most people will greatly benefit from the flush. I don’t recommend it for pregnant women and children, but other then that, you should have a positive response. With that said, I cannot give you medical advice, so it is best to discuss that with your doctor.

      1. Thank you, Dr. Jockers,

        The problem with my (and many other) doctors is that they don’t recommend a flush even for the normally built gallbladder. 😁. Surgery is the only option they offer. Plus they insist that because of the walls in the gallbladder the flush will bring only damage, because the stones will not ” find their way out of the labyrinth ” created by the walls inside of the gallbladder. Is it true? Are there any chances for the flush if you have defected gallbladder with the septum inside?

  26. Hi, Dr. Jockers,
    In your article you said we have to lie down on your back with your head up high on a pillow, for 20 minutes before sleeping.
    My question is do i have to sleep in the posture the entire night or i can use a different posture cause am naturally not good at sleeping on my back.

      1. What about people with sleep disorders? How crucial is it to follow the exact timetable? Can you move the hours a little bit ahead? And is it safe to take a sleeping pill in order to fall asleep during the flush? Usually, I need a sleeping pill every night anyhow. Will it have any impact on the flush effect? Thank you!

          1. Thank you Doctor,

            How crucial is it then to wake up early the next morning? If I have a sleeping pill, is it OK to sleep longer or you must force yourself to wake up around 6:00 AM?

  27. Hi Dr Jockers, I am going through the 7 day liver detox at the moment and am hoping to do the flush afterward, but I am reluctant to ingest 4 tablespoons of Epsom salt over the course of only a few hours. I know there can be serious side effects from having a high concentration of magnesium sulfate in serum. Can you provide any info to ease my mind going into this?

      1. Hey doc, I did the 7 day liver cleanse, and it helped with my pain tremendously. I only made it through 5 days before I gave in and had a big burger. Having a burger usually meant having pain for a day or two afterward, but not this time. Im assuming the fat from the burger flushed out the impacted stones. Im seeing green stones in the restroom, and most importantly, my pain is has subsided. I was wondering if i should go ahead and just jump back on the cleanse for a few days then do the flush, or should I restart entirely?

        1. Yes that is most likely what happened! So glad you are doing better. I would absolutely recommend going back on the cleanse for a few days and then do the flush.

  28. Hi Doc , How do you loosen the bile ducts and dilate them before the flush?I have one gall Stone size 9mm. I barley eat or drink and I become Bloated tightness to my stomach.What do you recommend to try first.

    1. Sorry to hear that Ken! I discuss your question in the article – drinking water with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar for a week will help. Also, using the bile flow support product will help as well.

  29. I went through the gallstone flush but couldn’t sleep because I felt very very dehydrated. When doing the flush, is it ok to drink some extra sips of water here and there just to stay hydrated? Will that impact the results?

  30. Hi doc,
    I have a question I have not
    Been diagnosed yet but with the symptoms I’m having I’m leaning towards gallbladder. I had a baby 3 in a half months ago and and a week after
    I had him I was showering and I got an intense pain in the middle of my upper back the pain radiates to my chest and to my stomach underneath my breastbone. I thought I was having a heart attack that’s how bad the pain was, it lasted about 30- an hour. Every since I have that same episode it comes and goes not everyday I feel that way .

    So I was reading your article and I think I will be starting this weekend with the liver cleanse and proceed with the gallstone flush.. does it matter if I haven’t gotten diagnosed for gallstones ? Can I still do the cleanse ?

      1. Hello, I was diagnosed with gallstones, they suggested surgery, but I will like to avoid it. Can I do this process If I’m still breastfeeding my 18 month old?
        Thanks in advance

  31. I enjoyed this article thank you. Great information. I would like to share that I did the Hulda Clark protocol and became extremely ill for over a week. I had terrible pain and a bit of jaundice and I’ve read about it happening to at least one other person.

    I plan to follow the diet protocol here.

  32. Hello Dr
    I have 1 large gallstone I’m guessing a pigment type as I pooped one of that type after a horrible attack when the remaining stone blocked the duct & started an infection etc the doctors say there is no way it will pass- this is the 2nd time I have had to go to the ER with this issue & I am wondering if I try to dissolve this stone will it get small enough to pass or do I have to live with this thing?. I have been sleeping on my right side to try to keep the stone away from the ducts but that is making my ribs flatter on one side I long to lay on my left side again someday. what do you think is the best way to approach my issue? It took a month to feel less sore in the gallbladder liver etc area after the last attack. Every Dr says take it out- I don’t want to. other family members had theirs out & they had dumping and other digestive issues after removal & I just do not want my life to be attached to a commode.

      1. My doctor says this Gallstone flush is dangerous. There is no way to pass a stone through a tiny duct. He says those green balls in peoples stools are just olive oil mixed with other things. He has a doctor friend that says he has to operate on many many people that try these.

  33. Hi Dr Jockers,
    I have had gastric sleeve surgery 3 months ago and also started HRT patches 3 weeks ago, I am now experiencing some pain on the upper right/middle area of my ribs. I am worried this could be gallstones as i believe having the gall bladder removed after having a sleeve would lead to bile reflux something i really want to avoid. Is this protocol safe for some who has had sleeve surgery ?

  34. Thank you Dr Jockers
    I have followed your instruction to flash gallbladder stones more than 5 weeks ago and the result was as expecting for the first time. And done it again 2nd time, the result was unbelievable. I had 3 flashes in bigger sizes at first and the final 3 flashes were with hundreds of small stones. One thing I could say was, never suffered bad pain, just a bit of discomfort at right side of upper stomach.
    My question is, I was wondering why I did not have a huge problem for carrying all these stones in my gallbladder. Is it possible that one could not feel pain until it is too late or else?
    Would you advise me to try the process again in every 4/5 weeks until it shows no stones.
    Your advice is much appreciated

    1. While we can’t give medical advice, many people have done this with large stones. The key is to really embrace the softening phase with the liver cleanse process to soften and open up the bile ducts before doing the flush.

  35. Hi! Was wondering what can u substitute grapefruit with? Coz it’s very difficult to get that fruit where I am

  36. I’ve just did the flush last night and today. Couldn’t spot any stones or chaffs, but I woke up to lower right site belly and lower back pain and discomfort. Then my toes and fingers got achy and got hives on my face. What to make out of it?

  37. Hi Dr Jockers Please tell me which digestive enzyme products i would benefit from taking that you sell. Unfortunately my gallbladder was removed 15 years ago. Can i take the bile flow support?? i am presently taking the super digest HCL with meals. I appreciate your help and advise .. thank you

  38. Dear Dr. Jockers,

    Is there any health tips, diet and supplements to reverse a chronic Cholecystitis?

    Thanks! Irina

  39. Dr Jockers,

    I just did the gallbladder flush. I had hundreds of pea green “stones” come out. But, these aren’t really gall stones, are they? What are they?

  40. Is it OK to alter the times to two hours earlier? So we would stop eating at 12 PM, first Epson salt drink at 4 PM and follow the schedule just alternate by two hours?

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